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Injustice 2: Poison Ivy Gameplay Trailer

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
What was you doing Rickyross!!! Waiting for injustice YouTube to upload the gameplay trailer so you can be the very first people to post it on tym to get front page???

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
she doesn't really have any moves that just say "this looks like its gonna be a lot of fun to use!" except maybe the plant... so I can understand the disappointment

She might be different in practice, a lot of it might not come through in the video... that kiss could do anything, her ball and chain moves might be interesting too. Not gonna rule her out but so far I'll agree that this is the most boring reveal yet.

Also, apparently only on here, people aren't allowed to complain when characters have been animated poorly, or are noticably subpar or inaccurate compared to their comic/cartoon/movie incarnations lol


Plus on block.
She looks pretty underwhelming to me so far, I expected super flashy stuff but I love her and I'm gonna play her anyway and I will wait to see her stream before I make an assumption.

Okay i'm glad i'm not the only one.

I have nothing against the character but fuck it really felt like they spent all of their plant-based creativity on Swamp Thing because this gal looks extremely uninspired.

Azarashi Elder

Also, apparently only on here, people aren't allowed to complain when characters have been animated poorly, or are noticably subpar or inaccurate compared to their comic/cartoon/movie incarnations lol
Before we saw any gameplay, I'm like "Poison Ivy doesn't belong in a fighting game", and "It doesn't fit her character", and I got boos and hisses. Now people are saying that she's "uninspired", "boring" and that her kung-fu ways are disappointing. .. well... hey.

I think her presence is more of a marketing move than anything else. That said, I hope her breakdown is surprisingly good, and that potential Ivy mains will be satisfied, but you can't please everyone.

She is purty though. So there's that.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
out of curiosity, is this the worst received trailer yet? I haven't read all the threads but so far I've seen nothing but props to NRS for character designs, this one has got the community sorta split tho

Azarashi Elder

Canary bruh, people were on one being all "Sonya 2.0" when she was shown
Which I don't get at all. What does Canary have that Sonja has or had?

Cartwheel? No. Arch Kick? No. Dive Kick? Not really. She's got an air grab but... okay, no.

They both have that rushdown 50/50 mixup thing going but that's about it.

Oh, and blonde hair! LOL

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Which I don't get at all. What does Canary have that Sonja has or had?

Cartwheel? No. Arch Kick? No. Dive Kick? Not really. She's got an air grab but... okay, no.

They both have that rushdown 50/50 mixup thing going but that's about it.

Oh, and blonde hair! LOL
im not one of the people saying she was sonya but the forward flip thing and grenade animations looked similar so I think that was some of the motivation for that comparison if you are actually asking

Azarashi Elder

im not one of the people saying she was sonya but the forward flip thing and grenade animations looked similar so I think that was some of the motivation for that comparison if you are actually asking
Forward flip? Okay.

Grenades? When does Canary throw grenades? I don't remember that. It's possible I missed it though. Or is that like a gear move or something?

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Forward flip? Okay.

Grenades? When does Canary throw grenades? I don't remember that. It's possible I missed it though. Or is that like a gear move or something?
honestly I don't know man its all very vague for me because idrc about the character at all, but I think what I'm referring to is gear move, I gave my beta key away, have no interest in the character, and wasn't one of the people making sonya comparisons (bit early from a gameplay trailer imo) so you might get a better response from someone else


I'm the only one that liked what saw there ?
Must've been playing to much nioh lately lol damn kasuragami plant moveset ...
She has an obvious nasty hard to blockage with trap and hawkgirl style b23 overhead if you are able to combine that with shooting plant I see anyone without a safe pushing wakeup being fucked against her .

Seems to have fast normals but hard to tell if they are stubby and highs though .
She's at the top of my list beside BA now .

I couldn't tell what her trait was