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  1. Biggs

    UMK3 Classic Subzero Frame Data

    I think all the numbers with ~ are inaccurate. ~ - : Probably more negative ~ +: Probably less plus
  2. Biggs

    How FA/GC affects Frame Data

    Preface - Hanzo was asking me about how Sindel's Scream punishing sweep may change depending upon FA and GC. So I am making this post to explain this in detail. There is a common misconception that the presence of FA or GC determines whether a character can punish certain moves on block every...
  3. Biggs

    UMK3 Mileena Frame Data

    Right now I don't have a way to get meaningful numbers for block data. If anyone has any ideas or would like explanation please ask.
  4. Biggs

    Reiko's Kara Clock Kick

    Here is a short video covering one of Reiko's staple techniques.
  5. Biggs

    MK Gold Max Damage Inconsistencies?

    I don't understand how some MK Gold combos cause max damage at 40% and others don't. I also don't understand how a combo that works in MK4 causes max damage in MK Gold.
  6. Biggs

    MK9 *REMOVED* From Steam. UPDATE: PS3 Servers *REMOVED*

    WBGames/NRS seems to have asked Steam to no longer sell copies of MK9 EDIT: WB actually just removed MK9 servers...
  7. Biggs

    2019 UMK3 Tier List Discussion

    I made a long discussion video about UMK3's tiers. In the video I examine some past tier lists and see if they accurately reflect today's meta game. Then I attempt to create a fully ranked tier list and share some of my thoughts on each character and how they compare to the characters around...
  8. Biggs

    The Ultimate UMK3 Reptile Guide

    @Shock @ded @MKK hanzo @Mgo @rzpmkkteam @THTB I am planning to release a video guide on Reptile. I would like this video to cover all aspects of Reptile's gameplay in UMK3. I am expecting this video to be a few hours long. While I do have a great amount of in depth knowledge on Reptile, I am...
  9. Biggs

    MKK Hanzo's Crazy 2018 UMK3 Matchup Chart

    @MKK hanzo posted an updated 2018 UMK3 matchup chart on FB. A lot of these numbers seem crazy to me, but Hanzo is a Grandmaster and I respect his opinion. What is everyone's thoughts? Just off the top of my head Ermac beating Kabal 6-4 and Smoke beating Kabal 7-3 seems wrong. Reptile losing...
  10. Biggs

    [Video] Reo takes MK9 Combo Challenge

    Last week Reo took an MK9 combo challenge on stream. The stream was pretty funny so I thought I would share some highlights from it. The challenge was pretty light and consisted of 4 combos using CSZ, Noob, Ermac and Skarlet. There is also some footage showcasing buffed Noob Saibot and nerfed...
  11. Biggs

    Match Footage 2017 Rain Match Footage

    A lot of people have been playing MK9 lately, so I decided to pick up a new character. Rain seems really good, but when I started to play him I learned that he has many problems. He is really fun though. Here is a funny scramble moment that happened @ 12:36 during some Shang vs Rain matchup...
  12. Biggs

    MKX Tournament LIVE at LVLUPEXPO

    MKX Tournament LIVE at LVL UP EXPO @ Las Vegas, Nevada Streams : Bracket:
  13. Biggs

    Math Debate: Is absolute value an operation?

    Absolute value is the distance between a number and 0 on the real number line. It is written like |x| with x being a number. So to jog memory the absolute value of -5 or |-5| is 5, and the absolute value of 5 or |5| is also 5. This is because distance can only be positive (this can be proven by...