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  1. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    Look in the BB gameplay footage thread. Espio has a great set against an Aqua man
  2. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle Bank of Knowledge

    Nice man! I knew you could do it!
  3. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    So, I played ranked for about an hour last night (*rolls eyes*). I recorded everything. I got about 20 games in. 15/20 matches were either AquaMan or Black Adam. I'm getting better with the AquaMan MU. I just try to play as patiently as possible, stay in the air to punish from the deep, AND STAY...
  4. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle Match Footage

    Meh, it's just locals. They are a great way to help you level up. You should def go
  5. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle Match Footage

    Lol. Just type "@|Pha" and click on my name. But for future reference, no space between the "|" and the "P" I love to be overly complicated ;)
  6. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle Match Footage

    BOI. I watched that shit this morning while getting ready for work (and while at work... NO JUDGING) Anyways. Great job on the adaptation in the second set for sure. It was hella fun to watch. I bet it was probably even more fun to play!
  7. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle Match Footage

    Dude for real. I watched a good chunk of the Scarecrow, and all of the Grodd. Fucking good shit m8. @Sesal Snow
  8. |Phantom|

    BB Buffs Wishlist

    I've said this before, but I'm gonna say it again. I would LOVE for them to make MB DF1 a higher bounce so we could b3 for better dmg off of that move. The normal BnB is fine (__xxDF1MB, 3xxBF2, F23xx shield). I just feel like it would add a little more damage..
  9. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    Not to sound arrogant. That combo is really not very hard to execute. It's the timing that gets most people. The 3xx gun is instant. Then you pause before f2 shield
  10. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    You could also do what Espio does... Opener xxx df1mb xxx 111 xxx shield
  11. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    I lost patience with the f2,3 bf3 ender. I just use f2 bf3. It hits way more reliably. Also, Can we just take a moment to recognize how great shield is for a combo ender for BB? Good damage, sends them away so he can go back into his zoning. It's kinda like a perfect move for my general game...
  12. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    I love the idea of the B2 bounce cancel
  13. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    Soooo, real talk. How good is his rushdown? Cuz I have no clue how to play that way. I've started playing with Robin a little bit.. Just in training, because I heard he has a great neutral. But Beetle with blades has just as many great strings, and as good if not better reach... Just wanna...
  14. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    It doesn't increase the range of the special, but it increases the mind game of the 50/50 Anyone who knows the MU knows that BB's B2 has horrible range. So they are of course going to block low until he is right next to them. With blades out, B2 reaches as far and df1, creating much more of a...
  15. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    This is why BB is sooo interesting. He has the ability to tick different boxes for different players. It makes his play style so open ended. I can see some matchups where blade stance would really help against opponents with stubby range. Not to mention the range of his B2 and Df1 in that...
  16. |Phantom|

    Blue Beetle General Discussion Thread

    I still haven't really gotten to play a good cheeta. But the one I did play in ranked got d2'd every time they leaped in... So I guess it is possible. But I fucking hate ranked matches because I can usually only find shitty players and shittier people... lol
  17. |Phantom|

    Least played character online

    I think we may just be in a part of the game where the "legacy fighters" are just easier and more accessible than the new members of the roster. In that case it makes tons of sense that you would see them more than some of the newer characters. I hope that eventually things will balance out a...