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Combo List - Alien Alien's Combo Thread – Updated 7th/05/2016

Post combos for the Xenomorph and specify the variation please.

Konjurer sections are empty, but trap combos may be added later. For information dedicated to the Konjurer variation’s Bread ‘n’ Butter combos, set-ups and traps, visit Sage Leviathan’s Living Konjurer Guide. ← Clicky.

----[ Notation guide ]----

, – Precedes the next step in a string – example: 1,1,2.

+ – The preceding and following input must be pressed at once; like Tarkatan Rush’s Impale: BF2, 1, 1+3.
This does not apply to directional inputs like D1, D2, B4 and the like.

xx – Canceled into – e.g. B3xxTail Flip.

~ – Next part of a combo, not canceled into – e.g. B1,1,U4~F1,3,4.

JI – Jump-in.

NJ – Neutral Jump.

EN – MK9-style Enhanced special; a move that is enhanced at the same time it is executed.

MB – Injustice-style Meter Burn; a move that can be enhanced after the animation has already started.

Run – A run can be canceled out of by executing the next command.

F2,3,434 – The “434” part will not be performed unless the entire string command is completed. Think of it like Erron’s 2,11,22 string.

Tail Flip – BF4
Xeno Strike – DF3
Tail Snag – DB3
Low Krawl – BF1

Acid Blood – DB4
Exo Sting – DB2
+ Close – DB2B
+ Far – DB2F

Ovomorph – DB1
+ Close – DB1B
+ Far – DB1F
++ Manual Trigger for Facehugger – DB1

Drone Drop – DB4
+ Close – DB4B
+ Far – DB4F
(Enhanced Drone Delay – DB4 (hold 4))

Chop Chop – DB1
Blade Spin – DB2
Tarkatan Rush – BF2 (Rekka starter,)
+ Slice – BF2, 1
++ Slam – BF2, 1, 2
++ Sweep – BF2, 1, 4
++ Impale – BF2, 1, Throw/1+3

Contents are sorted as such:
[ Meterless Midscreen ]
[ Meterless Corner ]
{ Metered Midscreen }
{ Metered Corner }
- Unbreakable Combos -

-------------------[ Meterless Midscreen ]-------------------

----[ Universal ]----

B1,1,U4~F1,3,4 | 22%
B1,1,U4~F2,3,434xXeno Strike | 25%
B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, D2 | 28%
B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1xXeno Strike | 28%
B1,1,U4~Run, F1,3,4xXeno Strike | 29% (A very short run is required to connect Xeno Strike.)

F1,3,4xXeno Strike | 23%

B2~Run, B1,1,U4~Tail Snag | 22% (Cannot be done from a spaced B2.)
B2~Run, F1,3xXeno Strike | 22%
B2~Run, F2,3,434xXeno Strike | 23%

B3/F3/F4xxTail Snag/Flip | 12% (14% with Xeno Strike ender.)

----[ Acidic ]----

(The extra 5% from ticking Acidic enders is counted in the damage percentages.)

B1,1,U4~F2,3,434xxExo Sting | 26%
B1,1,U4~Run, F2,3xxAcid Blood | 24%, restand.
B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1xxExo Sting | 29%

B2~Run, F2,3,434xxExo Sting | 23%

NJP~Run under, U3~F1xxEN Krawl, F2,3xxAcid Blood | 30% (Easier off of an AA NJP.)

----[ Konjurer ]----

B2~F1,3,4xxOvomorph | 20%
B2~B1,1,U4~D4xxOvomorph | 19%

More detailed information and optimal set-up combos are over at Sage Leviathan’s Living Konjurer Guide.

----[ Tarkatan ]----

F1,3,4xxBF2,1, Impale | 23%
B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, 2,1xXeno Strike | 28%

B2~Run, 2,1,4xxBF2, 1, Impale | 24%
B2~Run, F1,3,4xxBF2,1, Impale | 28% (Cannot be done from a spaced B2.)

-------------------[ Meterless Corner ]-------------------

----[ Universal ]----

B2~B1,1,U4~B1,1,U4~D1xXeno Strike | 31%

----[ Acidic ]----

B1,1,U4~D1~NJP~U3~3,3xxAcid Blood | +31%
B1,1,U4~U3~B1,1,U4~B1,1xxAcid Blood | +33%
B2~B1,1,U4~B1,1,U4~D1xxAcid Blood | +33%

----[ Konjurer ]----

----[ Tarkatan ]----

B1,1,U4~U3~U3~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 32%

-------------------{ Metered Midscreen }-------------------

----[ Universal ]----

F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, B1,1,U4~Run, D2 | 35%
F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, B1,1,U4~Run, F2,3xXeno Strike | 37%

B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~F2,3xxEN Krawl, F2,3,434xXeno Strike | 36%

B3/F4xxEN Tail Flip~Run, F1,3,4xXeno Strike | 31%
B3/F4*xxEN Tail Flip~Run, B1,1,U4~F2,3xXeno Strike | 32%
* F4xxEN Tail Flip~Run, B1,1,U4~D4xxTail Snag | 28% (F4 alternative combo route.)

----[ Acidic ]----

B1,1,U4~Run, 2,1,4xxEN Krawl, F2,3,434xxExo Sting / Acid Blood | 34%
B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~F2,3xxEN Krawl, F2,3,434xxExo Sting / Acid Blood | 38%

F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1xxAcid Blood | 36%
F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, B1,1,U4~F2,3xxExo Sting | 38%

B3 / F4xxEN Krawl, B1,1,U4~B1,1,U4~B1,1xxExo Sting | 35%

----[ Konjurer ]----

----[ Tarkatan ]----

2,1,4xxEN Blade Spin~NJP~Walk/Run, 1~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 34%
2,1,4xxEN Flip~NJP, Run, 2~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 35%

B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, 2,1xxEN Chop Chop | 31%
B1,1,3xxEN Blade Spin~NJP~Walk/Run, 1~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 31%
B1,1,U4~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, 2,1,4xxEN Krawl, 2,1,4xxBF2,1 Impale | 37%
B1,1,3xxEN Tail Flip~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, 2,1,4xxEN Krawl, 2,1,4xXeno Strike | 40%

F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, 2,1,4xxBF2,1,4 | 32%
F1,3xxEN Blade Spin~NJP~Walk/Run, 1~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 32%
F1,3xxEN Flip~NJP, Run, 2~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 33%
F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, B1,1,U4~F2,3xxChop Chop / Blade Spin | 36% (37% with BF2,1, Impale ender.)
F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, B1,1,U4, Run, 2,1,4xXeno Strike | 38%
F1,3,4xxEN Krawl, 2,1,4xxEN Blade Spin~NJP~Run, 2,1,4xXeno Strike | 43%

B2~2,1,4xxEN Krawl, 2,1,4xxBF2,1,4 | 32%
B2~Run, F1,3,4xxEN Krawl~F1,3,4xxBF2,1, Impale | 39%

F4xxEN Flip~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, 2,1xXeno Strike | 31%
B3xxEN Flip~NJP, Run, 2~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 32%

EN Tail Flip~Run, B1,1,U4~Run, 2,1,4xXeno Strike | 30%

JI3, EN Krawl, B1,1,U4, Run, 2,1,4xXeno Strike | 30%

-------------------{ Metered Corner }-------------------

----[ Universal ]----

B1,1,U4~U3~B1,1,U4~B1,1xxEN Krawl~F1,3xXeno Strike | 36%

----[ Acidic ]----

B3xxEN Tail Flip~NJP~U3~U3~B1,1,U4~D1xxAcid Blood +35%
F1,3,4xxEN Tail Flip~NJP~U3~2,1,4xxAcid Blood | +39%
F1,3,4xxEN Tail Flip~NJP~U3~U3~D1xxAcid Blood | +40%
F1,3,4xxEN Tail Flip~NJP~U3~3,3xxAcid Blood | +40%

----[ Konjurer ]----

----[ Tarkatan ]----

2,1,4xxEN Blade Spin~NJP~Walk/Run, D2~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 37%
2,1,4xxBF2,1,Impale MB~NJP~Walk/Run, D2~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 37%
2,1,4xxEN Blade Spin~NJP~U3~U3~U3~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 40%

B1,1,U4~B1,1,U4~2,1,4xxEN Krawl | 33%
B1,1,3xxBF2, 1, Impale MB~NJP~B1,1,U4~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 34%
B1,1,U4~D1~NJP~B1,1,U4~D1~1,2xxEN Krawl, 2,1,4xxBF2,1, Impale | 36%
B1,1,U4~B1,1,U4~2,1,4xxEN Krawl, 2,1,4xxBF2,1,4 | 36% (37% when ended with Impale.)

F1,3xxEN Tail Flip~U3~NJP~D2~2,1,4xxEN Krawl, F2,3,434xxBF2,1 | 43% (45% with complete F1,3,4 starter.)

B3xxEN Tail Flip~NJP~B1,1,U4~2,1,4xXeno Strike | 35%

-------------------- Unbreakable Combos --------------------


Tony-T’s Alien Combo Video
Ahmad’s Acidic Combo Guide
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In Zoning We Trust
Are you sure the world is ready? Acidic Variation Optimal Combos-

Meterless- NJP, B11U4, F23 Spray 25%. Still searching for more.

Here's a post from @Asodimazze with our current BnB's-

"38% : f134xxEX Crawl, b11u4, f23xxspray (suggested by Saltshaker)

38% : b11u4, b11u4, f23xxEX Crawl, f23434xxspray

35% : B3/f4xxEX Crawl, b11u4, b11u4, b11xxspray

34% restand : b11u4, b11u4, f23xxEX Crawl, f23434xxacid blood

32% restand : f134xxEX Crawl, b11u4, b11xxacid blood


29 % : B11u4, b11u4, b11xxspray"

F23434 does 36% 1 bar, same EX Crawl filler.

I would also like to add the 1 Bar 50/50 combo starters.

Low: B3~EX Crawl, B11U4, RC, B11U4, RC, B11~Spray. 35%

OH: F4~EX Crawl, B11U4, RC, B11U4, RC, B11~Spray. 35%.

In Acidic it's best to end in Spray because it does more damage as a combo ender, and gives a safe Puddle setup. Need to find optimal S1 AA punish and U3 RC combos next but this is what we have right now.
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Fear the blade of Osh-Tekk
Corner. B11u4,u3,,b11u4,b11xxEXAcidblood 34% if u thro immediately u get 22% throw if u throw them towards, 17% if u throw them backwards
B3xxExtailflip,u3,njp,b11u4,12xxacidblood 34%
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"I still got it...but not much of it"
This is all the stuff i found with Tarkatan in the first two hours of playing KP2, some pretty swaggy stuff and possible corpse hop setups.

1. f134 ex bf1, 214 bf214, bf1 = 32% corpse hop
2. b2, 214 ex bf1, 214 bf214, bf1 = 32% corpse hop
3. b113 ex bf4, RC b11u4, RC 214 ex bf1, 214 df3 = 40% mid
4. f134 ex bf1, b11u4, RC 214 df3 = 38% mid
5. ji3, ex bf1, b11u4, RC 214 df3 = 30% mid
6. b3 ex bf4, njp, b11u4, 214 df3 = 35% corner
7. b113 bf211+3ex, njp, b11u4, 214 df3 = 34% corner
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One thing I've noticed from playing this variation is that most his strings are unsafe.

Ending our combos with bf4 Tail slam is -7 which is a safe overhead might be good. I mean rekkas are nice but being -11 to -15 is going to suck if we just go for them everytime and guess wrong. Especially for such low damage (6%~).

Also your combos are nice but the ex run crawl can only be done off a punish or confirm (which is fine) but in the real world our initial mid starter (f134) is just gonna get low blocked. So we need to optimize off using the overhead tail slam and the blade spin launcher as a mix-up, might end up being a bit like tremor.

Combos I've been using. Exdb2 can be replaced by rekkas on a confirm to the throw launcher - NJP ...

Fast punish (the 2 is a low like sub zero) 12 Exdb2 - NJP - Run - Up3 - 214 df3 (31%)

B113 Exbf4 - NJP - Run - Up3 - 214 df3 (33%)The end of the this first string is 2 x low conditions opponents to block low and cancel into the overhead slam.

Don't do raw B11up4, its -14 !

F134 is our go to string and the skill cap of the variation is changing it up from rekkas, overhead, normal blade spin (low) ex blade spin (overhead again). Still learning.

There is a set-up with B113 (midscreen - won't work in corner). After the knockdown we can f4 (overhead) and option select into low or overhead again and they have to eat it. Now the special thing is with the right spacing we can option select chop chop and chew up some armor moves. If people wanna help find thse that would be awesome.

Ok so with Ex ball roll Mileena we can f4 into exdb2 and it will stuff it.

Kung Lao ex-spin can be broken with b3 (low) into exdb2 after b113 knockdown.

Slides can be stuffed with d3 into exdb2
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214/f13/b3 exbf4 njp 2 RC 214 df3 - t/32%/31%
-214 and f13(4) end in lows, making this a mixup on block
-b3 hits low, creating a low-overhead scenario

Midscreen: b11u4, rc b11u4, rc 21 exdb1 - 1 bar 31 % hard knockdown
Midscreen: f134, exbf1, b11u4, 21, ex db1 - 2 bar 38 % hard knockdown
Corner (damage) :b11u4, b11u4, 214, exbf1, 214, bf214 - 36%, or end in throw for 37%
Corner (setup): b11u4, b11u4, 214 ex db1 - 33% 1 bar hard knockdown (might be able to squeeze more damage since this is basically a midscreen combo without run cancels)
-Can use bf1 to corpse hop, sometimes causing wakeups to whiff (need to test more)

Ending combos with ex db1 always allow a safe bf1 to keep pressure. If opponent wakes up, you can block. If not, rekka pressure. Seems to be a good ender if you have the meter
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Here's a 50/50 setup with alien konjurer after
F134xxdb1 you can do back 3xxdb3 they will get hit by the face hugger then do ji1,f134xxbf1mb,f134xx3 43%
If you want the overhead do b3xxmbbf4 walk back jip, b11u4, f23xxdf3 32%
Both only one bar


The lift is strong in this one
214/f13/b3 exbf4 njp 2 RC 214 df3 - 30%/32%/31%
-214 and f13(4) end in lows, making this a mixup on block
-b3 hits low, creating a low-overhead scenario

Midscreen: b11u4, rc b11u4, rc 21 exdb1 - 1 bar 31 % hard knockdown
Midscreen: f134, exbf1, b11u4, 21, ex db1 - 2 bar 38 % hard knockdown
Corner (damage) :b11u4, b11u4, 214, exbf1, 214, bf214 - 36%, or end in throw for 37%
Corner (setup): b11u4, b11u4, 214 ex db1 - 33% 1 bar hard knockdown (might be able to squeeze more damage since this is basically a midscreen combo without run cancels)
-Can use bf1 to corpse hop, sometimes causing wakeups to whiff (need to test more)

Ending combos with ex db1 always allow a safe bf1 to keep pressure. If opponent wakes up, you can block. If not, rekka pressure. Seems to be a good ender if you have the meter
that combo isnt universal. the NJP wont reach without tarkatan blades
One thing I've noticed from playing this variation is that most his strings are unsafe.

Ending our combos with bf4 Tail slam is -7 which is a safe overhead might be good. I mean rekkas are nice but being -11 to -15 is going to suck if we just go for them everytime and guess wrong. Especially for such low damage (6%~).

Also your combos are nice but the ex run crawl can only be done off a punish or confirm (which is fine) but in the real world our initial mid starter (f134) is just gonna get low blocked. So we need to optimize off using the overhead tail slam and the blade spin launcher as a mix-up, might end up being a bit like tremor.

Combos I've been using. Exdb2 can be replaced by rekkas on a confirm to the throw launcher - NJP ...

Fast punish (the 2 is a low like sub zero) 12 Exdb2 - NJP - Run - Up3 - 214 df3 (31%)

B113 Exbf4 - NJP - Run - Up3 - 214 df3 (33%)The end of the this first string is 2 x low conditions opponents to block low and cancel into the overhead slam.

Don't do raw B11up4, its -14 !

F134 is our go to string and the skill cap of the variation is changing it up from rekkas, overhead, normal blade spin (low) ex blade spin (overhead again). Still learning.

There is a set-up with B113 (midscreen - won't work in corner). After the knockdown we can f4 (overhead) and option select into low or overhead again and they have to eat it. Now the special thing is with the right spacing we can option select chop chop and chew up some armor moves. If people wanna help find thse that would be awesome.

Ok so with Ex ball roll Mileena we can f4 into exdb2 and it will stuff it.

Kung Lao ex-spin can be broken with b3 (low) into exdb2 after b113 knockdown.

Slides can be stuffed with d3 into exdb2
In regards to your B113 into F4 OS, I tried it on Predator with his Scimitar Stab & of course, it's in Alien's favor.
If Predator ex's the stab then the F4 into Chop Chop loses.
You can beat exScimitar if you ex Chop Chop.

So far it's lost to the following:
Quan Chi k- exPortal Slam
Jax - exDash Punch

Has Beaten:
Mileena - exBall
Ferra/Torr(Vicious) - exTuck n Trample
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Here's a 50/50 setup with alien konjurer after
F134xxdb1 you can do back 3xxdb3 they will get hit by the face hugger then do ji1,f134xxbf1mb,f134xx3 43%
If you want the overhead do b3xxmbbf4 walk back jip, b11u4, f23xxdf3 32%
Both only one bar
I've been doing this all day, I do jump 2 instead of 1 though because it reaches farther imo


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
I've been doing

12xxEXdb2, njp, RC, b1, f13xxdf3

I forget the damage but I know it's in the 30%'s


Here's the most damaging 1 bar corner combos I could find with Tarkatan. I tried desperately to squeeze out that extra 1% to hit 40 but even with an extra ji2, it's not enough:(

Also found a good midscreen confirm off the rekka: (starter) bf21+3MB njp, ji2 214 df3- does 34% of a 214 starter

UPDATE: I DID IT! 41% and viable!!

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I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
Here's the most damaging 1 bar corner combos I could find with Tarkatan. I tried desperately to squeeze out that extra 1% to hit 40 but even with an extra ji2, it's not enough:(

Also found a good midscreen confirm off the rekka: (starter) bf21+3MB njp, ji2 214 df3- does 34% of a 214 starter
YO okay I have two suggestions.

1) instead of doing 214 to start, anyway you can do f134 and still land everything?

2) What if the illusive 40% doesn't come from us already having them in the corner, but putting them there? What if we started in the corner and used EXbf1 to switch sides and then combo them from there?


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
Also, after the njp is there any way you can pull off an u3 before the d2?


YO okay I have two suggestions.

1) instead of doing 214 to start, anyway you can do f134 and still land everything?

2) What if the illusive 40% doesn't come from us already having them in the corner, but putting them there? What if we started in the corner and used EXbf1 to switch sides and then combo them from there?
Also, after the njp is there any way you can pull off an u3 before the d2?
I updated my post with my 41% combo. I got 3 u3s in after the njp and did the 214 df3 ender. the u3s caused much less scaling. I tried doing njp, u3, uppercut, 214 df3 and got 40. I'm gonna keep tinkering with it to see if I can squeeze out any more damage.

As for #1, no the f134 messes up the gravity since it launches. And I thought of #2, and was gonna mess with that, but I wanted to try the u3 idea first, which I got watching dink's vid in the other thread
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I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
I updated my post with my 41% combo. I got 3 u3s in after the njp and did the 214 df3 ender. the u3s caused much less scaling. I'm gonna keep tinkering with it to see if I can squeeze out any more damage.

As for #1, no the f134 messes up the gravity since it launches. And I thought of #2, and was gonna mess with that, but I wanted to try the u3 idea first, which I got watching dink's vid in the other thread
That's sick, super happy this worked. You should be able to get some sort of damage midscreen as well.


That's sick, super happy this worked. You should be able to get some sort of damage midscreen as well.
Thanks for the ideas man! I'm working with doing 214 ex bf1 from the corner right now. So far I found that jip, 214, ex bf1, b11u4, rc, b11u4,u3, 214 df3 does 40%. Pretty sure that damage around 40% midscreen using 214xx ex bf1 is possible


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
Thanks for the ideas man! I'm working with doing 214 ex bf1 from the corner right now. So far I found that jip, 214, ex bf1, b11u4, rc, b11u4,u3, 214 df3 does 40%. Pretty sure that damage around 40% midscreen using 214xx ex bf1 is possible
If not, I'd explore what you were doing before with the rekka and the njp. Nice to see some progress!