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MK11: Which Characters do you think won't return?


Johnny bought a car
This is terrible logic because quite a few people who died in MK9s story mode were playable in MKX. There’s characters who survived MK9 and weren’t even seen or mentioned in MKX
It's clear they are taking deaths more seriously. You can tell since you don't see a "Sindel rampage" scene anymore and they aren't just killing characters mindlessly anymore ever since the first Injustice. Plenty of characters have died and didn't come back. Quan and Shang died in the Deception intro, they weren't on the roster. Liu Kang died in the Deadly Alliance intro, he wasn't on the roster.


...more deadly than the dawn.
I really hope Erron Black makes a comeback. Far and away my favorite new character in the last game.
This is terrible logic because quite a few people who died in MK9s story mode were playable in MKX. There’s characters who survived MK9 and weren’t even seen or mentioned in MKX
Sure a few of them were humanized playables, but still revenants. Atleast they had a face, but Mileena doesn't have one.

All other characters that died in MK9 were in MKX as either NPC or in Endings. The only ones that weren't seen was Noob and Shao Kahn. Although Noob was mentioned.

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
The dream realm is not even canon to the games.
I really want an asspull for Mileena. It wouldn't feel like MK without her crazy ass running around somewhere

THAT would be sick!

But i think its time for a brand new female character :)
The idea of Mileena and Jade pairing up to bring down Kitana makes me moist. The only brand new female they need to make is if its a fully fledged hybrid of Jade and Mileena. Im talking armored flash ball rolls
Jax will DEFINITELY be in the game.

He hasn’t missed a game since his introduction in MK2 and he’s the token black guy lol.

And for the people who will say “but MKD bro”, stop. He was in unchained.
Unchained isn't on console and doesn't count. Although, Jax died in 3 different MKX endings and I don't see him returning. I can see him dying in one ending and it not being cannon, but 3?
He died in MK9, was a revenant for a good part of MKX storymode, then was restored and then died in 3 endings. Something there is fishy...
I really want an asspull for Mileena. It wouldn't feel like MK without her crazy ass running around somewhere

The idea of Mileena and Jade pairing up to bring down Kitana makes me moist. The only brand new female they need to make is if its a fully fledged hybrid of Jade and Mileena. Im talking armored flash ball rolls
We don't need characters being merged like that.


TYM's #1 L taker.
Don't think we'll see Sonya, Jax, Kano, Ferra/Torr, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Tanya.

The MKX endings all seem to have a little too much in common with the flow of the same timeline after the game, more so than i think we've ever seen. There's always the chance they throw those endings away (they usually do) for something new, but we'll just have to wait and see. I hope Tanya's out and her ending is uncanon. Its not enough for them to not give us Rain, he needs to be killed in her ending as well =\
Don't think we'll see Sonya, Jax, Kano, Ferra/Torr, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Tanya.

The MKX endings all seem to have a little too much in common with the flow of the same timeline after the game, more so than i think we've ever seen. There's always the chance they throw those endings away (they usually do) for something new, but we'll just have to wait and see. I hope Tanya's out and her ending is uncanon. Its not enough for them to not give us Rain, he needs to be killed in her ending as well =\
You missed Mileena, Tremor and Ermac.

Rain can't legitimately be killed as he's made of water.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Wouldn't be the first time.
A good chunk of the cast of MKX were killed off and yet they make the main roster in the following installment.
I assume you mean MK9 because there was maybe 4 deaths in MKX IIRC(if you count Bo' Rai Cho which is a bit up in the air) but for MK9, but most of those deaths were followed with showing them "alive" as revenants. I imagine they bring back Mileena in the future with the clone story, maybe even as DLC, but they made such a big deal out of killing her off and even gave her a lot of screentime and importance. I just don't think she'll make it back in this game.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Sure a few of them were humanized playables, but still revenants. Atleast they had a face, but Mileena doesn't have one.

All other characters that died in MK9 were in MKX as either NPC or in Endings. The only ones that weren't seen was Noob and Shao Kahn. Although Noob was mentioned.
Sheeva survived MK9 and she wasn’t even a thought in MKX


The Ignore Button Is Free
Unchained isn't on console and doesn't count. Although, Jax died in 3 different MKX endings and I don't see him returning. I can see him dying in one ending and it not being cannon, but 3?
He died in MK9, was a revenant for a good part of MKX storymode, then was restored and then died in 3 endings. Something there is fishy...
How does it not count lol. It was a game, was it not? Unchained was basically DLC for Deception. It was same the same exact game, just with some added characters.

Even if you don’t count that, you can’t deny the fact he’s been in EVERY SINGLE GAME.

And even if you don’t count that, HES THE BLACK GUY! lol


TYM's #1 L taker.
You missed Mileena, Tremor and Ermac.

Rain can't legitimately be killed as he's made of water.
I could see them pulling some "more clones" BS with Mileena. I'm hoping Tremor comes back because he feels kind of boring in MKX but i feel like he has some good ground work to make him interesting. And Idk about Ermac, I like him as a character but never play him so I guess i wouldn't miss him if he did leave.


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
Don't think we'll see Sonya, Jax, Kano, Ferra/Torr, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Tanya.

The MKX endings all seem to have a little too much in common with the flow of the same timeline after the game, more so than i think we've ever seen. There's always the chance they throw those endings away (they usually do) for something new, but we'll just have to wait and see. I hope Tanya's out and her ending is uncanon. Its not enough for them to not give us Rain, he needs to be killed in her ending as well =\
Uhm, Tanya has more chance than Rain does so I do not agree with this


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
I think we wont see Shinnok, D’Vorah, Quan Chi, Sonya, Mileena, Tremor and Johnny Cage.

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
How does it not count lol. It was a game, was it not? Unchained was basically DLC for Deception. It was same the same exact game, just with some added characters.

Even if you don’t count that, you can’t deny the fact he’s been in EVERY SINGLE GAME.

And even if you don’t count that, HES THE BLACK GUY! lol
The only black guy I want in 11 is Noob :DOGE


The Ignore Button Is Free
I don't think I need to show a source as it's known that Ed Boon pushes for her in every game.
I’m sure Rain will be in the game. Edenia has no true ruler right now and technically it’s Rain’s throne right now.

Plus he was in MKX story mode. I doubt they would give him character models and have a story developed for him in that game just to toss him away.


Shirai Ryu
So here's the characters from MKX who I believe will not be in MK11:

Mileena, Baraka, Quan Chi, Shinnok

The MKX story deaths. Their deaths were quite cinametic and I just think NRS is probably gonna want the lower bodycount to have a stronger meaning this time around, at least, for the moment.
"But MK9!" 13 characters died in MK9 pretty much, only 5 of them are playable in MKX.

Sonya, Kenshi, Jax, Johnny Cage, Kano
Their kids are probably gonna replace them fulltime, though I think it's a big possibility one or two of them might end up appearing as a DLC or something alike, namely JC and Jax.

Ermac, Reptile, Ferra/Torr
I think these guys are gonna be gone to make way for other characters to take their place as Kotal's lackeys, and to change up the roster from MKX a bit. I think Ermac's ladder ending will be canonical and pave the way for Shang Tsung's return as well.

MK11's probably gonna have only one cyborg, in their real form, rather than the amalgamation.

Not much to say. Def not going to be the pre-order char again or a DLC, and I really don't see him being in the regular roster.

Uhh I would keep on going but this post's too long already so I'll leave it at that, those are my main picks anyhow.


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
I’m sure Rain will be in the game. Edenia has no true ruler right now and technically it’s Rain’s throne right now.

Plus he was in MKX story mode. I doubt they would give him character models and have a story developed for him in that game just to toss him away.
But as far as I know Edenia still hasnt been separated from Outworld


Counterpoke with armoured DB2 at all times.
I’m sure Rain will be in the game. Edenia has no true ruler right now and technically it’s Rain’s throne right now.

Plus he was in MKX story mode. I doubt they would give him character models and have a story developed for him in that game just to toss him away.
You see, that would be the obvious thing to do, so NRS won't do it. Too mainstream.


I will be super sad if they can Jax AND Johnny. Side note, I really enjoyed the design of Erron Black as far as swag goes. I hope he comes back along with Noob-saibot.


Stay focused or get Caged
I think Mileena, Quan Chi, Goro, and Shinnok will definitely sit this one out.

I think any or all of Johnny, Sonya, Ferra/Torr, Kenshi, and Jax have a decent chance of sitting this one out considering Cassie, Takeda, and Jacqui existing, and Ferra/Torr not being the most popular.

Not that I want Johnny or Kenshi to sit one out lol
If both Cage and Kenshi sit out of the main roster, I'm skipping mk11.

Takeda has absolutely nothing in common with Kenshi in terms of gameplay design, being his son shouldn't be a reason to replace him.

Cassie and Johnny, that's another story.