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Match Footage ATL Redd's Smoke

Well, what I believe causes it is the goofy-ass fullscreen rolling state that f4 puts them in. No other move in the game (as far as I'm aware) has quite the same effect on hit, so the issue is with that state caused by f4. Look here


Cage flies about 2/3 screen, hits the ground and bounces, then hits the ground again and lands on his back where he wakeup.

The closest example I can think of would be nightwolf's shoulder charge, however when it hits it puts the enemy directly onto the ground, then they bounce about 2/3 screen, then they hit again and land where they can wakeup. This just makes me wonder if you can do EX Resets in a nightwolf/smoke tag team... shoulder charge > Tag Assist (EX Bomb) ender anyone? does that even combo? unable to test