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    Donatello General Discussion: "Get ready for gadgets"

    I think everyone's underestimating him. His b2 has crazy range, and if they're not crouching it confirms into b223 or b22 db1 which both are safe. He doesn't have MKX pressure or mixups but he does have significant advantage with his range of his b2, b1, j2, and his AA db2. I've been having a...
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    Raiden Buff Wishlist.

    I started playing raiden while trying to get every character to 20. He became my favorite to play merely because of fun factor. I know from a competetive stand point he is bottom 3. His neutral is awful, has no true mixups, and no safe pressure. But online people are idiots, and I get away...
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    Enchantress gameplan?

    She has different tools for different characters. Her trait should always be utilized, and her hex's should only be utilized in matches where she can safely throw it out. For any rushdown characters, her stopped trait is a perfect tool to throw out a hex. For zoners, her projectile shield is her...
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    Don't use these wake-up on Hellboy!

    Goddam these are hilarious
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    "Aw Crap" Hellboy Matchup Discussion

    Catwoman is his worst matchup. Her small figure ruins most of his approaches, as she can duck under his f2 and b3 with her b3 and d1. There have been so many moments where I was at advantage and trying to continue pressure where she gets out of it by throwing out one of her moves that make her...
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    TOP 5 (after patch)

    Im rank 1000 on Xbox, Im a serious knowledge for this. 1. HellBoy 2. Raiden 3. Black Lightning 4. Starfire 5. Green Arrow's Nth metal Shader
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    Black Manta: Video Intel Series & Play List

    Awesome stuff Reo! One thing I think would be awesome to explore is the benefits of landing a b13 as a combo ender. Its a hard knockdown thats +28 and really small recovery. Plus you're up close enough to eat out a wakeup with 213 or 21xxLazers. I've been using it primarily in the corner to...
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    Bane 99.9% Damage off a Cross-Up

    *pockets bain*
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    Green Arrow General Discussion Thread

    I'm so happy we finally got a day. I grinded his battles and eventually got 3 shaders
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    Last hit of game not ending game [BUG]

    When it happened to you was it always online? Or is this an offline issue too?
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    Last hit of game not ending game [BUG]

    So I was playing some ranked matches, and as I get the last hit no damage is registered. The game clearly recognizes this as you can hear the sound of the hit registering, and the victory music transition. But... the game does not end. Anyone else experience this issue? Here's the game
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    When you want to punch someone really far away - several times. Green Arrow Combo Thread. v2 (6/23)

    Looks awesome so far! Just found a weird one that I Yolo'd in ranked. (MB) F3 d2xxdf2 ji2 111xbf3 It catches people trying to wake up out of corner, but its at a position where you cant get the 3xxdb1 after the MB f3. Does ~30% damage
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    Whiteboi Wins Injustice 2 at CEO 2017

    I think the diversity in top 8 speaks volumes. The legacy characters making an early dominance is only part of the script people. Firestorm vs Grodd Grand Finals EVO
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    Green Arrow General Discussion Thread

    If you end with b23 you can load an arrow and then press 4. and depending on what arrow you loaded you could either jump and shoot down, shoot a low arrow, or cancel and go for a grab
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    Sub-Zero Pre-Release General Discussion

    Could his trait be the clone? That would mean he has a MB trait, air trait, and second use (throw it). That would seem the most fair as it would go away if he got hit, and he could drop it on command if its in a bad spot
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    Xbox players looking for sets!

    I wont be able to play until Sunday. But I'd be happy to then!
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    Sub-Zero Pre-Release General Discussion

    His MB ice clone is the perfect "Fuck you, try me" to air dashes, grodds lunge and Cheetahs lunge. Fucking love it!
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    Xbox players looking for sets!

    Put me there! GT: afroninja 95 I main Arrow, but I have a pocket Superman, Grodd, Swamp Thing, and I'm gonna work on Red Hood alot.
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    Red Hood General Tech Discussion

    I've been going for b3 after 113xMine midscreen. It low profiles you, its safe, and it will combo back into 113xMine if it hits. I've also eaten armor with the two hits
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    So he sucks... but WHY?

    His db3 mb shouldn't be unblockable. But it could use some armor to save him from dumb trading. His vines need better grab-boxes. A lot of weird profiles get out of it easily. His neutral 2 is the dumbest button in the game. 30 frames for a shit range overhead? Hi is a corner monster which is...