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[5/9/19] May PC Patch Notes



Hello all, Here are the patch notes for the PC Patch which should be going live later this morning.

• Temporarily disabled the RGB Lighting feature from online matches to prevent desyncs from occurring at the “FINISH HIM” screen

• Fixed an issue that caused the audio to go out of sync with the Story mode cutscenes

• Fixed a crash that occurred when obtaining Kenshi’s Blindfold in the Krypt

• Fixed an issue where the GPU Autodetection could cause the title to go unresponsive when booting up the title for the first time

• Fixed a crash that could occur when disconnecting a controller in a local multiplayer fight when using at least one DualShock4 controller

• Fixed an issue where disconnecting a controller after a local two player fight would make the title unresponsive

• Fixed an issue where the title would not launch properly if the Steam folder path contained diacritic marks

• Fixed a rare case where the game would not launch because of an assertion error

• Added additional Shadow optimizations which help improve overall performance

• Various minor Mouse and Keyboard fixes