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Mortal Kombat: Deception 20th Anniversary! Share your memories!

All, today Mortal Kombat: Deception turns 20 years old. I personally have some really fond memories of this game. Honestly, I really wish this game would receive online support again. Regardless, I'll start by sharing that this game started me on the online community as this game was the first Mortal Kombat to have online play.

Share your stories!


Scott Naylor


I bought it a few years back to play it for first time, definitely wish I got it back in the day.

I love how you can just walk up and rock random people! But I wish I remembered my profile code :confused:
Never got to play this game online but I played it with my brother constantly. Probably watched the intro video in full over 100 times. Exploring the MK universe through conquest mode for the first time was mind blowing.

Love this game.
I got it on release thanks to a fair share of family effort, my older sister used to get PSMagazines which where we've seen the release date, at the time we had deadly alliance and played the hell out of it.

When deception came, omg, we played a lot, the konquest, the stories, we were so hooked on the story, specially with the expansion of them realms, being in netherrealm for the second time since mythologies.
The modes, also puzzle kombat has to be one of the best modes NRS ever put in their titles.
Chess Kombat
the amount of lore and stages, that i think Armaggedon kinda felt short compared to what Deadly Alliance and Deception brought to the game.
It was also at this time (DA to Deception) that NRS music kinda peaked with a style so unique, there was an atmosphere to the chinese songs, the techno ones and the metal ones, that just hit the right spot

Last year i did a tribute to this era with a song, i'm pretty sure you guys recodnize immediately,, if you want to hear it:
To this day, the only title that truly does the larger MK universe justice IMO (one could argue Shaolin Monks does too, but it’s a different vibe). Sadly the most important part (the actual kombat) leaves a lot to be desired, that’s the only thing holding it back from being my favorite MK ever.

It baffles me how they haven’t been able to make a soundtrack as good as MKD/MKA in ages, but MK9 is also good and the newest tracks in MK1 are bangers as well. Still, I miss Falling Cliffs every day.

Also Tanya’s there, so it’s good.
Still and forever my favorite MK of all time.

Still and forever salty about the first time I beat all of the Black Dragon to awake KOCHAL...aaaaand it just turned out to be a box of Koins.
Never got to play this game online but I played it with my brother constantly. Probably watched the intro video in full over 100 times. Exploring the MK universe through conquest mode for the first time was mind blowing.

Love this game.
That intro alone puts to shame the entirety of mkx mk11 and mk1 vomit inducing stories.
This game was incredible and is my equal favorite in the series. So much content it was ridiculous.

Konquest was amazing and epic. Filled with lore and cameos with characters not in the game.

I did not have any spoilers before getting the game and Zombie Liu was a massive shock and surprise - still mu favorite version of Liu.

Chess Kombat is my favorite mode ever and needs to return.

It also introduced Ashrah - my main in the game and one of my faves in the series.

I played this so much I must have burnt a hole in the disk!
My favorite MK. Atmosphere and music peaked here for me, the chills I felt when I first fought Onaga in arcade, and the ecstacy I felt when I realized I can break the kamidogu. Running around exploring the realms knocking teeth out, finding peoples dogs. Just the light chill vibe of exploring Earthrealm just to get hit with the nightmare that was the Netherrealm was a genuine shock to younger me and I think that encapsulates MK. Would love to see a fully realized Konquest mode someday. Remember playing puzzle kombat for hours with my dad cause he absolutely loved it and I wish Nrs could do more game modes. Minus a few duds, I loved the roster. Never gaf about Ermac, then he was my favorite ninja all the way until MK9 Noob. It was cool to see Nightwolf and Sindel brought back.

Deception really was something special
this game is the definition of an amazing title but its absolute dogshit competitively. What a fucking mess once you start playing at a high level. You cannot deny though, its a fucking masterpiece of a single player experience.
I still remember the excitement to play this. Got my PS2 online dongle super late in the game, and got introduced to the online competitive community. I remember being so excited to finally get to play against other people!

Played this random guy who did a dairou glitch or infinite on me, then apologized after the match. To which my response was, huh? You don't need to apologize for competing, I just want to get better!

Didn't realize I was in the minority of people who had that mindset. Lol

Anyhow... that Dairou player ended up being @M2Dave man... where does the time go!
this game is the definition of an amazing title but its absolute dogshit competitively. What a fucking mess once you start playing at a high level. You cannot deny though, its a fucking masterpiece of a single player experience.

I rarely play the single-player content of fighting games, but Konquest was so good that the mode could have been its own game at that time.

Deception was the first mainstream fighting game with online accessibility, which is quite an accomplishment considering that Internet speed used to be a lot slower.

Speaking of online, I could write a book of the stories, the drama, the feuds, the clan wars, etc.

MKU was the modern Facebook/Twitter of the Mortal Kombat community. The shoutbox was toxic every day.

Shoutout to the players of that era who are still around (i.e., Check, DanCock, Krayzie, Moe81, Tom Brady, etc.)

Of course, I have to end this post with the following video...

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