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Question Help me guys...

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
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I disagree with this. not to cause drama but in my head and when I'm playing casuals, I dont want gimmicks to work. I really just want to level up. When the people you play know your gimmicks, you are FORCED to up your game in order to win with fundamentals. maybe a gimmick here and there but when Smarr gets to the point that you just described chuck, thats the only point where he will level up at all. Thats when you get the most out of a series.

I say this because Ive played people like Reo and 16 bit only once in my life...did my gimmicks work? nope. And at the highest level you cant expect them to.
gotta agree with this, I used to rely on gimmicks, but playing the same people in casuals for the longest time, they learn really fast, and when I got blown up for the longest time I would blame the character or blame Obama, but here after the longest time I relish playing these guys more and more cause exactly like he said you start to have to rely on fundamentals and simply outplaying your opponent, and this is really an eye opener. My personal experiences that can relate are right from the get go. I was a CSZ main for a long while, first tournament character. Mained rain due to the impl fact hes my favorite character. Well I went to MLG Raleigh, torn between the 2 character I went with what I was more comfortable with under pressure which was csz. I got a win with both characters against good opponents, and looking back beating glass sword with csz was pretty good, dudes leveling like crazy. But I lost to DetroitBallin 3-0, he spanked my csz easy the first 2, went rain and took a round convincingly. Talking with him after he said things like why play such terrible characters, esspecially csz. And for awhile I thought about just going top tier, but character loyalty is the biggest thing for me in fightning games, tournament thawk player in sf4 here, and hes considered THE bottom character by most. and I do great with him. But I plan on playing Rain fiercly until MK9 is over. I find inspiration watching the other few rain players play, my casual guys keep me hungry for more. And yes, walking away really does help, weather its a weeks vacation, playing sf, watching movies for a week, something, doing nothing for me helpes alot, when I don't play, and then watch streams and here hype and study videos, you bet your ass im on the ps3 grinding stuff out. So I say keep the purple ninja, whoop some ass, and make it rain.


Smarrgasm, I get this all the time, in fact I sense a 'phase' is imminent for me.

I think you can overdose on this game to the point where you can't be bothered if you win or lose. At least when im getting salty, I know im 'into the game'.

Take a break for a week, two weeks. You'll be surprised when you come back, how much better you will seem to be.


Alright. So i am at a bit of a crossroads when it comes to my MK9 life. Lately, I find myself unable to find as much joy in the game as normal. After my performance at Frosty Faustings i was at an all time high in my feeling toward the game and was looking to the future. However, over these last 2 weeks i have seen and felt my interest fall off a metaphorical cliff. I am no longer playing well or even finding as much fun in the game. I went to a local last thursday and was not even as excited as usual and wishing to get myself ready to compete as i normally do at all bnbs.

So i come here to ask the opinions of those who probly have seen me play or may even know me. What should i do? I have thought about dropping rain to truly attempt to see how i do with a "top tier" or even just dropping the game completely but i cannot force myself to truly make a decision. I have made the decision that i will most likely not be traveling outside of atlanta for anymore tournaments and after Final Round I may call it quits at that point for sure. I know i wanna still hang out with the Atlanta guys especially now that we truly have a place to meet up every week. It sucks that my dilemma has to come now when Atlanta is looking like it can become a more powerful piece in the MK community.

Any advice is appreciated guys.

L0rdoftheFLY Mr Aquaman Reno_Racks Peckapowa MK Kobra Espio
Your pretty decent with Rain dude, just stick to Rain. Your probably the best Rain representation out there right now going to tournaments. You beat Dizzy and alot of other good players. Don't give up. Just pick up a nice secondary if that's what you want to do. Talk to Foxy Grampa for Rain inspiration if you need to :D lol

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Your pretty decent with Rain dude, just stick to Rain. Your probably the best Rain representation out there right now going to tournaments. You beat Dizzy and alot of other good players. Don't give up. Just pick up a nice secondary if that's what you want to do. Talk to Foxy Grampa for Rain inspiration if you need to :D lol
Wow. That's a big compliment. Take it, get motivated, and stop bitching! King don't play


For me, it's about fun first and foremost. Remember, at the end of the day, it is a game after all. I wouldn't want to switch to a "top tier" character that I don't enjoy playing as and would make the game no fun or less fun for me even if it made me more competitive in a tournament. But that's just me. Even if you decide to add a "top tier' character to your repertoire, I would not recommend that you give up Rain altogether. It seems clear to me that you enjoy playing as him, and I think you'd be doing yourself a disservice by giving that up. Hope that helps.