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NRS please fix these Frost's issues!

  1. you can't connect B22 to DB4 from maximum range ( Reason : this string is Frost's main footsie tool. frost is designed to stay at midrange to play best , which is a BIG DEAL. )
  2. remove gap from B22 ( Reason : before day 1 patch , B2212 was +1 on block ... so that made sense to make a gap for this string. but now it has changed to -15. it makes NO SENSE or fair to have a 27 frames gap for a punishable string. specially at high levels it is big deal because your opponent can kill you for that. )
  3. Change requirements for BF4 Krushing Blow ( Reason : before day 1 patch , Microburst was designed to pop the opponent up for corner combos only. the drill special move was meant for corner carry for that to happen. but after the patch her play style changed so much. Frost needs meter for doing damage and wasting second meter for Amplify Drill is not a good choice at all. once again PLEASE CHANGE THE REQUIREMENTS ! she really needs it )
  4. remove gap from 134 ( Reason : having a gap in 132 string actually is fair due to being plus on block , but why should 134 string has gap ? it's -2 on block and it can be a great tool to trick opponent. )
  5. making amplified DD1 to absorb 2 projectiles ( there's no reason to use amplified version of this move , please make this viable )
and that it... that's all she needs to see more of her in tournaments and online play.
i believe she's super good but these issues are kinda weakening her overall. if NRS listen ( and i'm praying for that to happen for the upcoming patch ) and fix these minor issues , Frost would be so solid. ( specially the gap in B22 and KB requirement ).

Groove Heaven

I don't necessarily agree with #1 or #2 but I mostly do agree. I definitely don't think she needs a full confirm into 30% every time she nails you with full range b22, and I think taking the gap out of b22 would make her a super bully since spin is so good but I definitely wouldn't mind if NRS blessed us with those buffs.

I REALLY want #4, I have that she basically has two of the same option off a blocked 13 but one has a better reward on block, kind of defeats the purpose of 134 existing. And yeah, the bf4 KB sucks, I think I've gotten it in a real match like twice and it really doesn't even yield that high of a reward. She's not a KB character (except on throws) and that's fine but damn, what's the point? I don't even do her b2212 KB unless I have the opponent in the corner, it's not worth 25% meterless midscreen.