This Kabal downplay truly is a travesty of the highest order.
@MKK hanzo Apologize
Haha its ok, but regardin offline play, how many good Kabals or Smoke or Ermac have you guys fought? Im curious, but at the same time I dont want to sound offensive, but there are facts that have to be said.
Most of the tier list here are made by:
Online players: Wich opinion canbe taken with a grain of salt, because its NOT the same game. Even with 5 or 7 frames of delay, wich is very playable, makes one frsmer punishes or reads unneffective, so the game has to be played differently and at a WAY lower level of skill. Most of them dont have an pffline community, and while it obvioously NOT their fault, they dont qualify to these tier making/matchup charts.
They are simple at another level.
Old players that dont accepted/adapted to Glitch jabbing or say that it "breaks the game":This is self explanatory and shame on them.
Theory fighters: Players that cant backup or do what they say.
Players that have mad skill,but dont have good competition: Also, self explanatory.
In resume, for example when I see stuff like "South America downplaying Kabal", its funny.
Hasnt SA proved to be the very best in the game?
Werent even the best US players from SA? (Marvin, CD, the recent Chilean pkayer that went go GGA and won all 3 MK tourneys back to back)
Why downplay SA when they have not only provided RESULTS backing up all their talk, but won everything?
Just a look at tournament offline vids is all anyone that KNOWS the game needs to see this.
Kabal NOT winning everything but Ninjas shoild be a clear indicator of what the tier shows.
Also, he is UP THERE, 3rd on the list. Is bad a third place?
That also could be labeled as racism, but Im not that whinny nor care.
I'm really curious about how classic sub is better than unmasked sub
If you mean, U Sub vs C Sub directly, the chart says its 5-5.
One punch starter is all he needs. I posted on FB on how the game is played today and how characters that have punch juggle starters can safely block option select ALL their combo attempts. U Sub cant hold the keepaway Ice Clone game forever and while both at high level are gimmicky, masked Sub has ninja normals that are on par with U Sub best normals (standing HK. Uppercutt, Standing Lk) some are better like the RH for AAs. Both have standard sweeps that BOTH can punish with slide.
One thing is that, sometimes if U Sub isnt cautious on his offense, he can get accidental Ice Shower when gping from crouch to run foward and punch starter. This can be corrected by holding RUN in these instances.
Both can freeze a blocked Hk/Lk and from there the difference in damage is obvious and marks a difference.
If it is vs other chars, I can go in depthnin a while. Lots of writting needed!
Tier list should be make with account of BOTH players actively thinking while in match, not like the other cant see, react or read what one is going to do.
Sorry for the typos, Im on a bus right now.