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GA Reverse Wakeup Tech


It seems like just about every character can do this nowadays, it's just figuring out how. I train offline with a friend who uses Doomsday and reverses my wakeup attempts in the corner. So, after seeing that I decided to find out if Arrow could and guys I am happy to say he can :D It's not too difficult, after a knockdown with either stinger(slide) or 223 load arrow, just dash forward. The slide is a little trickier to time but with enough practice, it can get consistent really fast. Sorry about quality, I had to record from my phone.

@Red Reaper
@Scoot Magee
@WA iLuusions
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Heads up!
Finally somebody found the timing! Thank you very much for this! I tried tons of things to reverse wake ups but I didn't have luck. I'll start using this asap in my game play


Finally somebody found the timing! Thank you very much for this! I tried tons of things to reverse wake ups but I didn't have luck. I'll start using this asap in my game play
Yeah, I'm just glad we can do this off of our BnB :)


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Yeah almost everyone might have something like this, but the hard part is coming up with the right timing to be able to perfect it. Really nice job.

Rip Torn

Slide is tech-rollable but 223 is a HKD so I'd go with that one. Also, I accidentally whiffed a high arrow (instead of load arrow) and that also works nicely. Good find!


Heads up!
Oh boy, this makes the corner that much better.

My local players already complain about arrow in the corner, now...oh now! It's going to be 223 load fire arrow <33

Load those fires, it you can get them to reverse, punish with 111 low fire arrow db1 11, 223 wiff arrow (if that works, I'll need to test is and work some things out). I'll just need to get the 223 part into big damage combos

Okay. So I put martain on push wake up and this is just an experimental thing of what can happen if they are push wake up happy and not teleport happy.

No arrow starting.

f2d13, 11 223 load ice arrow 24% dash forward.

wake up is reversed

111, up heaven blast, 111 bd 1 11 low ice arrow. j2 223 47% dash forward.

wake up is reversed again but you must instantly dash, you have no time to load the arrow.

111, df 2, 111 db 1, 111 slide 47%.

at this moment you have the option to forward dash if they didnt tech roll to reverse their wake up but lbsh, they're dead by 18% at this point. This is all just experimenting at the moment. I'm loving this. @ando1184 @Cossner @Scoot Magee
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King of the Jobbers 2015
@ando1184 I added it to my guide :tonyt

Hmm I'm trying to do it consistently and I'm only getting it with the F2D13 -> 11 -> 223 xx Load Arrow, the plain 223 xx Load arrow into dash and curiously enough D3 -> Dash -> Dash (low option after 111 xx normal arrow perhaps?).

This is cool though I'm gonna keep practicing.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
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Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
F2D13, Dash, 223~LA is probably the easiest way to get it.

One thing that I want to fix about this tech though is that D1 is the only follow up that works universally against everyone to stop them from jumping out.

33 works against a lot of characters to katch them jumping out and still konverts into kombo but it doesn't work on everyone (like Batman, etc). So I was thinking of kompiling a list of which characters kan jump out or wake up out of 223, Dash into 33 as that seems like the best way to hit konfirm a reversed wake up while still katching airborne opponents. D1~Arrow obviously works but that also limits you and it kan be kounter poked. And 111 starts high and the last hit wiffs a lot of time. Also, some of my kombos that go into more damage and end in 223 do not end with load arrow since if I load an arrow I won't have time to dash (scaling and trade off of doing more damage). 33 helps by still giving damage in this instance.


F213, 111, sky alert, 223, dash forward 33%-35%
F2d13(if the d1 starts the combo from F2d13), sky alert, 223, dash forward 31%-34%
F2d13(if the 3 starts the combo from F2d13), sky alert, 223, dash forward 30%-32%
B2, up haven blast, 111, sky alert, 223, dash forward 36%-39%

These are our normal meterless/arrowless BnB's and the damage in the corner. As you can see, we aren't sacrificing too much damage or pressure for this tech and we have enough time to block if we mistime the dash and the wakeup isn't reversed.
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Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
little late here but, how would this work on players? CPUS still get the correct wakeup on opposite sides. Show me by example.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
little late here but, how would this work on players? CPUS still get the correct wakeup on opposite sides. Show me by example.
CPU's don't get the korrect wake up if you do it korrectly. It's dependent on the timing of your dash, which depends on the kombo you did.

It definitely works on players.

As I mentioned above, the easiest way to get this is to do the F2D13, Dash, 223~Load Arrow kombo... Because then, after this, you have the easiest timing of the dash: Just literally mash forward...


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
CPU's don't get the korrect wake up if you do it korrectly. It's dependent on the timing of your dash, which depends on the kombo you did.

It definitely works on players.

As I mentioned above, the easiest way to get this is to do the F2D13, Dash, 223~Load Arrow kombo... Because then, after this, you have the easiest timing of the dash: Just literally mash forward...
I understand that, but I mean what exactly happens to the player (lets say ds player), should he want to swordflip. Does the swordflip come out the opposite way (given his current input is df3 while he is facing the left which in that case hitting df3 makes him go right) or does he get the swordspin instead (input reverse in the sense if he's swordflip happy, he'll get swordspin)? Define reverse wakeup in general
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Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I understand that, but I mean what exactly happens to the player (lets say ds player), should he want to swordflip. Does the swordflip come out the opposite way (given his current input is df3 while he is facing the left which in that case hitting df3 makes him go right) or does he get the swordspin instead (input reverse in the sense if he's swordflip happy, he'll get swordspin)? Define reverse wakeup in general
Don't have konsole right now so I kan't double check but this is what I remember:

If he tries to swordspin, he'll get a swordspin but it will be in the opposite direction.
(Which as long as you stay krouching, the second hit will wiff and you will get a full punish.)

If he tries to swordflip, he'll fly toward the korner with his move. (Pretty much the same idea of reversing his wake up) This is very punishable.

You kould test this out by recording yourself doing the kombo I mentioned then, dashing and blocking. Then try to wake up after your recording kombos you.

Reverse Wake Ups in General are when the opponent's wake ups go the opposite direction of the side you are on.