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Frame Fighters app

I've found a few different fighting game assistance apps. Some ok, others not so much. They all seem to center around frame data, and all hyper focused on SFV for some reason lol. I want to build something that educates folks and makes people better at the game, but focuses on all the games like our NRS games, Persona, Skull Girls, Tekken....the whole lot. Something that helps gamers like me not feel so damn noob all the time, giving folks a way to view move lists, frame traps, block strings and gaps, as well as contribute their own combos. I think that could be dope!!

Now I know this is gonna sound stupid (and trust me, it definitely took huge cajones for me to do), so please don't judge me on what I'm about to admit to!! I've been cranking away at a new app for about 2 months now, and even quit a nice 6 figure job to dedicate time to it (I know...you probably think I'm the world's biggest idiot...leaving corporate America to ingulf myself in the FGC....insane!!!). Truthfully speaking, corporate America pays well, but at a very steep price. I wasn't sleeping, working 60-70hr weeks, my marriage was suffering....I was growing very unhappy with myself and what I was doing and becoming. I figured if I could just spend this kind of time and energy on something I love, then maybe I wouldn't be so depressed. Instead of getting abused by my current employer (and making them rich in the process), maybe I could find real friends in the community I am so interested in right now. After a year of debating with myself internally, I began saving money, with the idea in mind that I'd quit, start my own company, then build an app for this community. Honestly, I miss the $$$, but I love being happy with who I am and what I'm doing with my time now. So the trade off seems worth it.

Anyway, I digress. The app I'm attempting to build is gonna be called Frame Fighters due to it's focus on frame data and how it can be used beginners and serious players to MOP!! lol

I feel like it's coming along super nicely but wouldn't mind hearing from you guys around what features I should add? Also, now that you all know the full story of my goal with an app and quitting my job, would also like to know if you guys feel like I made a mistake or not? I have been feeling like the FGC is not as open and friendly as I'd perceived it to be (watching top 8s online makes you feel like everyone is just one big happy family.....that aint the case). Would an app that shows people gaps in strings or frame traps even be worth it? Could an app with "facebook-like" social features strengthen our community and put an end to the immature flame-fights we see all the time?

For those of you who don't know me from tournaments or Twitch, I'm Bl4ck Maj1k. A developer turned gamer with very high hopes for becoming the next Sonic Fox or Dragon or something lol. I've been playing these games for about 2.5 years now, and finally have gotten the courage to build this app the way I think it should be built. But I don't want you guys to be left out of what will be in it and what should be in it. So please, call me stupid, call me unemployed, call me a courageous entrepreneur. Regardless of what your opinion is, I would like to hear it!