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Question Kenshi's U4


Has any one put kenshi's U4 into use or is it just a shity ass move. I never seen any tourney or online player use his u4. I not used it a couple of times. Btw I'm new here i go by PSYCHOTIC-GRINZ.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
>its incredibly slow
>completely unsafe
>very + on hit, but Kenshi has many, many better options

Final verdict: Totally f8ckin worthless.
Tolkeen posted a thread about it that was largely ignored

End corner combos in u4 and you're at enough advantage to whiff a sc immediately after it. You can bait wakeup attacks to punish your sc and then punish them for full combo. Very gimmicky

The only legitimate use for it I have found is when you win with kenshi and it's time to fatality, use his sweep to pimpwalk up to your opponent, then finish them with an u4.


Tolkeen posted a thread about it that was largely ignored

End corner combos in u4 and you're at enough advantage to whiff a sc immediately after it. You can bait wakeup attacks to punish your sc and then punish them for full combo. Very gimmicky

The only legitimate use for it I have found is when you win with kenshi and it's time to fatality, use his sweep to pimpwalk up to your opponent, then finish them with an u4.
Ya I noticed u can end a corner combo with u4 but I like that pimpwalk nd u4 ending. Nd ill try that bait


u+4 is too slow. There are way better things to do against your opponent like b+2 which is also an overhead just like u+4 and will grant you a corner combo in the process. Or if you want the same effect as u+4, end your combos in 2,1,b+2. I've been using 2,1,b+2 to end my combos in the corner against people like Kabal to make sure I can get proper spacing to prepare for if they try to wake up against me.