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Cassie Quinn "New" indicator glitch (may be nothing, may be something for the future)

After downloading Terminator, the Double Feature Skin Pack and the Cassie Quinn skins, I went into the game to take note of what all skins and gear were new (I'm loving that they added an indicator for that, makes things much easier to track).

While checking the Cassie Quinn skins, I noticed something a bit off...

The space AFTER the last locked Kombat League skin was lighting up as if it were a "new" item. None of Kano, Sonya, or Johnny had this happen. The cursor wouldn't go to the box, so I'm guessing it's either:

1: A palette swap that was scrapped (unlikely, since they seem to do skins in even numbers)
2: Just a plain old glitch (certainly possible, but why just on Cassie?)
3: A yet-to-be released skin for Cassie where the space showed "new," but the actual skin hasn't been coded in as of yet (maybe Halloween?).

Obviously, I'm not 100% sure, as this is the first I've seen anything like this, but figured I'd share to see if others had any ideas.