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Discussion What is actually wrong with MKXL


These posts have become almost a tradition for me right now. I am not a fan, but a dedicated follower of NRS games. As a top player and someone who has done a lot of theory research on fighting games in the past, I cant help but feel NRS keep struggling with the same problems, which in turn lead to poor gameplay experience for us all. With new balance patch coming up I'd like to explain why MKX design fails to achieve balance we strive for.

1) Jumps
A lot has been said about jumping, yet its critics are not totally correct. Jumps play a huge role it MKX footsies and theres a reason.

There is no drawback to jumping. Many jump attacks can reach standing opponent the moment you leave the ground - see Kung Jin, Sub Zero, Mileena, Jax etc. This forces random. You have to guess (outside of outzoning jumps) - will he hit right away? Delay a bit? Do a deep jump punch? Then there are jump kicks that are even harder to AA, reach further, lead to advantage on block...

RR is shifted toward jumping player. Most characters will AA with d2. it deal 14% where you average jump punch leads into 30%+. So you need to outguess 3 to 1 to have a decent RR. Needless to say you cant outguess jumpers 3 to 1 in MKX.

The real problem however are not jumps itself. its UNEQUALITY, which is the core of IMBALANCE. Not every character has good jumps, few characters have good AA. Many characters with great jumps have great footsie tools. In a matchup where player A can outfootsie(see below) player B jumps get even better, worsening MU, leading to more disbalance.

2) Cancel advantage and advantage on guard overall further disbalance. RC is a new mechanic in MKX that is enchanced by ability to build meter hitting block. Ability to create trueblockstrings by exploding kunai or RC some moves isnt bad by itself, but it also lead to imbalance - in MU that you can easier set up this pressure becomes even better. Thus more 7-3

3) Advancing nomrals. This has been a scourge of nrs games since forever and doesnt seem to go away. Footsies should be played on foot, not normals that carry you across the screen without risk nor hurtbox (most of those also lead to pressure described above). Its ok when you have to read poke that deal 3% its not okay to read a safe launched hitting 3/4 screen and get jailed on block. BUT just as above it doesnt automatically make the game bad. But it creates imbalance b/c to win a MU you NEED to be able to get around such normals. And if you dont you need to switch characters, forcing counterpicks and increasing 7-3 MUs.

4) Poor defence.
Game is very offensive-based. Rare defensive options are either unsafe, or expensive or plain weak - often all of it. You have to realize if you have just ONE way to achieve victory then only characters who are good at this ONE things will be top. And you just cant balance 100 characters (exactly this much in MKX) because of it. Precisely what we see happening. There is 100 characters in MKX but tournaments barely see 10. About 10% of the cast is viable - this is TERRIBLE balance. So when next time you see a tournament and get hype that "many" characters see play, check how many characters are left out.


Agree with pretty much all of your points. But I'd also add armor to your list. Armor was one of the most complained about things in MK9, and it's still an issue many years later. NRS needs to find a way to better balance the rampant armor that plagues the game.

Devastating armor attacks should not be available like candy 90% of the match, especially with so many that impact a match similar or more than an X-Ray attack.

This game is full of many armor attacks that have one or more of the following traits:

1.) Go half screen
2.) Launch into combos (some even 40%+ just for getting hit by a 1 bar armor attack)
3.) Immediately start with armor on the first available frame
4.) Overhead or Low armor attacks
5.) Safe armor attacks
6.) Not easy to punish armor attacks with unnecessary pushback or blockstun

Armor just adds to the craziness of the game, and indirectly benefits offense more so than the "defense" that many seem to preach as a selling point. If some characters armor only functioned or triggered during "reversal" window or "wake-up" window (like Scorpion EX teleport), then I'd understand. But 98% of the armor in this game does not and is available at any given time as long as one easily attainable bar is present.

I do agree that some defensive traits should be buffed in this game. Things like backdashes, backward walkspeed, anti-airs, building slight meter while blocking, block breakers, no chip outs for certain attacks, etc. etc. or any ideas that specifically target the defensive aspect of the game should be either improved, or looked into.


Agree with pretty much all of your points. But I'd also add armor to your list. Armor was one of the most complained about things in MK9, and it's still an issue many years later. NRS needs to find a way to better balance the rampant armor that plagues the game.

Devastating armor attacks should not be available like candy 90% of the match, especially with so many that impact a match similar or more than an X-Ray attack.

This game is full of many armor attacks that have one or more of the following traits:

1.) Go half screen
2.) Launch into combos (some even 40%+ just for getting hit by a 1 bar armor attack)
3.) Immediately start with armor on the first available frame
4.) Overhead or Low armor attacks
5.) Safe armor attacks
6.) Not easy to punish armor attacks with unnecessary pushback or blockstun

Armor just adds to the craziness of the game, and indirectly benefits offense more so than the "defense" that many seem to preach as a selling point. If some characters armor only functioned or triggered during "reversal" window or "wake-up" window (like Scorpion EX teleport), then I'd understand. But 98% of the armor in this game does not and is available at any given time as long as one easily attainable bar is present.

I do agree that some defensive traits should be buffed in this game. Things like backdashes, backward walkspeed, anti-airs, building slight meter while blocking, block breakers, no chip outs for certain attacks, etc. etc. or any ideas that specifically target the defensive aspect of the game should be either improved, or looked into.

Armor attacks and the massive jump in buttons are the two main issues I have in this game. Run button is number 3. This game would be so much better even with all the 50/50 nonsense if armor wasn't an ever persistent factor in the guessing game.

I remember when they said each character would have unique jumping normals I got worried some character's would be bullshit and lo and behold they are. Look at ferra torr's NJP. Just.... what? what the fuck even is that move. Why.

I miss the old MK style but I completely understand that that's a throwback thing and something they wanted to move away from. I get it. But it made the game way more balanced :/


Off from what I can remember, I believe Predator, Ferra / Torr, Kenshi, Leatherface, Ermac, Alien, Jax, Raiden, Johnny, Mileena... Probably missing a few.

These characters can all get either 40% or into the 30%s with the addition of leaving you standing for guaranteed chip, mix-ups, etc. They get extreme mileage off one of their armor attacks. Acidic, as an example can take near 50% of your life in the corner with the blink of an eye just for getting hit by an armor launcher and then guessing incorrectly post-restand. And these outcomes are actually quite common.
Getting massive rewards off of a reversal is evil. It's DP FADC Ultra for 1 bar. And with how straightforward MKX's offense is (you either jump or use an advancing mid) the "get in, end up being slightly minus, throw out an armored launcher to steal turn" is in fact an effective meta.
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Sub and kotal FTW
Hitbox issues, some characters have skins that change the hit box (kuai liang sub) and some characters are simply too small and change combo gravity. Some characters with command grabs cannot use cg's after a hkd.


Mid-match beer sipper
my main complaint is safe armored launchers that lead into vortex.
example of good ex move is ermac's blast. 16% damage and end of story. no 40% into vortex that would lead into another vortex...
Not to mention that only a select few characters can even break armor consistently. Liu Kang, Mileena, Cassie, Kung Jin, Ninjutsu Scorp, etc. Probably missed one or two.


The Power of Lame Compels You
my main complaint is safe armored launchers that lead into vortex.
example of good ex move is ermac's blast. 16% damage and end of story. no 40% into vortex that would lead into another vortex...
Question, what characters have safe armored launcher into vortex? Because I count about none. There are like two safe armored launchers in this game. Punchwalk and Crystaline Down Shatter. Am I missing any?


Mid-match beer sipper
Question, what characters have safe armored launcher into vortex? Because I count about none. There are like two safe armored launchers in this game. Punchwalk and Crystaline Down Shatter. Am I missing any?
Cage's EX nutpunch is pretty safe with all the pushback. Leads into re-stand and more pressure.

Edit: Cassie's flipkick is pretty safe as well.
Agree with pretty much all of your points. But I'd also add armor to your list. Armor was one of the most complained about things in MK9, and it's still an issue many years later. NRS needs to find a way to better balance the rampant armor that plagues the game.

Devastating armor attacks should not be available like candy 90% of the match, especially with so many that impact a match similar or more than an X-Ray attack.

This game is full of many armor attacks that have one or more of the following traits:

1.) Go half screen
2.) Launch into combos (some even 40%+ just for getting hit by a 1 bar armor attack)
3.) Immediately start with armor on the first available frame
4.) Overhead or Low armor attacks
5.) Safe armor attacks
6.) Not easy to punish armor attacks with unnecessary pushback or blockstun

Armor just adds to the craziness of the game, and indirectly benefits offense more so than the "defense" that many seem to preach as a selling point. If some characters armor only functioned or triggered during "reversal" window or "wake-up" window (like Scorpion EX teleport), then I'd understand. But 98% of the armor in this game does not and is available at any given time as long as one easily attainable bar is present.

I do agree that some defensive traits should be buffed in this game. Things like backdashes, backward walkspeed, anti-airs, building slight meter while blocking, block breakers, no chip outs for certain attacks, etc. etc. or any ideas that specifically target the defensive aspect of the game should be either improved, or looked into.
I think the advancing normals gets worse with every game.
In MKX they're on steroids if you see how fast characters can cover much ground while running.

The running + advancing string just kills the whole aspect of careful spacing, the game just don't care.