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ok guys who's da best character online?


King of the Jobbers 2015
I wish I could play against those reptiles, there are like 2 reptiles that have ever given me issues :/
I have NEVER had an honest match with a Mileena online with major connection problems but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Reptile players, Holy fuck Reptile players are literaly LITERALY getting away with murder! it at least fills me with glee to know for fact that Reptiles wont even probably hit me ounce in an offline match even with the sloppies of lag TVs
offline Dash is no attack and JIP is UNTHINKABLE! fucking "UN"thinkable
im looking at you Cossner!


King of the Jobbers 2015
I have NEVER had an honest match with a Mileena online with major connection problems but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Reptile players, Holy fuck Reptile players are literaly LITERALY getting away with murder! it at least fills me with glee to know for fact that Reptiles wont even probably hit me ounce in an offline match even with the sloppies of lag TVs
offline Dash is no attack and JIP is UNTHINKABLE! fucking "UN"thinkable
im looking at you Cossner!
I challenge thee to a $100 dollar Money Match at Evo if you're going, or MLG/FR if I get payed in time. If you decline I'll forever lose my respect for you as a player and a human being (?). Aye or nay?
I challenge thee to a $100 dollar Money Match at Evo if you're going, or MLG/FR if I get payed in time. If you decline I'll forever lose my respect for you as a player and a human being (?). Aye or nay?
AYE! thats alot of money.. BUT POSSITIVE I AM! I am planning on EVO =D P.S. in canadian


Dead Kings Rise
when it comes to online, I lost to people using uppercuts all the time and run away without being punished, I find it difficult to win against a reptile online, or a good hype Kung Lao ... oh and I think Liu Kang can be good online too

but Reptile wins me more. talking about the Ermac MU btw ...
Reptile and Raiden are by far the most difficult characters to fight online. Reptile can dash for free and good luck ever trying to punish a Raiden teleport. I agreed to play online to train for EVO but my God. For one thing online play will train you to control your emotions. I was playing random people though, hopefully when we start training things will be a bit better.
I play reptile and agree he's one of the best. But cage....maaaaaaan cmon. How am I suppose to poke out of that shit online without guessing?

Reptile hands down. Mileena and cage are up there too
Ohh, so that's how I win.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Back in my online days when I used to do gimmicks and dash 5 times a second I used to think I was so bawss. I would even rape those who do the same.

Now that I stopped playing online-fu I get blown up by Kung Lao and Cage and JIPs.

I basically have to resort to playing Jax just to have that 6f jab for AA purposes.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
Shang Tsung's ground skull advantage is like +126 online. 8 out of 10 times I'll eat his F4 if I try to D1 after his ground skull. He's up there with Reptile and Raiden.


Purple Belt in BJJ, White Belt in MK
Some characters are way more viable online than they are offline, i.e. Kano, Reptile, CSZ and Raiden. Also, Mileena is hard to deal with ONLY because its hard to fuzzy guard online and its hard to stop her from jumping in with limited AA options online. Sub-Zero's slide is also really hard (for me) to block on reaction.

However, the best character online is without a doubt Kung Lao, way too fast to deal with.


Reptile is not that bad online.

Cage, Mileena and Raiden get away with a lot of shit. Kung Lao seems to be beastly no matter what mode it is.


I feel like character selection doesn't matter online as much as your play style. If you naturally play super unsafe, jumping, not respecting hit/block advantage, then you have the advantage online.


I'd rather fight a Cage online than Reptile or Mileena. When I play as Cage frame traps just go out the window most of the time - people uppercut after I do EX FB and it works. The only time Cage is stupid online is if it's a bad connection, but a lot of characters benefit from that too. Reptile, Mileena, Raiden, Liu Kang, Sonya, Cage, Noob Saibot, Kano, and Kung Lao are the online warriors.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

"The best" is a really vague term.
But as far as characters who go from fish to shark, it's Kano. No question.
I don't think there's anyone else whose viability is as drastically altered between online and off.
I can punish Raiden teleports most of the time. I can at least worm my way out of Reptile dashes and guess my way out of Scorp pressure.
But Kano online and off feel like two totally different fights.

Kitana would probably be my #2.

I feel like character selection doesn't matter online as much as your play style. If you naturally play super unsafe, jumping, not respecting hit/block advantage, then you have the advantage online.
It's not who you play, it's how you/your opponent play that really impacts how different your online fights are from your offline.
Characters that makes you call bullshit

honorable mention

characters who are the same offline
sonya......well fuck it.the rest of the cast that wasn't listed.

(EDIT)top annoying characters
honorable mention
Smoke-d3,d3,d3,d3,d3,d3,d3,d3,d3,b2followed by shenanigans.lol
kang-maybe it's the sounds be make along with what he does.
sindel-I hate the shit she do but I do that bullshit too with her.lol