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Nightwing 50%+ Combos (NO SUPER)


I want Kronika to step on my face
BTW in Staff in the corner you can get over 50% with only 2 bars.
This combo:
J2 1F1 xx MB GP J3 1B1 D1 xx MB SS D2 xx SS
does 51%, 20 hits.

This is better than spending 4 bars for 54%.


CORN | gpmoney. Saltier than a bag of chips.
I still use the Take a chance combo its a classic
corner staff
j2, 1f1, Mb GP, j3 (on the way down) 1,1,1, d1(or D2), MB staff spin,d1 , staff spin I think its like 50+

oP Twist

Unknown Nightwing
BTW in Staff in the corner you can get over 50% with only 2 bars.
This combo:
J2 1F1 xx MB GP J3 1B1 D1 xx MB SS D2 xx SS
does 51%, 20 hits.

This is better than spending 4 bars for 54%.
You can get 51% with an easier combo j2 1f1 GP MB J3 1 1 1f1 ss mb d2 ss