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MAME Practice Issues

Hey again guys! Been a while :p

Dug up my arcade stick and am looking to have some fun with it. Tried loading up MAME/Moe's cheat.dat and am having issues w/ setting up practice sessions. Being a combo junkie and all that, I need my fix.

Basically, when I first add cheat.dat, and load up UMK3 1.2 ROM (Or Jugg's Hack. nice!), and tab to cheats it says "no cheats available for this game"

Then, after restarting my computer, or waiting a day, all the cheats now show up. However, none of them activate. I've tried like 10 different versions of MAME, different cheat.dats, different ROM's, all to no avail.

I swear it wasn't this hard before. Is there something new that prevents this from working properly?

Side note: After I practice a little would love some kaillera matchups. Lemme know!


Hey again guys! Been a while :p

Dug up my arcade stick and am looking to have some fun with it. Tried loading up MAME/Moe's cheat.dat and am having issues w/ setting up practice sessions. Being a combo junkie and all that, I need my fix.

Basically, when I first add cheat.dat, and load up UMK3 1.2 ROM (Or Jugg's Hack. nice!), and tab to cheats it says "no cheats available for this game"

Then, after restarting my computer, or waiting a day, all the cheats now show up. However, none of them activate. I've tried like 10 different versions of MAME, different cheat.dats, different ROM's, all to no avail.

I swear it wasn't this hard before. Is there something new that prevents this from working properly?

Side note: After I practice a little would love some kaillera matchups. Lemme know!
What version of MAME is it? I might be able to send you my cheat.dat file. Most people use MAME32k .64 for online play, and .119 ++ for offline and p2p.
I'm using MAME ++ .119 downloaded from Kaillera website. Grabbed most of my roms/cheat.dat/etc from here: http://www.remz.ca/moe/ (Thanks for putting that together btw) OS is windows 7.

I haven't seen anywhere from google searching the problem I'm having. I can see cheats/toggle them in options, but nothing happens when I do, even if I reload the ROM.

Should've prob put that in the OP. :eek: derp.
Thanks a bunch! Works now. Time to grind away and practice.

I'll DL Mame 32k .64 for some Kaillera matchups a little later. Thanks again nwo.