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Discussing the possibility of a TMNT fighter


bye felicia
I can't be the only one who thinks (or at least hopes) TMNT being in Injustice 2 is the beginning of a new franchise. It's pretty clear the desire is there since even long term guest hating curmudgeons are changing their spots now that NRS picked someone everybody apparently wanted. I thought it would be a neat idea so see if anyone else had some dope ideas.

I personally want it to be a tag (or team like KoF) game. I want every character to have a weapon stance that they can switch or activate to temporarily, like V-skill buffs in SF5. I'd like it to be like Arthur's armor buff in MvC, where his timer "freezes" when he gets tagged in, so you can get buffed assists / tag ins if you manage your guys well.

I also want tag / team supers, like Rival Schools, because that would be amazing to see in 3d with good graphics. Mutants in Manhattan had some great team up moves, but that games sucks so who the hell ever saw them.

Anybody else got any ideas? Cast thoughts? I just want to talk about it.