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Injustice: Gods Among Us - Playstation Vita Good Games Thread


Is anyone playing this game online, outside some of the folks here meeting up? I sat in player match and ranked match for probably close to a half hour last night, and was able to get in 2 games.

If the game is practically dead, that sucks, as i picked it up last night.


There are people playing it. On the average it takes me 3-5 minutes to get a match. The community is small - hence the game tag sharing.


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
Lol, I might buy a wireless router at some point, but I haven't had any luck finding ppl through ranked or online using public wifi, but it worked pretty well: even when I was at a low signal strength and playing someone 1000 miles away from me :D Sending invites to online friends seems to be the best way to go. I haven't actually been trying to get online that much cos I'm SO new to this game and I'm still practicing, and hopefully I'll feel just as competent with my combos online as offline. I've also been grinding away to level up my NEW Martian Manhunter card in the mobile game and he's awesome :D I thought I was the only Ultimate Edition player that would bother playing the mobile version but it's 'strangely addictive', as some say. Now that my fave' character in the game is at least playable in the mobile version (and he even has his Sektor uppercut!), I'll pay more attention to online. I'm also trying to beef up my friends list, but the leaderboards just show the top and most prolific players and I have a feeling when they see I haven't played any ranked matches yet (and I'm not a known player in the console community since the game debuted), a lotta gamers might seek higher-skilled players. I bet destroying me wouldn't help their rank much O_O

I live in Cali (hope I don't repeat myself too much here) but in terms of time zones, I'm most likely to be online after my graveyard shift at work lol (8 am EST) or 7-9 pm EST. That time zone rules the WORLD so it seems most relevant to use as a reference, and I've met more EC players online than in my own state :p EC seems to have the strongest community :)


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
Yeah, EST is where it's at.
SCREW CA then lol. Time for me to move. The only arcade left in the state of 100 trillion ppl is in another city which no one has heard of except the ppl who live in its only arcade. I heard there are a few other arcades left here, but basically CA is a bunch of beach whores, and most of the water isn't even CLEAN enough for swimming. Yeah...I'm bitter when it comes to being a gamer geek over here :p Pacific Ocean isn't that different from a lot of the Atlantic...


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
Yeah, EST is where it's at.
GGs Fiend, and thanks for teaching me some Supes combos! I TOTALLY forgot to use low combos, and Bats' basic low combo (the one I discovered after we played) is easier to hit-confirm than Supes' combo lol. Next time I'll try wifi at work. A coworker friend said he was playing ppl from Japan on his 3DS for some games and it worked great, so maybe that's key, but I work graveyard shifts, so maybe not a lotta guys will be playing overnight? O_O I can always adjust my free time hours, at least.


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
Good games to AS Dominion. It helps to friend-request players from the leaderboards.

I don't understand...I thought my wifi connection at work would be the best so far, and ASD said online was working fine for him. I heard Batgirl's a tough match-up for Sinestro though lol. Her anti-zoning O_O At least now I feel encouraged about being able to win some matches against ranked players with good win records. YAY!

Time to get that router I want. I hope it's easy to set it up cos I did research and want to avoid all the potential pitfalls and I'm so not a computer-literate person :p


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
Good games to Kickman28, who's in Canada. That's why I'm hesitant to say I live in CA (California) cos it could get confusing lol. He also said he didn't experience lag, but for some reason the library worked better on the other side of the building tonight! :p I guess there's hope for the connection yet :D but I'll still get a router.


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
That never happens to me...
GGs Blaze :) Your Killer Frost and Catwoman are really scary :O lol I'm still trying to adjust to online, and need to test out offline to see if it's easier. I'm also trying to learn Bane and other characters. I haven't felt ready for online for the past couple weeks. Blocking on reaction to highs and lows in this game is even hard against the cpu so that's just something I need to work on, but I think it's also a self-doubt thing (e.g., did I really identify that poke or combo starter correctly as an overhead or low?). SF games have a lot more turtling, and I think I'm still more used to that.