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Question GA pressure question

Hello guys, I am very new with GA and Injustice, I searched through the forums and I know that this question is already been asked but I couldnt find enough on the subject. So his best pressure is B13 on block into F2d13 arrow, right? Because the B3 is like 15 on block. Can you give me some examples of strings and combinations of a good rush down with him, because I cannot imagine that it is just B13 and f2d13.. arrow etc.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
f2d13 and f2d1 low arrow works well. I don't think there's many situations to land a raw b13 So I suggest using variations of the f2 string to set up other strings. After f2d1 low arrow you can get a free f2/d1 and ect. When they respect those options you can get a b13 or b23 in.

Really it's very character specific. He has little tricks that work better on some more than others. If you have an ice arrow loaded you have some tricks after b13. You can cancel into arrow and hold, release, dash cancel, low or overhead. There's a ton of shit you can do but it takes some knowledge of his and other characters frames.


Original Liu Kang cop.
In the corner b13~up haven ALL DAY and hit confirm into arrow. His best string is F2D13 and is +1 on block, so they have to either armor or backdash to get away from a d1 follow up. Don't underestimate the significance of his d1~arrow, once people respect that it's party time.

IMO GA isn't built as a pressure character, I think he's geared more towards hit and run tactices so get your footsies and spacing good and capitalise on your opponent's mistakes.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
In the corner b13~up haven ALL DAY and hit confirm into arrow. His best string is F2D13 and is +1 on block, so they have to either armor or backdash to get away from a d1 follow up. Don't underestimate the significance of his d1~arrow, once people respect that it's party time.

IMO GA isn't built as a pressure character, I think he's geared more towards hit and run tactices so get your footsies and spacing good and capitalise on your opponent's mistakes.
Just adding that b13 up haven is character specific. It will whiff on shorter characters like nightwing.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
F2D13 is character specific, im pretty sure b13~uphaven isn't though.
Pick nightwing and record b13 up haven with GA. You can just block and crouch the up haven even if you started off in stand block. Some of the taller characters can't crouch it I believe but I only tested nightwing.


Original Liu Kang cop.
Pick nightwing and record b13 up haven with GA. You can just block and crouch the up haven even if you started off in stand block. Some of the taller characters can't crouch it I believe but I only tested nightwing.
Oh shit, there goes my corner tech. Training mode is a bit faulty then, if you set them to crouch and block, they stand up when they block.