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Guide - Cassie Cage Beginner's Guide/FAQ to Cassie Cage - Run Combos, Which Variation, and More!


Table of Contents (Use Ctrl+F to navigate I suppose): All headings are in red!

- How do I perform run cancel combos after DB2?
- What buttons should I be pressing?
- What does the American Way do?
- How do I perform Instant Air Guns?
- This frame data seems wrong!...?
- How do I anti air more consistently with this character?
- What about jump in crossups?
- What variation should I pick?
- What is this F3 option select you are talking about?


Don't worry about nerfs.
This character is strong, but if NRS nerfs, they nerf. If they don't nerf, they don't nerf. Deal with it as it comes.
Oh, and DEFINITELY don't worry about people who worry about nerfs.

-On 5/14/2015, Hollywood Cassie received some big nerfs to her damage and one of her tools, the F34 string. This guide has been updated to reflect that.


How do I perform run cancel combos after DB2? (getaway flip)

Generally, you will be doing DB2 off of 3 main starters: b12, f3, and d+f1 (first or second hit).
In the case of b12 db2, Cassie will perform the flip at point blank range because of the forward movement of b12.
In the cases of f3 db2, and d+f1 db2, Cassie may perform the flip a little further than point blank from the opponent because those starters do not move as much forward.

Keep these distances in mind, as they will slightly change what you do after the flip kick combo.

The basic, but still incredibly useful combo, is:
b12/f3/d+f1 xx db2, Run, b12 xx ender. (xx means special cancel)

Ender is reliant on the variation you use. For Brawler, it is bf3. For Spec Ops, it is usually dd1 (missile) which does not combo, but threatens the opponent when they get up. For Hollywood, it is bd3 (sometimes enhanced version).

Beginning players who cannot yet do this combo:

For the run, input forward forward block (and hold block) DURING the flip kick and then return the stick to neutral while HOLDING BLOCK (you do NOT need to keep holding forward).

As long as you held block WHEN THE FLIP KICK ENDED, Cassie will run as soon as possible after the flip kick. (You can let go of block once Cassie starts running, and she will still run)

Then, you can input B1 during the run at any point, without having to hold forward.

For the B12, the best way to get used to the combo is to practice and note when you mess up:
-If B1 misses under them, you did it too early.
-If B1 hits, but the 2 followup misses under them, you did it too early.
-If B1 hits, but the 2 followup misses over them, you did it too late.
-If B1 misses over them, you did it too late.

Hopefully this will help with visualizing when to input B12. I personally use timing rather than visual height to perform the combo, but if you really need a visual cue, try doing B12 when the opponent has fallen to about Cassie's head height.

NOTE: this is not always the timing for longer combos.

NOTE: running is not necessary for some corner combos.

Check out the combo thread for more advanced combos when you're ready!


I just picked Cassie. What buttons should I be pressing?

Here we go:

  • B1/B12
  • B124
B1 is a fast, forward moving normal that goes very far very fast.
It has a chain in B12, which is generally your hitconfirm (into DB2, the flip, into the combo discussed above). On block, it is about -6, so certain moves can punish.

B124 is the continuation of that chain. Sometimes, you do this if you confirmed B1 got blocked, since B124 is around 0 on block, meaning Cassie and her opponent will be starting moves around the same time afterwards.
The risk to using B124 is that there is a gap between 2 and 4 that armor moves can be used to hit Cassie, and potentially do a lot of damage.
However, B124 is a little bit of a mixup in its own way; B12 is minus on block, so an opponent might try to press normal attacks after B12; B124 will hit them if they do press non-armored attacks.

B1 is just a great tool combined with her walk speed. She controls so much space with the threat of it.

This is your go-to move for "whiff punishing" - if you see your opponent do an attack in front of you and it misses, and you are in range for B1, you can punish them as they have to recover from that move.

To get an opponent to whiff moves is part of the gameplan. Use Cassie's walkspeed to move in and out of their range, and try to read when they will want to attack, and move backwards out of range in time to punish!

While this is a solid strategy, it is not enough by itself; a smart opponent will not lose if you only have this one trick. If they are being more reserved in how often they press buttons, they will be moving around more and you should be using other options.

One other use of this you can try is poking with B1, trying to catch them off-guard while they are not blocking, due to its speed and range. Or, you might catch them about to use an attack, but interrupt them before it comes out. If you guessed incorrectly, and they block, try to react in time to do the B12 vs B124 chain "mixup" or B12 xx exDB2 to stay safe.

However, don't overdo it; an opponent can punish you for doing this move when you are out of range and whiff punish you instead, or they can read you doing this move and neutral jump right before you do this move and punish.

  • D3/D4
These moves are generally universal in how they are used across different characters, so learning how to use these moves will be useful for playing other characters as well!
Both D3 and D4 are quick and low. D4 is slower and longer, and on hit pushes opponents back further. D3 is faster, shorter, and leaves them closer when you hit them.
The idea behind these moves is that an opponent walking around will not be able to quickly block low. For example, using Run to get into range and using D4 or D3 at their maximum ranges to stagger the opponent if they are not blocking low, is a good strategies to try to convince the opponent to respect your range, and possibly put them on the defensive.

B1 and D3/D4 are your main footsie normals. They turn opponent mistakes into your opportunities.
Likewise, opponents will be looking for you to use these tools, so you will have to add other things to your game plan over time, including movement and other moves, to complement B1 and D3/D4.

  • 2
  • 242
  • 212
Standing 2 has 6 frame startup. It is a High so it is duckable, but this is one of the more important punishing tools Cassie has for unsafe things.

242 is a pretty damaging string - the midscreen combo looks like:
242 33 b12 db2 run b12 -> ender

24 is only -2 on block, so if you mess up, you can try to avoid doing the full 242 string which is more minus.

Hollywood probably has alternatives that may be better based on the situation.

212 is 0 on block, so it is another alternative for pressuring the opponent with a fast normal. Again, the first stand 2 is a high, but the second and third hits are mid, so be careful.

  • F3
  • F33
  • F34 (Hollywood Only)
F3 is an overhead kick. It can be special canceled into flip kick (DB2) for a combo.
It can also go into F33 or F34 chain, which are safer than flip kick on block.

Both F33 and F34 are around -8 on block, making it punishable by certain characters. F34 does leave Cassie further on block than F33 though, so it may be safer.

Also, F3 is an overhead, and F33 is a low then mid, making her very annoying. Brawler can cancel F3 into an overhead special move as a mixup tool.

F3 is great to use on an opponent's wakeup (after you knocked them down and are close enough to go for it), after D3 on hit (you are in a good position to do mixups after D3 on hit), dialed after a jump in, and for Hollywood, after EX Nut Punch hits.

See F3 option select at the bottom of this post for an advanced technique involving this move.
Special cancel option selects were reportedly removed in the 9/1/2015 patch. There's a section below about it, but it is probably not possible anymore.
  • D+F 1
Yep, a diagonal input. This move is a single input but it will come out with up to three attacks.
The first is a diagonally-downwards angled gunshot that hits low, the second is a baton strike that hits overhead, and the third is a flip kick that only comes out on hit.

You can special cancel the first and second hits. Usually flip kick is used to go into a combo.
On block, the baton strike is unsafe, but so is flip kick. The solution is to use meter and use EX Flip Kick (DB2+Block) or EX Guns (BF1+Block) to be safer.

The point of this move is a low attack that goes into a combo. Some opponents will not block low until you show them this option, since D3 and D4 do not do that much damage by themselves; they will only worry about blocking F3 until you use this move.

  • D2
Uppercut for anti air. For more anti airs, see below for the question "How do I anti air more consistently?"

  • jump in 1
  • neutral jump Punch
Generally I find these to be the more reliable air normals for Cassie. Jump in 1 is quick and is pretty good as air-to-air if the opponent does not react in time, and goes into b12 xx db2 for a combo if you do hit someone in the air.

Neutral jump Punch is not that big, but Cassie herself sort of turns into a small hurtbox so it can be awkward (but still very possible) to anti air her.

Overall, while you have to jump sometimes, Cassie is not going to rely on jumping to get in, but rather to punish things on reads.

  • EX Flip Kick (DB2+block)
  • EX Dive Kick (BF4+block)
These are two of her armored moves. EX Flip Kick is hard to punish on block as long as Cassie has room to move backwards (aka not cornered), but has low horizontal range. It is quite good though as it starts up very fast (5 frames) and goes into a combo.
EX Dive Kick moves forward, and can be a reliable option when Flip Kick's shortcomings are getting abused by the opponent.

Brawler and Hollywood Variations have other armored moves too. Experiment!

  • Gunshot (BF1) and enhanced (BF1+block)
Gunshot is cool, but not a super reliable move. It is slow, and a high, so it is duckable on reaction.
It can anti air, but the slow startup makes it necessary to predict the jump rather than react to the jump.
It does a good chunk of damage, so certain characters will not want to trade with it, but it does not knockdown, so Cassie does not want to trade with OTHER characters that do that.

It is + on hit, so if you do manage to tag someone with this move, you have a little bit of time before the opponent can act.

The enhanced version is much faster, and shoots more bullets, making it a very reliable far-ranged anti air. However, you probably want to save your meter for other things.
Note that it is also a high, so it is duckable, but if done in certain strings that the opponent blocks, they will be forced to block it as a "blockstring" or get hit. It does a decent amount of chip, and is safe on block.

One chip out string is B212 d1+2 , cancel the first hit of the d1+2 into ex guns.

As for Variation specific moves, you should snoop around the forums and do some training moding to figure out how to use those!

What does the American Way do? (DB1 in Spec Ops variation)

This salute with fanfare is an interesting move. It gets in the way of some inputs (like crouching, then doing B1). What's weird is you cannot "spam" this move; it has a cooldown where it cannot be performed again.

The use of this move is in combos. You can cancel into it from normals, and it can cancel into other special moves. For example, f3 xx db1 xx db2 is a combo.

Note that doing f3 xx db1 xx EX bf1/EX db2 is theoretically not safe on block. They can block the overhead, then crouch without blocking and the db1 will whiff, and EX bf1/EX db2 will not come out.

Another time to use db1 is in corner juggles, to build meter over doing extra damage. For Spec Ops, having more meter is definitely pretty useful, so it is a viable decision.

How do I perform Instant Air Guns? (Air BF1 in Hollywood Variation)

Two ways:

1. The honest way. Press up, then back, then forward, then 1.

This is going to be pretty hard to do at first, but you have to train your execution.
Go into training mode, make sure you have clean inputs, and slowly build up speed.

2. Make things easier; turn on Input Shortcuts, and use the shortcut:
up+back then down+forward+1.

This is noticeably easier, but you should still practice if this is the way you want to do things. Also, you should figure out if using input shortcuts will hamper you in other areas by giving you special moves you do not want.

Both methods are viable. Do whichever one you feel better about.


This frame data seems wrong!...?

Check out this thread, which compiles apparent frame data mistakes:


How do I anti air more consistently with this character?

Short answer, her anti airs are not that consistent!
Between d2, ex db2, air to air with ji1/njP, far anti airs with b2, and super far and preemptive anti airs with gun shot, you've got work to do as a Cassie player to pick and choose the right anti airs and react fast enough to use them.
You should definitely take d2 to the lab to figure out its hitbox.

Long answer: sometimes you will have to accept that you have to block a jump in if they jump in at a good distance at a good time.
It is up to you as the Cassie player to avoid these situations.

Cassie has VERY GOOD back walk speed, so repositioning when they jump is definitely feasible.
Similarly, you can use RUN to reposition even faster, as long as you have the reactions to do so.

Note that you can punish landing recovery if they do an air normal and whiff! B1 is PERFECT for the job.
You should definitely take b1 to the lab and try punishing whiffed air normals (set the AI to do them and block as soon as possible) to figure out the timing.

Note: Hitting someone during their recovery frames of an air normal is sometimes referred to as "trip guard" - which is incorrect. You are hitting them because they CANNOT trip guard. The more you know~

What about jump in crossups?

There are a few ways to deal with an opponent starting a jump in from close enough that they will cross you up.
Generally, the last resort is to block, as you will probably eat a mixup. However, blocking is a better option than failing an anti air and getting hit, so keep that in mind.

The first solution you should try to go for is to be proactive! If you see them leave the ground, going for a crossup jump, you can actually run to move forward (as they jump over you) and make their air normal whiff. See above for using B1 to hit them while they land with an air normal.

You can also try to do a neutral jump Punch, or jump in 1 as an air to air! This is way riskier, as they can time their air normal earlier to hit you, but this is up to their reactions.

EX DB2 is one of the more reliable options if you aren't proactive enough. You should go into the lab and try recording various crossup jump attacks and learn how to time an EX DB2 to beat them, and then go into a combo after.


What variation should I pick?

Ultimately this is up to preference, as all fighting game character picks are.
If you want to play efficiently in tournaments, I recommend learning both Hollywood and Spec Ops and feeling which one fits your playstyle more effectively. I do believe that Hollywood is more technical in order to fight all matchups, so if you are incapable of executing certain Hollywood techniques described below, using both Hollywood and Spec Ops for different matchups is also, IMO, a good plan.

Brawler is IMO, the worst variation because her variation-specific things aren't as useful as the other two's. However, Brawler Cassie is still a viable character, and a lot of players have fun playing her with her larger pool of close range options.

Brawler -
- Can side switch in combos more easily

- Has a special that is an overhead, giving her extra mixups when combined with her strings

- Has a short-range cmd grab, good tick throw setups into it

- Better combo ender than Spec Ops and meterless Hollywood. Generally has the best midscreen meterless damage.

- Meterburned Air Grab means certain anti air converts are possible, giving Brawler the best midscreen air to air damage.

- No extra projectile, which is a big deal for quite a few matchups

- Worse corner setups than Spec Ops. Worse setup compared to EX nut punch in Hollywood.

- Slightly less corner damage than Hollywood.

This is the purest rushdown version of Cassie since she does not have missiles or air guns. She can cancel into an overhead from her normals, which is somewhat of a gimmick, but it can change the way an opponent blocks.

Does damage comparable to Hollywood, more than Spec Ops.

The F3 option select helps out after her knockdowns.

The increased damage and mixup possibilities makes this an interesting variation to pick over Spec Ops, but only if the Spec Ops missile is truly not required.

Due to more Option Select command grab options being found, this variation has the most intricate and hard to defend against mixups. However, Hollywood's straight forward mixup is also extremely powerful. Pick this variation over Hollywood if you want to learn intricate tick throws and you think your opponent can more consistently block the overhead/low mixup Hollywood provides, and if you don't need air guns.

Spec Ops -
Strongest variation IMO, especially with the nerfs to Hollywood
Style-wise, requires more patience and stamina management.
Due to missile, pretty easy to use in a lot of matchups.

- Missile: opponents can't stay away from Cassie that long since she can just call non-ex missile if they don't threaten anything and can't punish missile without getting hit by it.

- EX missile : At any point in neutral if they are not threatening anything, ex missile + enough stamina = free pressure, which is one of the most broken tools in the game. Run up B4 to combo into missile, or wait til they block missile and then overhead/low mixup, is very silly.
Ex missile also is free chipout when they are at low health.
Ex missile also creates ridiculous corner pressure since jumping out isn't possible.

- Slight extra meter gain in hitconfirms/corner juggles with american way

- Corner game is absolutely brutal as the opponent cannot easily backup to avoid missiles. The option trees there can pretty much cover all options, though Cassie still needs to be careful of jumps if they have hard to anti air normals, and some armor options which she can just block and punish, but they are there.

- American Way's input being annoying if you crouch and try to do b1

- Having to use a lot of stamina to continue pressure midscreen. Guaranteed midscreen missile setups don't really exist due to roll. Off of DB2, run B12 missile, you can aim it default to catch non-roll and roll, but they can roll and backdash. You can aim it far to catch roll and roll+backdash
it's all a guess.

- Midscreen punish game is low reward because of low midscreen damage as well as the above (she's good at getting the hits, but they don't turn into that much since she doesn't have Brawler's knockdown ender or Hollywood's nut punch ender).

- BIGGEST problem i have encountered is managing stamina. running in after a midscreen bnb (that also uses run) into missile setup CAN lead into a low/overhead mixup covered by missile. But factoring in Stamina, it doesn't seem worth it at all, since landing a mixup there usually doesn't go into another combo due to lack of run.

In the future I think Spec Ops will go for just a corner carry combo from midscreen that does ~20% maybe set up a missile, and leisurely approach; making decisions based on stamina.

Certain matchups are won just by the non-ex missile being very hard to deal with, I think Erron Black is a notable one.

Others need more patience, like Dvorah in swarm queen with a homing projectile that gives more frame advantage than Cassie's on block and the homing makes it better for the zoning war.
Similarly, teleport characters like Scorp force missile to be less of a factor purely in neutral; it has to be used sparingly in footsies, but is not an unstoppable tool like it is in other matchups.

Ex missile is too good and can turn anything around.
Corner setups aren't fully fleshed out but they are super hard to deal with.

Hollywood -
After 5/14/2015, probably not worth playing. Lost instant air guns hitting crouching opponents, and a lot of damage, AND F34 being around 0 or +1 on block went to -8 or -7.

- Much less reliant on stamina compared to Spec Ops; doesn't have to spend stamina AFTER the combo to do mixups.

- Has instant air guns. I think that instant air guns is NECESSARY for playing the character fully, as it is a decent projectile for stopping slow zoning but more importantly seems like a pretty safe way to build meter. Meter is important in all versions to do EX Flip for safe hitconfirms off d+f1 / reversal, and in Hollywood to do her 50/50.
As of 5/14/2015, instant air guns have been nerfed to not work vs crouch blocking characters. Previously they would whiff crouchers not blocking but still touch crouch blockers, now they do not hit crouchers at all.

- Her 50/50 off EX nut punch is super strong. It's not as dangerous of a setup as corner missile spec ops stuff but it works anywhere on the screen.

- F34 possibly safer than F33 on block due to pushback

- Slightly higher damage than the other variants.


- Sort of reliant on meter to stay safe after low mixup (use EX db2 instead of db2 to stay safe if they guess right) and of course to start the 50/50 with ex nutpunch. The non-ex Nut punch setups are worse than Brawler's mixups off knockdown.
I guess technically if spec ops had a more reliable way of building meter for ex missile she'd be ridiculous.

Hollywood has potential if you can master F3 optionselect which can save health/meter compared to doing F3 flipkick on block and taking a lot of damage, or doing F3 ex flipkick on block every time to stay safe.
Also, Hollywood players should still work to master instant air guns which lets it fight from range more effectively.


What is this F3 option select you are talking about?


Full video explanation:

Text explanation:
DB2, then quickly press 3
do any extra direction right after F3 hits/gets blocked (I prefer up)

For Hollywood:
F3, DB2, then quickly press 4, then do a direction, if you want F34 instead of F33 for the pushback.

For Spec Ops (option if you have American Way available)
F3, DB1, then quickly press 3, then a direction, then DB2

Getting F3, Flip on block? Not pressing the extra direction fast enough.
Getting F33 on hit? Pressing extra direction too fast.


Anything else?
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Great guide, I didn't read it all but I will. I think im the only one that uses 33-ender at the end of my combod.


I'm bad, you're basic.
Thank you so much for this. I've been maining Cassie for about a week now, after Takeda and I decided to see other people, and I've been through the entire general/combo threads compiling any useful insight I could find on her in an attempt to find my footing. But the Cassie forum regulars are like mad scientists making new discoveries so damn frequently that by the time I'd get into training mode, all my notes were outdated. I'm new on TYM and didn't wanna bother them with beginner questions when they're so far past the basics. I was hoping someone would make a guide eventually, and you came to the rescue so again, thank you. The only question that I still have is this: at midscreen, after the flipkick, I know some users like @Pan1cMode have suggested that run canceling into 212 is the optimal route for damage. I read that others were also having trouble trying to get all three hits to connect, so I guess I'm just curious if this is still universally accepted as the best option and I should keep practicing, or if I should just run cancel into b12.

Tl;dr - Thanks for making this. Also At midscreen after flipkick, should I follow up w/ b12 or 212?


AUS FGC represent!
Thank you so much for this. I've been maining Cassie for about a week now, after Takeda and I decided to see other people, and I've been through the entire general/combo threads compiling any useful insight I could find on her in an attempt to find my footing. But the Cassie forum regulars are like mad scientists making new discoveries so damn frequently that by the time I'd get into training mode, all my notes were outdated. I'm new on TYM and didn't wanna bother them with beginner questions when they're so far past the basics. I was hoping someone would make a guide eventually, and you came to the rescue so again, thank you. The only question that I still have is this: at midscreen, after the flipkick, I know some users like @Pan1cMode have suggested that run canceling into 212 is the optimal route for damage. I read that others were also having trouble trying to get all three hits to connect, so I guess I'm just curious if this is still universally accepted as the best option and I should keep practicing, or if I should just run cancel into b12.

Tl;dr - Thanks for making this. Also At midscreen after flipkick, should I follow up w/ b12 or 212?
212 for males, 11 for females.

If you can't get it, then go for b12 without either. Off f3 and d+f1, depending on the range I may omit the middle string if I think it will whiff.
Thank you so much for this. I've been maining Cassie for about a week now, after Takeda and I decided to see other people, and I've been through the entire general/combo threads compiling any useful insight I could find on her in an attempt to find my footing. But the Cassie forum regulars are like mad scientists making new discoveries so damn frequently that by the time I'd get into training mode, all my notes were outdated. I'm new on TYM and didn't wanna bother them with beginner questions when they're so far past the basics. I was hoping someone would make a guide eventually, and you came to the rescue so again, thank you. The only question that I still have is this: at midscreen, after the flipkick, I know some users like @Pan1cMode have suggested that run canceling into 212 is the optimal route for damage. I read that others were also having trouble trying to get all three hits to connect, so I guess I'm just curious if this is still universally accepted as the best option and I should keep practicing, or if I should just run cancel into b12.

Tl;dr - Thanks for making this. Also At midscreen after flipkick, should I follow up w/ b12 or 212?
I'm 100% Hollywood with Cassie.

Off the f3/df1/b12 flipkick starters, I stick with just run b12~nutpunch for an ender. Personally I'm still not used to 212, seems unreliable for me at least.

For midscreen punishes up close I like 21u4 <slight walk forward> f34~flipkick run~b12~nutpunch. If your opponent whiffs something far away or does something unsafe and you're in range, stick with the b12 starter to punish. Not sure what the best 5f punishers for Brawler/SpecOps are but I'm sure there's some nice ones in the combo thread somewhere.

Also really nice guide @delbuster
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Like Father, Like Daughter
Nice guide, I would just mention that...

D3 is an amazing option after regular nutcracker due to it acting as a low option and a frame trap at the same time. And on hit, it gives you an uninterruptable F3/DF1 mixup (outside of armour)

Talk about how B1,2 is an amazing whiff punisher and how you can use her movement to bait whiffs and punish them for it.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Fabulous guide/write up.

I'm solely looking into Cassie because of her B1. It's the best whiff punisher in the game (imo). I'm scared it will get nerfed.
cassie beginners:
don't forget when you do a run you don't need either to hold block or hold forward!
when run comes out you can instantly press back (for b12).
its a little bit confusing running forward and press back for b12, but keep that in mind!
first practice run and b12 alone, then go for combos!
actually it goes like this: after the flipkick do the run, then press back and after a very small delay hit 12!

btw i am a cassie beginner too, i just got her b12 run combos down so i just want to share!
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Shoot them. Shoot them all.
cassie beginners:
don't forget when you do a run you don't need either to hold block or hold forward!
when run comes out you can instantly move back (for b12).
its a little bit confusing running forward and move the stick back for b12, but keep that in mind!
first practice run and b12 alone, then go for combos!
actually it goes like this: after the flipkick do the run, then back and after a very small delay press 12!

btw i am a cassie beginner too, i just got her b12 run combos down so i just want to share!
Hold back while running?


i updated the post with some examples of b1 footsies and more on buffering run after the flip kick.

you can do forward forward block (hold block but let go of stick to neutral) during the flip kick, and run will come out as soon as possible after flip kick. you can let go of block (and not press anything) after cassie starts running and she will keep running; you can press back during the run and it will not interrupt the run

This was very informative, thank you. I went ahead and stickied it. I would have liked to see basic combos for each variation, but I see that you've linked the combo thread instead.
i dont think it's still stickied


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Anyone mind telling me why this character is getting nerfed and what is?
I love the character but i dont feel shes even all that great to get nerfed.
I saw Kung Jin all over the place in the tournament :/
Chill, she won't be nerfed. As you said, eyes will be on Quan Chi and KJ after NWM.

Great writeup. I would put a little section on how to play Cassie generally across all her variations, and another on her weaknesses (without going into specific matchups). Crossups, corner escapes, mediocre damage outside of corner situations etc.


are you talking about jump crossups? that is somewhat covered in the anti air section but i can go more in depth which i'll do right now

i don't think corner escapes are tooooo necessary to go over. if you get cornered, you fight your way out honestly.
uhh i don't know any solution to mediocre midscreen damage

like i will add sections in the FAQ i just don't know what to go over that isn't just teaching fg fundamentals

added ways to deal with crossups
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You think you bad? You aint bad.
Ive been using her JIP1 and its been very good so far. It seems to crossup a bit often too. And its especially helpful for those damn foos that somehow do wakeup jumps


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Is it asking too much for the pistol to be either faster or a mid? I find it literally useless


Well I hit the lab for instant air gunshots.

Bad news: You gotta do everything correctly. You can't tigerknee it.

Up, Back, Forward, 1. Really fast.

Good news: I can sort of do it semi consistently after like 30 mins of just making my thumb do up back forward 1. On both sides. It's possible, just gotta work on it.

I tried with both easy inputs on and off. Noticed no difference. Didn't use the other two options.


Well I hit the lab for instant air gunshots.

Bad news: You gotta do everything correctly. You can't tigerknee it.

Up, Back, Forward, 1. Really fast.

Good news: I can sort of do it semi consistently after like 30 mins of just making my thumb do up back forward 1. On both sides. It's possible, just gotta work on it.

I tried with both easy inputs on and off. Noticed no difference. Didn't use the other two options.


This dream has a sad ending
I'm not sure if people have either played guilty gear but would the american way be the equivalent of roman cancel? I'm still a little confused to what it does fully.