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[Dec 17, 2016] Bone Breakers Tournament II (Krakow, Poland)



New patch, new challenge! Once again team Bone Breakers together with AFK eSports & Gaming Cafe would like to invite all fighting games enthusiasts for the upcoming MKXL Tournament in Poland.

We expect to see some great fights, unbelievable comebacks and to have great time! At least as good as last time!

Date: 17th of December 2016
Venue: AFK eSports & Gaming Cafe, ul. Toruńska 5, Kraków
Start: 12:00
Platform: PS4
Type: Pools + Double Elimination; all matches BO5
Fee: 20 PLN(approx 5 euro)

General rules:
- The winner of a game must stay with their original character.
- The loser of a game is able to choose a diffrent character.
- Button mapping/testing is allowed before any match.
- Pausing results in a gameloss.
- Your own controllers are allowed

To sign up please leave comment with your nick under dedicated post on facebook event's page


All rules are subject to change until the tournament starts. Stay tuned!

Art made by 7horx!
Last edited:


EX Ovi should launch
Was this hinted or announced anywhere sooner? Really would have been able to make it if it wasnt at a months notice :( Good luck anyone travelling or planning to head out!


Thanks for sharing this event @Snoop88 ! Unfortunately, YUZU gaming organizes an event in Paris at the same time, most of us cant attend Bone Breaker Tournament II :(
However, maybe one or two of us could be interested anyway. Im sharing with all members right now.


Ufff 17th of december is a bad choice for me :(((
I'll check my possibilities anyway. I hope you'll stream this!


Damn, Shura told me how Poland was that intersting and friendly, it is a shame that I haven't checked that sooner, less than a month to announce that to my work and all, it won't be possible :'(
I'll check the stream if I can and support... All of you guys xD