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No Sub-Zero in the Story trailer


I really don’t get invested in the stories in this game, but if Frost kills Sub I will rage

Dumb thot shouldn’t be able to beat him in any circumstance and his arc has been incredibly satisfying in the new timeline, going full circle from seeking vengeance for his brother, hunting and killing Sektor, to forgiving Scorpion and reforming the Lin Kuei to be better than ever. Would be a terrible way to ruin it.

I stopped expecting a great story since MKA, but at the very least they better not ruin this with her killing him but I think she will have succeeded in one universe seeing as there's gonna be multiverses in this story as well.

But I really hope I'm wrong and they're going to build an alliance with Bi Han & Kuai Liang rather than making them "enemies". It's the only way to fix Noob's dumb ass one dimensional story/character

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
Spoiler: Sonya and Sub-Zero die in storymode, but after Cassie Kkills Kronika without any help or effort, Son and Sub are both alive again and have a big family party again, Jax joins in with his stupid sigar and spoils that he will be in the next MK game, and the next, and the next after the next. End of story


That Story mode trailer is not the final trailer. There's much to show about the Story, maybe we will see more on the launch trailer.

Subby Z

I do have a bad feeling that Frost has something to do with this. In fact giving her this big revamp makes me think it even more. I can’t think of anything worse than having his female clone kill him. Yikes, please NRS do not do this. She already makes me pissy that I would rather have Fujin as the token 3D era character.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
He's not going to die, he already died and came back lol. Lot of people weren't shown in the story trailer I bet will in the game though.
'Zero's likely been put on ice. They likely iced 'Zero because his design is frozen in time and the game's thawed -- moved on. Ice to have known you, 'Zero...

Having sled that, it is indeed as cold as ice, to be willing to sacrificed a character fans love. Giving the much-loved stalwart the cold shoulder, is a low blow to his historically chilled fans. ͝° ͜ʖ͡°


I think no clone will be better for his health competitively

Agree about bland looking moveset, he will still be one of my day 1 characters though so I hope I’m proven wrong. Maybe he’s more fun than he looks.

They’ve actually been treating him well in the story I think, he was the biggest badass in the comics, he ripped Kano’s fucking eye out, killed Sektor and an army of cyber ninjas without breaking a sweat, beat the shit out of Scorpion and Takeda at the same time and only lost the fight when he refused to fight back. Scorpion even inderectly admits to Takeda that he feels confident in fighting Sub-Zero because he now has Takeda for backup.
I think the problem is we are seeing a lot of people do the same things in gameplay to the point it makes some characters look more bland. I just watched the Brazilian community sets and Scorpion/Geras look much more fun in capable hands and I liked seeing Saucy Jack play Sub-zero. The low brow play makes it much harder to judge. I will say he looks really fun with that ice shard, chip heavy special for people that wanna be less 50/50 focused and more block pressure oriented.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I think the problem is we are seeing a lot of people do the same things in gameplay to the point it makes some characters look more bland. I just watched the Brazilian community sets and Scorpion/Geras look much more fun in capable hands and I liked seeing Saucy Jack play Sub-zero. The low brow play makes it much harder to judge. I will say he looks really fun with that ice shard, chip heavy special for people that wanna be less 50/50 focused and more block pressure oriented.
I’m definitely gonna give him a try, I’m not just gonna totally clock out on my favorite character, I’m just keeping more of an open mind this time with other characters, Johnny and Cassie especially look amazing, Noob could be awesome too. I’m digging Jade’s look and sound design especially but not necessarily enough to play her.


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
Sub zero will be the comic relief character in this game. I expect him to bring alot of slapstick humor and jokes involving farts and ice.
Sub-Zero’s storyline moments may include confronatations with Noob and Frost. May even have a moment with Rev Smoke during the battle of Netherrealm. He’s definitely going to be doing more than mentor stuff and convos with Scorpion.


Cages_Shades from MKO
The story trailer is mostly things from chapter 1 and the early part of the story, plenty of time for sub zero and others to be part of it.


Sub-Zero’s storyline moments may include confronatations with Noob and Frost. May even have a moment with Rev Smoke during the battle of Netherrealm. He’s definitely going to be doing more than mentor stuff and convos with Scorpion.
I hope he gets a chapter. Seeing as they're doing the chapter stuff again from Injustice 2, I imagine his will be a shared one with Scorpion or Noob.