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Freddys teleport


It's occured to me that Freddys teleport functions more as a kind of meter building super dash than an actual teleport. If you're cornered, its hard to escape pressure, even with his teleport, however I find it's very good for approaching zoners.

You can teleport through most projectiles and like dash blocking, you can go through ice clones and even if you port inside one, as long as you hold block you wont get frozen and your block will shatter the ice clone.

I find Freddy quite a unique character in the game and all his specials are much better than people realise.

I'm starting to realise that you cant use his teleport the same way as other characters use theirs, but it has obvious other uses. You can't really get through up close pressure with it, but you can get around zoning or use the port to run away from rushdown. Is it possible to continue juggles with a teleport and some well times normals to extend damage? I've been trying to find ways to mix things up by doing certain strings and teleporting behind them, setting up a 50/50.
His tele is amazing ya u can be knocked outta it but its safer that raidens by far lol also u might hve to take some damage to get outta corners with tele but also remember ex tele I belive has armor and can get u out on wake up it does has aromour for sure there's lot of good uses mostly to continue his bnbs or really any combo u can roll f421 exspike to tele to any mix up really

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