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Question Why dose no one play scarlet in pro level?


Trust me if we skarlet mainers had more opportunities to attend these tournaments u would see the red bitch in top 8 for sure.


The problem with characters like Skarlet, Rain etc is that they are hard as fuck to master and win with at a high level. Especially when you can just pick up other easy brain dead characters like Kenshi and others who already have the tools for them and you dont have to work much. Why give yourself more work. Thats the main problem with Skarlet in tourny imo.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The problem with characters like Skarlet, Rain etc is that they are hard as fuck to master and win with at a high level. Especially when you can just pick up other easy brain dead characters like Kenshi and others who already have the tools for them and you dont have to work much. Why give yourself more work. Thats the main problem with Skarlet in tourny imo.
Sonya has been FARRRRRRRRRRRR easier to win with

And im talking against people who are really good

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
The problem with characters like Skarlet, Rain etc is that they are hard as fuck to master and win with at a high level. Especially when you can just pick up other easy brain dead characters like Kenshi and others who already have the tools for them and you dont have to work much. Why give yourself more work. Thats the main problem with Skarlet in tourny imo.
I agree with this pretty much
the character has hard execution, but is her gameplan hard to master? for example kabal has some execution requirements as well but any player can see why he is good and it doesnt require a lot of creativity to fill his weak points (if he has any).

for example imo raiden is the hardest character to play in the game, because the character doesnt get anything free and needs an incredible player to make the character work. skarlet has hard execution but you cant really blame anyone else but yourself for dropping her combos.


xbl-OBS trustinme
I've been watching his Skarlet today, it's really good.
against foxy? yeah me too. honestly ive been playing xarakamaka for about 6 weeks on and off and his skarlet is the only 1 online that can 20-0 me with any of my characters.he's just really good in general though,his smoke,liu kang and jax are beast aswell.


xbl-OBS trustinme
the character has hard execution, but is her gameplan hard to master? for example kabal has some execution requirements as well but any player can see why he is good and it doesnt require a lot of creativity to fill his weak points (if he has any).

for example imo raiden is the hardest character to play in the game, because the character doesnt get anything free and needs an incredible player to make the character work. skarlet has hard execution but you cant really blame anyone else but yourself for dropping her combos.
the thing is with raiden is if you teleport more than 5 or 6 times in a match then you clearly dont know wtf your doing.this is no offense to any raiden player out there but come on guys the threat of the teleport is your weapon not the teleport itself.am i really going to have to go nothing but raiden to show everyone how good raiden really is?


"Strength isn't everything"
My personal experience with Skarlet is that offline, you have to sacrifice two major fundamental things that come naturally, such as:
You cannot capitalise on your counter pokes against allot of the cast as much as other characters can, because of her lack of decent fast mids, D3 doesn't really meaning anything on hit, especially on a standing block, her mids are slow, and her 112/4 string will be instantly poked out of everytime, even on standing block. And I know skarlet mains will say ''But F4 slide''...but it's far too difficult to hit confirm at high level, and when you get your D3, you can lose damage by auto inputting F4 RD Slide.

So you can't play a conventional rushdown and (most importantly) defence game with her, you have to play it the same way as Sonya, ARMOUR minus the 7 frame jab...there is a reason they only use D4 and Armour, so this gives her issues in allot against allot of characters.

So you have to resort to allot of instant air close downward daggers as a valid counter poke to start pressure and reverse the opponents offence.

Also, you need REO like composure and execution, as even Ninj will tell you, you will drop combos in high steak offline matches when it matters, so to be safe you need to have basic low damage B&B's to guarantee the combo, so there is another sacrifice you make with her offline.

You could pick up Kitana or Sonya instead.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
My only regret is not being able to travel to compete on a U.S scene until now, i hope i can do it definitely next year.

IMO, only F4 should be a bit more faster (about 9f) the rest with this character is just fine as it is, i don't have problems with skarlets strings whiffing on crouch blocking, i can manage it.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
My personal experience with Skarlet is that offline, you have to sacrifice two major fundamental things that come naturally, such as:
You cannot capitalise on your counter pokes against allot of the cast as much as other characters can, because of her lack of decent fast mids, D3 doesn't really meaning anything on hit, especially on a standing block, her mids are slow, and her 112/4 string will be instantly poked out of everytime, even on standing block. And I know skarlet mains will say ''But F4 slide''...but it's far too difficult to hit confirm at high level, and when you get your D3, you can lose damage by auto inputting F4 RD Slide.

So you can't play a conventional rushdown and (most importantly) defence game with her, you have to play it the same way as Sonya, ARMOUR minus the 7 frame jab...there is a reason they only use D4 and Armour, so this gives her issues in allot against allot of characters.

So you have to resort to allot of instant air close downward daggers as a valid counter poke to start pressure and reverse the opponents offence.

Also, you need REO like composure and execution, as even Ninj will tell you, you will drop combos in high steak offline matches when it matters, so to be safe you need to have basic low damage B&B's to guarantee the combo, so there is another sacrifice you make with her offline.

You could pick up Kitana or Sonya instead.
Glue has great insight into this game. he is a really smart player. you can just tell by the things he posts. This is spot on. all of these things are true but that isnt her whole game. Because she builds so much meter she can use it to create frame traps wit ex dagger cancels. Her combos are not what is hard about her. your never gonna land her 50% resets in a tourney on stream...the stream lag itself prevents that. So just settle for her 40-43% resets...no big deal.

f43 is a tool that nobody uses right. Im determined to master the use of this tool. Ill probably make a vid for it cause it is so good. and sonya doesnt have f43. Its her version of d4

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Glue has great insight into this game. he is a really smart player. you can just tell by the things he posts. This is spot on. all of these things are true but that isnt her whole game. Because she builds so much meter she can use it to create frame traps wit ex dagger cancels. Her combos are not what is hard about her. your never gonna land her 50% resets in a tourney on stream...the stream lag itself prevents that. So just settle for her 40-43% resets...no big deal.

f43 is a tool that nobody uses right. Im determined to master the use of this tool. Ill probably make a vid for it cause it is so good. and sonya doesnt have f43. Its her version of d4

So what if the opponent is blocking? who cares? this is Skarlet, this what she was built for ^^


Well yea, I'd say that's pretty much her biggest weakness.
Not having a fast mid pretty much takes options away that the general cast has.

F4, RD can be hitconfirmed.
If you're having trouble doing it with DS you can always use US, you have more time to input US.

Skarlet is more of a armor and punish whiffed poke/normal character.
With correct reads, good execution and good meter management she'll be a beast in the right hands.

I'm kinda miss-using F43 as well, always going for the dash instead of the F43 string once in a while. 0 on block and gives her a lot of breathing room.
I think U34 is underused, it has some seriously good uses and should be used a lot more.


I'm curious as to how U34 dagger in the corner is working offline. I mean U3 is a 16 frame move, almost twice as slow as Johnny Cage's F3. Kinda makes me think that doing U3 then another U3 can be poked out of easily but I'm not entirely sure.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm curious as to how U34 dagger in the corner is working offline. I mean U3 is a 16 frame move, almost twice as slow as Johnny Cage's F3. Kinda makes me think that doing U3 then another U3 can be poked out of easily but I'm not entirely sure.
perfect corner pressure bro, everyone is bitching about it.

From the OP to all skarlet tourney players. lol
Not me lol, i'm not even there, but i do thrust my fellow companions i know they're good, they're just busy with life and stuff, others don't have the opportunity to go on torneys, it costs a lot of money.

I have to spend about 3.000.00 $ do get a 10h traveling to NY if i have to get in US and there is a lot of bureaucracy to be taken care off also.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
some interesting thoughts... I nvr really considered this but DLC asa marketing gimick kind of hurts the game as by the time the new fighters are out people have settled on their mains and they nvr get the play they deserve?


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
some interesting thoughts... I nvr really considered this but DLC asa marketing gimick kind of hurts the game as by the time the new fighters are out people have settled on their mains and they nvr get the play they deserve?
Tell that to Pig Of The Hut ;)

Skarlet's the most difficult character to play in the game (Reo's opinion, one which I share). People don't like to play difficult characters because...it's hard. It's not terribly complicated.


How exactly does Skarlet go even with kabal?
Kabal can outzone her and wins trades. You obviously can't braindead zone her like subzero or JC but she still gets outzoned.

here 50/50's are really unsafe too compared to kabals. She has a lot of damage yes but that could be the same for other characters like rain, kitana, ermac, etc.