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  1. SaucyD0ge

    Duplicate thread, please delete

    I botched it
  2. SaucyD0ge

    Should Doom Guy be next?

    Just a poll and thread for Doom Guy as a potential DLC candidate.
  3. SaucyD0ge

    Doom guy for dlc

    Long story short: due to a recent bet with my friend, I loftily claimed I would never think of buying MK11 unless Reptile/ Ermac/ Doom Guy made it into the game. Since the first two are, well, reduced to crypt props. I'd like to hear everyone else's opinion about Doom Guy for dlc. (I personally...
  4. SaucyD0ge

    The High—Mid Database

    As it turns out, this game has a lot more normals whiffing on crouch-blocking [females].Starting with the issue I discovered recently(Red Hood 32), I’ll be keeping track of all mids whiffing on crouching [female] hitboxes, and archiving them here for them to be noticed and amended by NRS...
  5. SaucyD0ge

    Fix Red Hood 32 mid

    As things are, Red Hood’s 32 string, a mid normal in itself, will whiff against ducking females(found it out playing vs a WoWo).As in with Sub-Zero’s 33 string, I expect this string to become a TRUE mid against the whole cast. Yours truly, SaucyD0ge. Please do not subvert this thread from the...
  6. SaucyD0ge

    Having another character crisis, help

    Been playing Batman and started my Red Hood.As things stand, I’m struggling mostly against counter pick Aquaman’s, Deadshot and surprisingly Harley.Any body who I should pick up for match-up coverage?(if possible, describe the character and it’s playstyle in depth) (would like it to be a...
  7. SaucyD0ge

    Looking for EU players

    Hello folks, it’s SaucyD0ge here.Today, I’m putting this thread up for any European players who can’t get any decent folks to play with regularly; starting with myself. Just don’t forget to add your username and which console you play on and you’re set. Psn D0gesurge Main:Batman/Week One Red...
  8. SaucyD0ge

    Buying gear set pieces with credits

    With a lot of us having lost epic gear and such in the last (disaster) patch, I think having an ingame hub where you can buy a SPECIFIC gear piece for high prices would be a great improvement for the game. As it currently stands, getting one specific piece of gear to drop in order to have a...
  9. SaucyD0ge

    Rejoice fellow players, the day has come!

    -Ranked will be best of five -You can default competitive mode for player matches -2 new shaders for everyone shoutouts to youphemism for the good news @Youphemism (thanks a lot)
  10. SaucyD0ge

    What are Batman's options against potent zoning

    Afaik, Batman tends to win all match-ups where he can zone mindlessly with batarangs.So in order to help my shortcomig against zoning; would anyone be kind enough to disclose Batman's options against zoning. Side note:I also have no idea the Cyborg mu is meant to be played as anyone who mains...
  11. SaucyD0ge

    Air escape punishes

    Hi fellow Batman players, today I would like to know what are your optimal punishes for air escapes and your ways of preventong the opponent from getting an easy air escape.
  12. SaucyD0ge

    Who is Supergirl's worst match-up?

    Who even beats Supergirl?Every single person I run into online seems to have Supergirl for their mains or secondary; it's getting obnoxious.
  13. SaucyD0ge

    Batman: What's your pocket main for losing Match Ups?

    Recently picked up batman, learned his bnbs and vortex; but whenever I get zoned hard as Batman, I seem to struggle with getting and staying in.I don't want to drop the character at all but can anyone tell me a secondary character to cover his bad matchups?(Deadshot, Harley etc.; the ones who...