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Match-up Discussion As an Ermac player...


I miss you
Ok, so the thing is I never played against any Skarlet online, nor offline. NEVER. And seeing some of her tools and heavy combos kinda freaks me out a little bit. So, in the Ermac vs Skarlet matchup, can anyone tell me in depth the key-concepts, advantages, and what would be the strategy for both players?

Cheers and thanks.


My sparring partner Error mains Ermac and I think Skarlet has a slight advantage, not sure though. He doesn't have armor to escape pressure but he limits her mobility to some extent because of his force push/lift. I think I have some old videos of Skarlet vs. Ermac but those were super laggy matches.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Stay the hell out of her range, Avoid baiting her movements with forcelifts, do not throw random fireballs, do not teleport unless she does a blood ball.
Watch out for Ex Red Dash

Best tools ermac has to fight Skarlet are:
Force Push
IAenergy blast


Go to hell.
They are even on damage output, Ermac can limit her mobility and poke out of a lot of her pressure, and she still has that great pressure.

I have trouble with her armor, if I don't respect it I get kombo'd and reset for more pressure, and if I do respect it I have to deal with the pressure. I'd give her the slight advantage from my experience.