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F44 to end combos


missiles are coming
After any combo that ends with EXtu you can mash f44 and make the second hit whiff.

Why would you want to drop your combo?

By whiffing the last 4 you jump over the opponent, reversing any wake ups and tech rolls. Now, if they are mashing tech roll, they will do so and you will end up on the same side. Regardless this is safe on every wake up in the game, tech roll or not, so no worries. If the opponent is not expecting this you can do b34 (which OTGs) and go right into another combo. If they are, you can either bait an unsafe wake up or jump over them to punish some safe wake ups like Kabal's ground saw. By jumping over them you have just reversed their inputs not once, but twice.
Some combos for example:

12b1, f43, tu, b34, extu, f44 - 41% into mix up
b34, tu, b21, b34, extu, f44 - 40% into mix up
b34, tu, f44, extu, f44 - 32%(?) into mix up
What this does is make up missile enders rather obsolete. The reason you do an up missile at the end of the combo is to continue pressure. Yet most people will tech roll out of the up missile unless you do the far up missile. Regardless though they are too far away at this time to make the advantage on a blocked up missile worth it... unless you end with extu, up missile. In this set up though, you sacrifice so much damage where ending with f44 you do not, and you are right next to your opponent if they tech roll or not!
If you would like to see footage of this working in a tournament, and on a very high level player - watch my matches against REO, WinterWarz, and Zaf from On The Edge 2. It worked on all 3 players more than once in each set.

Oddly enough at the same tournament, it did not work on Chris G. He reversed his wake ups every time and I wasn't blocking. I thought of all people, he would have no idea what I was doing lol.
Have fun!


Sir, are you trying to render my up missile project useless? Well good fucking job!

Haha I think both have different purposes. This kind of reminds like of Reptile in a way with all the potential set-ups. I really like these actually so I'll look into them further next week. Sektor is blooming again :).


missiles are coming
Sir, are you trying to render my up missile project useless? Well good fucking job!

Haha I think both have different purposes. This kind of reminds like of Reptile in a way with all the potential set-ups. I really like these actually so I'll look into them further next week. Sektor is blooming again :).
Haha, thanks! I know J360 has known about these, and kinda touched on the topic before (but ending with b34) - I was sooooo mad when he did so since it was kind of my own secret tech. But I don't wanna be and asshole and hide it.

Also it's not really a cheap trick; this tactic works on people who know it - so there's no risk in sharing it.

I still up missile every now and then, and all the time in the corner. But I do think that this is a better version of the up missile ender in general.


Haha, thanks! I know J360 has known about these, and kinda touched on the topic before (but ending with b34) - I was sooooo mad when he did so since it was kind of my own secret tech. But I don't wanna be and asshole and hide it.

Also it's not really a cheap trick; this tactic works on people who know it - so there's no risk in sharing it.

I still up missile every now and then, and all the time in the corner. But I do think that this is a better version of the up missile ender in general.
Now that I think about it, perhaps up missile set-ups are best used in the corner since Sektor up missile set-ups in the corner are devastating as is and it eliminates tech rolling. F44 secures more damage and could do it mid-screen. Point is we have more options on our hands so props to you my man!

Congrats this is going in the new tech laboratory :)


Yep, did these at final round, well b34 version of it, but its the same premise. Cool little gimmicks to have in your back pocket when you need to pull out a clutch victory.

Funny how you said it didn't work on Chris G, a testament on how fundamentally sound he is.


i Use a modded cyber now
After i stumbled upon them i didnt really share them cause i didnt think people were going to use them, then i think im the only person that noticed kizzle doing them on stream into leg stance over head which was really good. Then at a random vsm swifty told me about his new tech that we both discovered at the same time just using different enders lol


The best one, that requires no special timing and no meter is...

The 4 of the last b34 will always whiff and you will always be put on the opposite side for a mixup.
Might throw it out once in a tourny match at mlg to see what happens.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
b34, f44, and f43 all work but it also depends on the length/height of the juggle and probably the other character's hitbox as well. I just usually use b34 for the ghetto crossover


Goro Lives 
Yo, I've been doing this since the game was conceived back in 2010...

Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing Tom.


missiles are coming
Ending with f43 is unsafe against fast wake ups. I would stick to b34 for the no meter one and f44 when using meter.