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The Wii-U discussion thread


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NetherRealm Studios
Nintendo's problem is that they don't really appeal to anyone anymore except kids and family/super casual gamers

*goes on to buy one when smash 4 drops*


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Nintendo's problem is that they don't really appeal to anyone anymore except kids and family/super casual gamers

*goes on to buy one when smash 4 drops*
Actually, really using the WiiU i don't feel like its very kiddy, yet its is a very personalized system. A very trippy personalized system.


Dojo Trainee
Nintendo's problem is that they don't really appeal to anyone anymore except kids and family/super casual gamers

*goes on to buy one when smash 4 drops*
With the Wii U being out only a few days, only time will tell if it will cater mostly to casual gamers, but the launch title list paints a picture starkly contrast to that of the Wii. Games like Mass Effect 3, Darksiders 2, Zombi U, Assassin's Creed 3, Batman Arkham City, Black Ops 2, Ninja Gaiden 3, and Tekken Tag 2 are all what most people would consider adult games. They still have their normal display of casual games, but the split % has shifted significantly towards core games.

This could just be a short lived trend, and Nintendo could revert back to the way of the Wii, but with the hardward being capable of supporting the traditional ports for cross platform titles I think this trend will continue.

Though, in my opinion, the Wii U getting ports of the multi-platform games is a small win. I want to see more exclusive 3rd party content similar to Zombi U making its way to the Wii U. Also, I would be in full support of Nintendo trying a more realistic/gritty approach to some of its 1st party content--I think it would be interesting to see a hardcore take on Zelda. I highly doubt that will happen and it's a shame because it could be very successful and win over some people that aren't keen to Nintendo properties because of the cartooon art.


Death is my business
Wii U sucks LBSH , not even close to next gen console.

Also Rathalos i've been playing MH since the ps2 OG and im really disliking Capcom decisions about transfering to Nintendo after the success they made on PSP , not to add that since mhp3 the game is kinda easy and less fun to me at least.
Damn i could rant about new MHs for hours :( oh and people that don't even know what Monster Hunter is....YOU'RE MISSING ONE OF THE GREATEST GAMES EVER

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Here is a archive of a stream where Giant Bomb play the Wii for about 7 hours, play multiple games, and test the OS.

Basically several ports are horrible, Batman has horrible framerate problems anytime you are in combat, Epic Micky 2 runs about 15 FPS, and when you use your paint power the frames drop even more, to about 5fps, which makes the game basically unplayable.
Several other games like ME3, NG3, BO2 all have problems as well. All the games they played have bad load times.

The WiiU operating system is a piece of shit, everything takes forever to load, the store, apps, friend requests, nothing about it is smooth. They ran into several errors, and two system hard locks. The system accounts have DRM, if you make an account on one WiiU system, it is locked to that console, you can not move it, all your games you bought, your name, and all your data, stuck there.

The WiiU exclusive games are kinda bad, Nintendo land looks bleh, and NSMB is just as boring and bland as the last couple NSMB games for the DS/3DS

That said, come March, I will be buying one to play Monster Hunter Tri G, as it is my favorite video game series ever, and I would buy a fucking Atari Jaguar if it had a Monster Hunter game.

I'll probably also buy Injustice for the WiiU as well, because fuck paying XBL ever again.
you know WII-U has no wired internet


Play Monster Hunter!
you know WII-U has no wired internet
There is a little dongle thing you can buy though, USB ethernet port thing.
I will only play other people that have that, kinda limiting my options, but I don't want to buy a PS3, and I can't in any good faith continue to give MS money with how they are treating the XBOX.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
melee no cause im not Japanese but all else were great

thats 3 titles though
You don't have to be Japanese to enjoy Melee.

Just play 99-stock Super Sudden Death with all items on High spawn. Best 15-20 minutes ever.


Play Monster Hunter!
Wii U sucks LBSH , not even close to next gen console.

Also Rathalos i've been playing MH since the ps2 OG and im really disliking Capcom decisions about transfering to Nintendo after the success they made on PSP , not to add that since mhp3 the game is kinda easy and less fun to me at least.
Damn i could rant about new MHs for hours :( oh and people that don't even know what Monster Hunter is....YOU'RE MISSING ONE OF THE GREATEST GAMES EVER
Well Nintendo isn't my first choice, I'm just glad MH is getting console games again, I started with MH1 then moved to japanese 2, played it a bunch but couldn't go online, then bought a PSP to play the jap version of MH1 portable, and then MH2 portable, then my psp broke.

I'm just not a fan of handhelds, I don't like the tiny screen, and I hated how it didn't have proper online, as I have no one close to me who plays it, and Xlinkx or w/e never worked right for me.

So well I would have preferred MH3 to be on PS3/XBOX/PC, I ended up buying a Wii just for Tri, and well it was ultimately disappointing because of lack of content and making all the drops super easy to get, I still had way more fun then any other game.
Tri G looks like what Tri should have been and I will gladly buy a WiiU to play it. I also hope it does well enough so they port MH4 to WiiU, don't want to buy a 3DS.


Death is my business
Rathalos yeah i understand what you're saying , i bought the Wii just for Tri and while it was fun ( reached HR500 without grinding ) it definately lacked content but the gameplay itself was good enough although it was definately easier to obtain rare drops.

What bugs me is that could have been done on a better system like ps3/xbox wich would allow better online service , loading times , graphics , space for more content and real DLC and good mic quality ( LBSH Wii mic sucks ass ) , it could have been a milestone game series.

I dislike handlehelds too but MHFU was great game and if you had a ps3 with adhoc party it wasnt a dream to play online ( and i even had a group of friends to play with offline ) , console games have just more potential.

I'm hoping that they don't screw up with MH4 gameplay mechanics and turn it into a stupid ass Dragon Dogma.

Capcom is making very dumb decisions since the last 5 years imho.