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Batman - Punishing Block Push & Unclashables Setups (all the ways).

I bring you all the ways to punish the push block of the game. This can be done with all the characters. In addition I add setups using interactions and armor.

I add Unclashables setups with batman and even some setups that are Anti-PushBlock and Unclashables at the same time.

#1 Punishing push block

#2 Batman - Unclashables

@Shaka, @Rude, @Protagonist_1, @migosan, @TrapGodFax, @KRYS9984, @YOMI FOREVER KING, @DarthArma, @YOMI Reno_Racks , @NB Semi Evil Ryu, @migosan, @STORMS, @Rude, @Reaper040, @Youphemism, @Eldriken, @Barrogh, @ESP-_BLACK


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
It's like Grandmaster but with three clones that he can summon any time he wants.

The obvious solution to this situation is to nerf scarecrow into the ground and not do any changes to captain cold because "he's fine".

But everyone, please, no worries, i'm sure they will listen to our reasonable cries for help and balance.


P.s. also this reminded me of how I felt about batman since the beginnings.
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So are these pushblock setups something you can use to react to a pushblock or only if you make a read that he's gonna do it. Also do you think these unclashable setups are practical in a tournament? A lot required 3-4 bars.