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Ask Raiden Thread

y'know i was playing around with 3, 3, 4, forward forward grab and i noticed something.....

if you hit D, DF 2 you do a grab everytime. i was always doing D, DF, F 2

it makes the combo so much easier
So how do I teleport quick into a air combo or shock? I'm confused and stuck at trying to teleport into a hit.... Any help? Please.


Raiden Practitioner
Any tips to better time the b312 after shocker? I can probably get it 80% of the time, need it at 100%
As soon as Raiden grabs them, hold Back and mash on 3, when you see the 3 start coming out, press 1, 2. I think this, i.e. timing certain moves after a Shocker, is turning out to be the hardest thing for Raiden players. As for timing 3, 3, 4 after a Shocker, what works for me is, again, mashing on 3 as soon as he grabs them and when you see the 3 come out press 4. It is possible to time it correctly so you don't have to mash but the frame window is so strict it's nearly impossible to do it consistently, and there is no visual cue of any sort.

As for dashing in after b3, 1, 2 or 3, 3, 4 and doing a Shocker, I found an easier and much more consistent way to do it. As soon as you notice the last move (2 or 4) start coming out do ff (forward forward) and then instead of df2, do d+1, f+2 (press down and 1 at the same time and then forward and 2 at the same time). Raiden will low punch and then instantly do a Shocker. Not only it's easier that way, it also adds one additional hit to the combo (note: I haven't tested the above with 3, 3, 4 but it works very well with b3, 1, 2).


the special effects
The easiest way to connect a shocker after a b312 is b312 dash 2~shocker finisher of your choice. I personally advise against b312 dash 2~shocker 334 superman as I've posted a video showcasing the combo can actually be made unsafe, not to mention the 334 timing online is extremely strict that if you try mashing the 3 the 4 will always whiff.

As for 334, you're better off doing 334 tele shocker. You can make the combo more flashy by doing a 334 tele air blast but Shocker is easier to link and a b312 superman followup is far easier and a rewarding 36%.
i can do all these combos except for the tele grab even when i get it faster the normal i never execute it. only combo stopping me from learning everything


mk noobie here. im still deciding which character to main. i like raiden because he seems to be one of the simple characters as far as combos go. is he a character that can get the most damage off of the most basic combos?


raiden can play very safe with his b3, 1, 2. on block d+1 is almost guaranteed (if your opponent hasn't a move with invincibility or xray), and after d+1 you can go straight to another b3, 1, 2 or d+3 and then start all over again.

on hit, you can dash in and do b3, 1, 2 again or 3, 3, 4 and end both options with superman. easy, meterless and very reliable combo even online.
his superman is among the best specials in the game, starts faster than most other specials in the game, with ridiculous horizontal range which gives you the perfect tool to punish specials considered safe against most other characters or even whiff punish some normals like uppercuts or sweeps.

overall, raiden seems to be a perfect start character to me


Raiden Practitioner
raiden can play very safe with his b3, 1, 2. on block d+1 is almost guaranteed (if your opponent hasn't a move with invincibility or xray), and after d+1 you can go straight to another b3, 1, 2 or d+3 and then start all over again.

on hit, you can dash in and do b3, 1, 2 again or 3, 3, 4 and end both options with superman. easy, meterless and very reliable combo even online.
his superman is among the best specials in the game, starts faster than most other specials in the game, with ridiculous horizontal range which gives you the perfect tool to punish specials considered safe against most other characters or even whiff punish some normals like uppercuts or sweeps.

overall, raiden seems to be a perfect start character to me
Sadly, after tomorrow's patch his b3, 1, 2 and 3, 3, 4 won't be as safe anymore because they'll now be -1 on block. But then again, -1 is pretty safe, he just won't be able to follow-up a blocked b3, 1, 2 with another b3, 1, 2 (same for 3, 3, 4) quite as easily. In all fairness though him being in advantage on block on those two combos was too good. Now we will have to play a little more strategically with him. I agree that d1 or d3 will now be even more viable options after a blocked b3, 1, 2 or 3, 3, 4. d1 is 6 frames and d3 is 7 so with the -1 on block if the opponent wants to punish a blocked string they'll have to use a move that is 8 or 9 frames or faster.

Update: it appears the patch won't be coming out tomorrow so we have some more time to abuse Raiden's advantage on blocked strings :)


How do you guys time anything after shocker? Just practice till I get it? Or do you guys count or somehow know when to connect the next string after shocker? Also, 334, teleport, shocker. I hardly connect this. Any tips?


Sinestro's might!
How goes protecting Earthrealm? And are Nightwolf spirits real? Or is he just some guy who can summon lightning and green weapons who has some vivid imagination.


the special effects
How do you guys time anything after shocker? Just practice till I get it? Or do you guys count or somehow know when to connect the next string after shocker? Also, 334, teleport, shocker. I hardly connect this. Any tips?
Its really just something you get a feel for. Start inputs right before he drops them. As for tele~shocker, once Raiden disappears buffer the inputs and you should be good to go.


Dojo Trainee
How do you guys time anything after shocker? Just practice till I get it? Or do you guys count or somehow know when to connect the next string after shocker? Also, 334, teleport, shocker. I hardly connect this. Any tips?
the shocker move last for almost 2 seconds and you should be inputting your buttons at around 1 second in. if you find it tricky to time this then you can try another trick which is to listen to raidens "heeyaa" cry during the move and input your moves right after he finishes making that sound.

for connecting the shocker after a tele, it really comes with practice. other things that make it easier are doing a f2 right after raiden teleports and then inputting df2 as quickly as possible to make it easier to connect. you can also use d1,d3, f1 instead of f2 if you find it easier. yoy can even use b3,1 shocker after the tele if you prefer.
What is Viscinity Blast trap, and how can I do it ? Can someone explain ? thanks
Tom was talking about it in this video:



El Psy Congroo
Sounds like Tom is referring to ending your blocked strings with viscinity blast to keep them safe.


Sinestro's might!
Gonna ask a more serious question.

My midscreen BnB is this:

b312,dash,b31 shocker, 2 vicinity blast, superman.

Does 34% or 35% sometimes.

Any better versions?
Gonna ask a more serious question.

My midscreen BnB is this:

b312,dash,b31 shocker, 2 vicinity blast, superman.

Does 34% or 35% sometimes.

Any better versions?
I've never tried the one you mentioned, but my best mid-screen BnBs for max damage and reliability:
b312, dash, shocker, f2~vicinity blast, b3~superman = 35%
334~teleport, f2~vicinity blast, b3~superman = 37%


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Is it worth using EX Vicinity blast on kharacters the normal Vicinity blast doesn't hit? (I.E. Smoke/Reptile) i have been using this alot and was just curious if there is a better use for meter.
Is it worth using EX Vicinity blast on kharacters the normal Vicinity blast doesn't hit? (I.E. Smoke/Reptile) i have been using this alot and was just curious if there is a better use for meter.
It can be worth it, especially if it's a close match or someone's really close to death and you need to keep the pressure in your favor. I wouldn't go overboard with it, though. I'll occasionally throw one out, but mostly if I think it'll help me in the match (maybe my opponent is hyper aggressive and I need to keep him in place) and I already have full meter (so that using one will still leave me with breaker). With Raiden, I find that the best usage of meter (aside from breaker) is as follows:

Very useful: ex superman to plow through stuff and get damage and corner.
Useful: ex lightning bolt for keeping pressure and/or surprising an opponent (with the second hit).
Somewhat useful: ex shocker for armored anti-air/anti-pressure into 30% combo.
Occasionally useful: ex vicinity blast for keeping advantage in close matches against those that regular VB doesn't work on.
Rarely useful: ex teleport as mostly a parlor trick, but occasionally to keep an opponent honest about trying to punish regular teleport.

And of course there's x-ray, but that's just for the obvious extra damage boost if it'll win the final round or turn the tide of the match.