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Tech Grundy safe jumps


That Yung Big Body
Grundy has safe jumps setups from the d13 string, and from his WCmb. Right after a d13 hard knockdown, if you hold the jump in and come in with a meaty air 1 you will be safe for alot of wake up(ex:super man rising grab), you can block in time for certain wake ups(ex:BA lighting cage), and you can adjust on reaction to others(ex:WW rising uppercut. This one is tricky because if you actually do the meaty JI1 she will always hit. However the hard knockdown forces her to do the long stand animation so you can tell if she is going to wake up or not. If she does it, just land and block without the JI1 to punish. Half read half reaction on this one). For the wake ups this doesnt work on because grundy basically floats in the air(ex:GL lantern might, Lex corpse charge, DS sword flip)you can WC that if the wakeup is one hit. With DS you can read the flip, backdash, then WC to punish. Some wakeups can even be fully stuffed (ex:Lex gravity pull, Raven soul crush on the ex WC set up, Annoying GA savage blast wake ups). With the WCmb where you usually come in and neutral jump for an ambiguous cross up, you can stall out your cross up and stay safe or certain characters. Something even dirtier that im having trouble consistently recreating is a certain stall time that makes characters wake up attack whiff on the original side that you threw them from, but leave you landing next to them on their opposite side for any free combo you like.

The set up is MU depended so hit the lab, and know your opponent(just bait out the DS sword flip, nothing grundy does is safe from that).