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Mortal Kombat 11 Show Matches - Body Count Fighting at Mortal Kombat Day 2019


Reverse Salt
Sonic - Erron Black ?
Scar - Sonya or Smoke ?
Grr - Huge char maybe the new one that is a Grappler ?
Dragon - Tanya , Raiden ?
Hayatei - Scorpion or Takeda ?
Rewind - Rainde or Kitana or Reptile ?
Tweedy - Kenshi or Jacqui or new zooner ?
HooneyBee - Dvorah ?
... Isn't that the case with every competitive thing? XD
"If the winner didn't win, then the runner-up would"
Yeah but I just meant in the sense of the such and such "is always winning and killing hype" narrative. Its usually the same players in the finals anyway.


Yeah but I just meant in the sense of the such and such "is always winning and killing hype" narrative. Its usually the same players in the finals anyway.
Well, when they're the better players than the others, that makes sense.
Though it's always cool when an underdog suddenly plows through the ranks.