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Matchup: Reptile vs Mileena

A l i

Greetings Kombatants. I wanted to share this post and learn the thoughts of pro players who played this matchup on high level. I myself use Reptile as a main character so all kinds of tips to use on this matchup would be very helpful. Take into the consideration, we are talking about the high level of reptile player vs high level of mileena player. Online Matchup. Let's start with the tools of the both character to have a better understanding of the matchup.

Reptile: Has a minimum of 50-60%+ damage vs Female ninjas. and a little more if you have glitch cancel so you can get 1 or 2 juggles in.
He have a slow and a fast forceball in which from both you can also start a combo easily.
He has a sweep punish, superfast dash that can be very helpful to get out of crossups when uppercut or slide isn't an option.
and mainly, he has INVISIBILITY! Now take into consideration all the combos that starts with 50% is easily doable in invisible mode.

Mileena: She has better jabs than reptile, Knee launcher that is better to mix while pressuring,
She can punish sweep, high kick, low kick with a roll and even Reptile's forceballs from the correct distance easily if you are buffering.
She has IAF( Sai) that has very fast recovery and the hit range is the closest to the ground among the IAFS that can even hit standing Liu Kang.
Her combos are about 30-40 percent damage and about 47 % if started with Jump Punch.

Now, before you guys start to comment, i want to share a problem i usually face in this matchup. So Mileena IAFS are faster than Fast Forceball of Reptile and has faster recovery so i have always had trouble doing the fireball trade vs Mileena. Basically it is hard to get close to Mileena without getting some chip damage from her IAFS.


UMK3 54 fps enjoyer
Problem: Mileena IAFS are faster than Fast Forceball of Reptile and has faster recovery so i have always had trouble doing the fireball trade vs Mileena. Basically it is hard to get close to Mileena without getting some chip damage from her IAFS.
Solution: Don't do Fast Forceball 4Head

A l i

Problem: Mileena IAFS are faster than Fast Forceball of Reptile and has faster recovery so i have always had trouble doing the fireball trade vs Mileena. Basically it is hard to get close to Mileena without getting some chip damage from her IAFS.
Solution: Don't do Fast Forceball 4Head
You are saying i should throw a slow one?)