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helping me lab: need help programming the ai

hi guys,

I plan to compile a list of strings for popular "pressure" characters (ie: liu kang and jax) for everyone to refer to for labbing purposes.

for liu kang, I'm familiar with f434 to u4 or low fireball. also noticed 12 can be abused often.

other stagger/strings I should be aware of?

thanks in adv :)

ps: I know some characters are better off keeping their distance (ie: jade) but in the instance liu kang does get close, what attack patterns can be studied to help with the MU? stuff like that I'm interested in sharing.
riu kang

b1 - b124 or b1 - f4
f4 staggers on there own
f33 stance cancel into low or f33 stance cancel into cancel into f4 or grab or f333
b124 ex fireball

a lot of lius like to f4 on its own into grab / it's all what the particular liu kang does though. Playing the character yourself my help.
thanks for the help. I know frame data in gme exists but

a) it doesnt teach specific frame traps
b) doest factor in pushback (if any) or "block stun" (ie: geras f22).