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I can't beat this character

I know the majority of this, yet it still fucks me up. Jade just wins, simple. Even when I'm doing my absolute best and trying to be as patient as possible, I fall victim to the same dumb shit over and over.
While I do appreciate everyone's input, I think you guys are still missing the point a little. This isn't about matchup knowledge or what character blows Jade up, this is about the nerves and mental aspects that go into a match. Jade just so happens to be my biggest obstacle right now.

I've had this same kinda thing happen with Scorpion, Liu Kang, even Erron Black sometimes, but I'm looking to see if anyone else has this kind of experience? How do you get past the tilting and frustration?
Sup @GeoffBedlam ,

Although I don't play much MK11 (I mostly play injustice 2 haha) one thing I will say is the mindset plays a huge part in playing a matchup.

To relate, I play Cyborg (see profile picture) and there are number of matches that I absolutely cannot stand to play. Not that they are unwinnable, but when a decent player picks those characters my execution, reads, and everything just went to shit haha. It's almost as if I lost mentally at the select screen.

The first step to get pass this is to break the mindset. You shouldn't be playing only to win, you should be playing to learn. Anytime you lose, you gain a ton of information about not only the character you hate playing, but also about yourself as a player. This way, whether you win or you lose, you are learning from the experience, which will make you a better player.

This is actually the mindset the majority of most top players have. Sonicfox is a prime example of this. He loves to win, but also loves learning from his loses.

Also, it's okay to fall victim to players doing dumb stuff. Hell, I watch a lot of top player streams, and you'll be surprised at what type gimmicks they get hit by. The difference between them and 99% of people on this forum is simple: If they get hit by something, they'll usually immediately go into practice mode and figure out what they were getting hit by, or rewatch match footage. Then practice for hours on how to counter it. Rinse and repeat. And yeah, you'll probably get hit by it again, but with repetition the less likely you'll fall victim.

Which leads me to my next point:
You need to be okay watching yourself lose. Yes, those Jade players are probably smacking you upside the head with the annoying staff, d2'ing you into oblivion, and you have to see that dumbass win pose in the first round were she leans back on the pole like a bloke waiting for a cab. Only way you'll get better is if you record match footage and see what is getting you killed.

In fact, you should definitely post your match footage on here (like three matches were you got rocked), so people can look at it and know were you're going wrong.

Once you watch your match footage, you'll notice than the majority of jade players tend to have certain tendencies or react to pressure in similar ways. Use that knowledge to find counters, practice them, do them in a match without fear of losing, and from there you'll get better.

Just to add to this, the majority of youtube matches I have are from my loses, or my training partners straight kicking my ass in matches. Those videos are the most valuable because I get to see players pick apart my playstyle and find counters to what I'm doing. From there, I learn from them, and I get better as a result.

-Upload your matches (at least three you have lost recently) on here
-Record and watch footage of your other loses and learn from there
-Look for common tendencies for jade players from match footage and how to counter
-Practice scenarios and punishes with your character
-Attempt them in actual match WITHOUT worrying about losing or getting bodied
-Rinse and repeat
Sup @GeoffBedlam ,

Although I don't play much MK11 (I mostly play injustice 2 haha) one thing I will say is the mindset plays a huge part in playing a matchup.

To relate, I play Cyborg (see profile picture) and there are number of matches that I absolutely cannot stand to play. Not that they are unwinnable, but when a decent player picks those characters my execution, reads, and everything just went to shit haha. It's almost as if I lost mentally at the select screen.

The first step to get pass this is to break the mindset. You shouldn't be playing only to win, you should be playing to learn. Anytime you lose, you gain a ton of information about not only the character you hate playing, but also about yourself as a player. This way, whether you win or you lose, you are learning from the experience, which will make you a better player.

This is actually the mindset the majority of most top players have. Sonicfox is a prime example of this. He loves to win, but also loves learning from his loses.

Also, it's okay to fall victim to players doing dumb stuff. Hell, I watch a lot of top player streams, and you'll be surprised at what type gimmicks they get hit by. The difference between them and 99% of people on this forum is simple: If they get hit by something, they'll usually immediately go into practice mode and figure out what they were getting hit by, or rewatch match footage. Then practice for hours on how to counter it. Rinse and repeat. And yeah, you'll probably get hit by it again, but with repetition the less likely you'll fall victim.

Which leads me to my next point:
You need to be okay watching yourself lose. Yes, those Jade players are probably smacking you upside the head with the annoying staff, d2'ing you into oblivion, and you have to see that dumbass win pose in the first round were she leans back on the pole like a bloke waiting for a cab. Only way you'll get better is if you record match footage and see what is getting you killed.

In fact, you should definitely post your match footage on here (like three matches were you got rocked), so people can look at it and know were you're going wrong.

Once you watch your match footage, you'll notice than the majority of jade players tend to have certain tendencies or react to pressure in similar ways. Use that knowledge to find counters, practice them, do them in a match without fear of losing, and from there you'll get better.

Just to add to this, the majority of youtube matches I have are from my loses, or my training partners straight kicking my ass in matches. Those videos are the most valuable because I get to see players pick apart my playstyle and find counters to what I'm doing. From there, I learn from them, and I get better as a result.

-Upload your matches (at least three you have lost recently) on here
-Record and watch footage of your other loses and learn from there
-Look for common tendencies for jade players from match footage and how to counter
-Practice scenarios and punishes with your character
-Attempt them in actual match WITHOUT worrying about losing or getting bodied
-Rinse and repeat
-The only way I can upload matches is through PS Share
-I know the common tendencies, my muscle memory just locks up and I keep falling for it all, that's what I'm trying to push past
-I have practised heaps of scenarios and know the punishes, I just can't pull them out in the heat of the moment because I'm too overwhelmed
-Losing isn't the issue, the fact that I'm NOT learning is
Update: After replying to a few of you guys here, I've paid more attention to the actual behaviour of opponents. I've started taking notes (literal notes lol) on whatever it is they're doing that tilts me and it seems to have helped quite a bit. The last two games I've played have been a lot easier because I've had that visual reminder of what to look out for, so it's far less overwhelming.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Yeah, I fucking loathe her because IN MY EXPERIENCE the kind of person that plays Jade doesn't respect frames, goes ham on projectiles, Shadow Kick's from half screen, mashes d2, throws as soon as I get next to them (another big weakness of mine) and uses the range of her staff a lot.
This is a gift from the gods. These kinds of players are handing you the win. Accept it and thank them :)
The quickest way to overcome a MU is to start playing/learning the character you have problems against IMO.

Once you learn that character, you’ll Instantly know your character’s options.