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  1. TackyHaddock

    How to handle losing

    How we respond to winning or losing in a fighting game is a microcosm of how we are likely to respond to success or failure in our lives more broadly. When I began playing MK11, I was getting much saltier at losses than I generally have in the past, perhaps because I've had less time to play...
  2. TackyHaddock

    MK11 KABAL Discussion

    hmm I'd have to overhaul my standard muscle memory protocols to try that input, will give it a shot tho
  3. TackyHaddock

    MK11 KABAL Discussion

    has anyone else noticed that when you play with release check on and you input 11 BF3, the buzzsaw comes out rather than the intended nomad dash? Seems like a bug to me, as it reads you inputs as intending the buzzsaw rather than the dash, even when you input 11 first and then quickly input BF3...
  4. TackyHaddock

    Need Kitana 101 for wife.

    generally refers to a video game wife
  5. TackyHaddock

    Remove one Kharacter, Your Pick

    I’m an ignoramus. Can someone please explain what it means to be a “jobber”?
  6. TackyHaddock

    WB Addresses Netcode Issues

    if the patch is what fucked it up, why can't they just undo that? The benefits of whatever changes they made in that last patch do not outweigh that adverse impact on the netcode
  7. TackyHaddock

    Kabal Matchup Thread

    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I am no expert in fighting her and have gotten destroyed by a few different Sonyas. If it were not for the fast recovery of her projectile, I'd be less concerned
  8. TackyHaddock

    Kabal Matchup Thread

    One note re the Jade matchup though - many Jade players get cocky when they have the purple glow up full screen, and you can often catch them with a Yolo nomad dash as they are less likely to block
  9. TackyHaddock

    Kabal Matchup Thread

    Kabal does well against most of the top tiers in my opinion: he does pretty well against Geras, Erron and Cassie, but does NOT do well against Sonya. Sonya neutralizes Kabal's strengths with her fast recovery projectile.
  10. TackyHaddock

    Kabal Matchup Thread

    yes, very annoying matchup. I only play mean streak and I don't think it makes much of a difference.
  11. TackyHaddock

    Ping and Connectivity Issues Since Update

    anyone notify NRS? We can talk about it all we want but unless they see this thread...
  12. TackyHaddock

    Ever had the feeling you just suck at MK11?

    I decry myself for being flowchart AF sometimes!
  13. TackyHaddock

    Gaming Disorder is an official illness by WHO

    I can't play MK right before going to bed anymore. Mind gets overactive and repeats images/sequences like a broken record preventing me from falling asleep often for many hours. Pretty much can only play in the morning, afternoon or early evening with a substantial buffer period for bed :(
  14. TackyHaddock

    Combo Breaker 2019 Top 8 Set!

    Congrats to Scar! Unbelievable accomplishment Sonic almost having the craziest runback ever also can’t be forgotten Tweedy looking like a beast throughout as well
  15. TackyHaddock

    Being In A Serious Relationship With Any Mk Character

    Kollector? where would he put all those hands?
  16. TackyHaddock

    Lizard Reptile or Human Reptile? (Poll)

    Human all day color swap = sufficient uniqueness for a ninja. I'm old school motherfuckers!
  17. TackyHaddock

    Atrocity of Season 8 of GoT

    I was happy with the finale. People hate on the fact that Bran became king of the 6 kingdoms, but it makes sense for a number of reasons: - despite Dany's demise, it is the first step in the fulfillment of her goal to "break the wheel". This signifies the end of hereditary monarchy in Westeros...
  18. TackyHaddock

    TYM King Of The Hill Weekly Matches! (PS4)

    Can you add me? Tackyhaddock8 on ps4
  19. TackyHaddock

    Atrocity of Season 8 of GoT

    When Dany started killing the innocents en masse, I just had a heart sinking feeling similar to seeing your team make it all the way to the superbowl and then fail miserably. Despite everything, I was still routing for her to win, but to win with some dignity. and yes, it did just seem...
  20. TackyHaddock

    Kharacter Tower Requirements Hotfix

    What quantity of gear/skins can you get for a particular character for doing that character’s tower?