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Video/Tutorial more consistent way to get the reset

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
Apart from CD jr and his 'guaranteed' reset, haven't really seen anybody discuss any methods of landing the reset consistently. This is what I have found that seems to work the best. I won't say it's 100%, but it should help you land it more often, and from any scenario involving a regular Smoke Bomb.

Basically any time a Smoke Bomb hits, you can jump forward+punch, half dash F4~Ex Smoke Bomb. The timing seems to vary a bit depending on how many hits were before the smoke bomb(thus affecting gravity), but if you hold up+forward right after the smoke bomb and punch when they're about halfway reanimated on the screen, then half dash~F4~EX SB, you should have a good starting point.

I've made a short video showing some of the scenarios it can be used. Excuse my poor execution in some of these. I'm not a Smoke player, and for the last 2 I was managing the 2nd player block button with my feet, which threw me off mid-combo. The first 2 are against the cpu; I had recorded earlier with a human but the game fucked up the recordings so had to do it again by myself. I assure you they work on a human, though.

I hope this helps.



(S)teel (V)alley (K)ombat
I actually sent a video somewhat similar to this to KT Smith last week. It seems like the biggest issue people have with Smoke's resets isn't that there's a lottery at random, but rather, a very specific height from the ground that they must be in order for the reset to be effective.


EX Ovi should launch
This combo doesnt help guarantee the reset in my experiences. It carries the enemy to the corner better than other combos would, but only marginally. Corner carry is not essential with smoke, i will be making a thread later on to bring this little known/exposed tactic to life and GREATLY improve smokes mid screen threat.

EDIT: By later on i mean tonight. Im at work currently and doing things that arent work based is taboo here...unless the boss isnt looking.
It increased my personal effectiveness of performing the reset off of the following combo pretty significantly. In other combos not so much but this particular one it helped a lot.

jip 3d12 > njp > 32 > 4 xx bomb > jump punch > f4 xx EX bomb


EX Ovi should launch
I believe theres space for another 32 or 3d12 maybe after the smoke bomb in that combo, so il play about in the lab and see if it will be possible to fit 3d12, njp, 32, 32, then a smokebomb , but its going to be harder to link SB and get more damage from the combo with that much before the SB.

In my head i can think of 3d12, njp, 3d12, 32, then either 3d1xxSB / 2, d1 SB (REALLY HARD TO DO MIDSCREEN) / b2,3 SB (unlikely) or just naked smoke bomb to catch them in the fall, but thats not really going to squeeze out the last few %.

Il make some notes in the lab tonight, and will post my findings here, hopefully in list format with the combos, damage %, and any alterations that can be made to it.

Any combo listed for smoke can be finished with JKxx Airthrow then EX Bomb otg for 10% unscaled, they will always be his strongest 1 meter combos without using resets, incase anyone was interested.


This works for me, and I'm not a smoke player. So it DOES increase the consistency. I'm at about 50% with a b2,3,sb.

Thanks for sharing Soonk, and not just keeping this for yourself.


Please don't send them to just KT Smith. I don't mean to talk bad about you man but if there's Smoke tech that's being kept under wraps from the rest of the community, well, that's shitty dude. Especially if its a way to perfectly time the f4 reset consistently. Please post it up here for everyone to see, everyone to discuss, and everyone to decide what needs to be done about it, regardless of whether it becomes a standard BnB for Smoke's play OR a call for nerfs. It really bugs me that we, as a community, don't actually have this option. (assuming CDjr's reset tech actually exists and there wasn't trolling on VSM, but I have my reasons to believe it wasn't just trolling).
I know you arent attacking him, but it is actually to the player. Tech such this could come handy anytime, what would just want to give away for free, specially if a more consistent way to the smoke resets. No, that but he aint only one, i bet half of the biggest name in the mk community hold some new tech to reveal at any time. I heard shujidink has some new tech with Quan, and hasnt revealed or spoke about it. I even had mine, before Check decided to post subzero ice puddle reset and just got all the credit.

Now if Smoke's reset is high dependable, then that is crazy. Cause that would mean, it is just a matter of time someone finds a 100% or even more consistent way in doing. I would like to see what would happen then.
smokey I only say that combo because it really shows the power of bomb > jip > f4 bomb. And it does near-optimal damage, however I'm sure that checking out a few other iterations can yield higher numbers.

Creepy00 yeah, very true. At least it's not a 100% unbreakerable reset combo like Cyrax has...


EX Ovi should launch
This isnt "new" as such, its quite an old concept, i just dont think its been applied when looking at the "Consistancy" of the reset.

As i have said to Frothy, any combo that ends with Smoke bomb , f4 xx EXSB will be the "most consistant" because it has the least variables controlled in game. YOU as the player control the timing on the f4, and if you got it down, you got it down.

Doing quarter dashes and jump punches adds more things to effect the end result. However it does prove to be an easy way of getting that f4 into the corner without having to rely on that human control element, so for many this definitely will improve consistancy.

Without a doubt this needed to be shared, i dont think this combo has been brought to light as much as it should have, the jump punch f4 is a brilliant combo for pushing your opponent into the corner that extra tiny bit, unfortunately whenever i have used this combo in the past i have seen it as a "corner carry" effect, because i didnt personally see any ground breaking results where the reset was concerned, should i have done i would have made an effort to make a video and post it myself, so big reps to Soonk and whoever helped work on this for bringing it to the publics eyes!


EX Ovi should launch
Double post but note for any reset haters.

They arent intentionally in the game. I dont think smoke even needs this sort of damage to be competetive, but while he has it in the current build of the game, you should use it. Unfortunately theres no way to ban resets in the tournament scene, so if you arent using them you run the risk of being beaten by someone who is.
I know players like Mustard get away with playing cyrax without resets, but his standard of play makes up for that, however without a doubt if he was to use resets he would be even more threatening as an opponent.
CDjr i dont think has hit a reset on stream (that i have watched) and still his smoke is very high level and is placing consistantly in tournaments alongside Jax, whos resets are very situational, although very powerful.

Player who whine about resets are just making it worse for themselves. If you really care that much, like i see people wanting to ban cyrax from evo because of his reset potential, then just pick that character up and play it for yourself.

NOBODY is going to win a major relying on resets to carry them. The characters who use the resets do so as an "icing on the cake" that enhances their playstyle, which is already very strong and capable of taking tournaments in the right hands.

When theres a serious upset involving a reset that breaks down the whole match/tournament standings, and really does have a bad effect on the outcome, then by all means cry as much as you want. But at the end of the day, if you think other players have an advantage over you because their character can do a damage reset, then pick that character up and show us exactly how powerful and gamebreaking they are yourselves because crying gets you no-where.

Theres more dirt in this game than just resets, and nothing i can think of (APART FROM RUNETRAP MAYBE) is going to make or break a tournaments outcome by relying sole-ly on it. Put it this way: if you lost, its probably because you didnt play well enough, not because the other player used resets.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I was just looking for a way to make it easier, and this is what I came up with. I pm'ed it to a few people, and they all said it was much easier, so figured I'd share it. Even though the resets are bullshit, imo, if someone else has guaranteed reset tech they're keeping to themselves, that's even more bullshit. I figure this can help level the playing field a bit.


well cat is out, ive noticed that if you F4 at smokes crotch level roughly, hits anywhere, i am at about 90% constant :p
so it has to be the distance from the floor.


yup, but the more you try it, the more you incorporate the reset into your bnb combos like if it was always there xD


EX Ovi should launch
yup, but the more you try it, the more you incorporate the reset into your bnb combos like if it was always there xD
Terrible habit unfortunately. You waste your 1 bar without thinking, and also give up good oki from jk airthrow enders and other such spacing options for oki crossups and such. Try not to do the f4xxEXSB unless your sure its the right moment.


Terrible habit unfortunately. You waste your 1 bar without thinking, and also give up good oki from jk airthrow enders and other such spacing options for oki crossups and such. Try not to do the f4xxEXSB unless your sure its the right moment.
sorry but if the oponent has no way to break away a 60%+ combo, i am using that 1 bar lol, but i get it, trust me, meeter is everything in this game.


EX Ovi should launch
sorry but if the oponent has no way to break away a 60%+ combo, i am using that 1 bar lol, but i get it, trust me, meeter is everything in this game.
Oh yeah without a doubt, but if your bnb is a semi-consistant 1 bar combo that could either reset for 60%+ or waste a meter and do fuck all, you need to be aware of when your gonna gamble the meter or take a guaranteed option.

You can end a combo in JK airthrow and then otg EX smoke bomb for 10% unscaled damage, this pushed most bnb's above 50% and isnt a gamble to whether you can hit it. Think about it!


Oh yeah without a doubt, but if your bnb is a semi-consistant 1 bar combo that could either reset for 60%+ or waste a meter and do fuck all, you need to be aware of when your gonna gamble the meter or take a guaranteed option.

You can end a combo in JK airthrow and then otg EX smoke bomb for 10% unscaled damage, this pushed most bnb's above 50% and isnt a gamble to whether you can hit it. Think about it!
i do lol, i am not new to smoke, but thanks lol


EX Ovi should launch
i do lol, i am not new to smoke, but thanks lol
With all respect, i didnt doubt that you know what youre doing, was just adding my input as to why using a 1 bar semi-consistant reset combo as your bnb combo isnt always going to be the best option.
Meter for breakers and that other stuff (funny how smoke seems to be just about his reset right now) is almost as important as getting a big combo.
Chances are you wont get to do the reset combo that often in matches, and when you do its going to fail in loads of instances, and the way this game works you need to think about meter more than anything, so spunking it away at every given opportunity is counter productive. I doubt this is anything new to you though as i know you are a good player, but you arent going to be the only person that reads this so its good info.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I was practicing and using this...ended up with a 100% that works anywhere for 2 bars. But my execution is buttcheeks, so I'm not that consistent with it.


EX Ovi should launch
If everyone is getting this as consistantly as they make out on a human holding block then i think this is going to make smoke really popular all of the sudden. If not then youre in the same boat as we smoke players have been since the reset came about.


If everyone is getting this as consistantly as they make out on a human holding block then i think this is going to make smoke really popular all of the sudden. If not then youre in the same boat as we smoke players have been since the reset came about.
otg didnt make him popular this wont either

people have the mind set that smoke is a one trick pony and when that pony gets killed people drop him like a rock
they dont realize he is top teir for way more then his damage.


EX Ovi should launch
Well, if you can pick him up and do a 100% combo with him straight up then hes clearly going to see a rise in cheap bastards using him, giving smoke a bad name, more people crying for nerfs and generally putting bad rep to what is a very good and balanced character, minus the odd damage reset.


Well, if you can pick him up and do a 100% combo with him straight up then hes clearly going to see a rise in cheap bastards using him, giving smoke a bad name, more people crying for nerfs and generally putting bad rep to what is a very good and balanced character, minus the odd damage reset.
rofl day 1 gave him a bad name

noob teleporting smoke im gonna quit at the selection screen lol