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MK HD Arcade Kollection

damnit you beat me by a couple frames haha :p
8 whole minutes. I was sipping my "champagin" and laughing knowing that I was first to post it here :D

P.S. the 3d thing is if you have the Sony TV...the game shouldnt be 3d....if it is than thats it.
Yeah, 3D display, not rendering obviously. The one supported in those games is a consumer electronics standard method, so it'll work on any 3D TV.

Consumer interest is lower than ever, so I'm wondering if this gimmick will last even 3 years at this rate.


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See that red in top left corner? Includes Demo ... something something ... Mortal Kombat.
Looks like it might be in another language.

Edit: I am good, it's French, I think it says "Inclus la demo du prochain jeu Mortal Kombat." which means "includes the demo of the next Mortal Kombat game"

Also Rob, I thought the same thing at first, but then I realized they lined them up in sequential order left to right so...whatev lol
Almost willing to bet that cover's fake, and a really good one at that. Reasoning behind saying it's fake is that there's no PlayStation Network logo on it, unless they weren't going to have online play.
Almost willing to bet that cover's fake, and a really good one at that. Reasoning behind saying it's fake is that there's no PlayStation Network logo on it, unless they weren't going to have online play.
It could be the artwork for online sales which don't always have every little detail that the retail art does. That's my guess.
^ Yeah, it's just a placeholder art. I'd think that the final one would be more detailed, especially the cabinets.

We're not gonna see Mr. Bloodstorm on the MK1 cab though. What was the man thinking at the time?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I am about 99% sure thats the final art, for every region too.

We're not gonna see Mr. Bloodstorm on the MK1 cab though. What was the man thinking at the time?
money, but i wondered if he actually played Bloodstorm first and what would make him think that game was even any good. i mean, its fun but in a fucking awful kinda way
Well yeah, but didn't think about it thoroughly since he lost his job at Midway because of it. I doubt he cashed in big on that poster... shit, that Simpsons parody, Bone Storm looked 10000X better lol

Have any of you seen this old UK show?


Malecki was a freakin' tank, in an east German "Kees me or I'll crush you" kind of way. Keri Hoskins infinitely better (and now a MILF)
shit, that Simpsons parody, Bone Storm looked 10000X better lol
Lol, Thrillho

Btw, the longer we go without an official announcement and no screenshots the more convinced I am that this isn't going to be re-shot in HD but rather have either upscaled or filtered graphics.

At this point I don't see how you can make sense financially the decision to go through all of that extra work, time and money and not try to build hype to cash in on it. It took them two years just to redraw and redo SFII for HD Remix, and we're assuming WB is redoing three entire MK games using a process that seems (to me) to be more difficult.

I hope I'm wrong, but it's really strange it's not even announced thus close to release.


I think, I read on the web site of the company that makes the game that they are working on a WB project which cannot be announced and the date was September 25/2009...so they might be working on that for an year. SF HD is entirely animated game so its 1000 more difficult to draw it than capture it. MK3 was made in less than an year with the crappy tech they had in 95. With latest tech, is shouldn't be difficult at all to do descent capturing. Whatever the case is, I just hope that there is something to be released....i don't care if its up scaled or remade. Even an Up scaled MK,MK2 and UMK3 is more than enough to bring back the old timers and newer fan boys to the real MK gaming.
I did see that site, so hopefully that means it's been in the works for a while. Just seems odd because most games with a development cycle that ling try to tease and build interest more than a couple months before release.

I think with SFII the redrawing of the characters was basically done by tracing over the sprites which allows the hit boxes and collision properties to remain the same.

They also rebalanced character and move design which took a while.

With these new MK games, it seems like if you are refilming you would have to go through a ton of effort to match it up with the old characters moves, spacing, speed, etc.

They could just refilm and make the game the same was as before, but then we would be getting three games that could potentially play entirely different than the originals.

I'm excited about both possibilities, and even an upscaled or 'remastered' version with online play, button mapping , and good netfode would be an instant buy for me.


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I just find it amazing that we haven't seen anything and it's in the final stages of completion based on the release date.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Right now, it has to be near gold in production. It takes a long time (2-3 months?) to get a game from gold to store shelves. Where's the fucking promotional shit for this?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
its not a hoax. http://www.trmk.org/forums/showthread.php/13089-Mortal-Kombat-HD-Kollection-Confirmed-In-Development

I just dont think they can get it done so quickly. it was about a month ago and they hadnt even cast everyone just yet. Tony Marquez's (MK2 & 3 Lao) son hadnt even officially gotten the job yet and had only done some screen tests.

its coming, i just dont know when.

and for the record, the plan is this disc release for PS3 and downloads for XBLA.
I hope you're right about the XBLA download. It would be so much fail for this to be a PS3 exclusive. Especially when you have so many people that bought UMK3 on XBLA.

I just don't see why there's no concrete info about this. Maybe the release dates are wrong?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I hope you're right about the XBLA download. It would be so much fail for this to be a PS3 exclusive. Especially when you have so many people that bought UMK3 on XBLA.

I just don't see why there's no concrete info about this. Maybe the release dates are wrong?
They want it definitely before MK9, and hopefully before Xmas
Boon is in LA right now, so who knows what's up (I realize that WB is based there). We have enough evidence to rule it out as a hoax.

Where's the fucking promotional shit for this?
It's a classic compilation, so even if it's out next year, we'll likely going to see online ads only within a month from release.

Still, they should at least announce something already.


Lucky I agree with you....and by whatever comes out i meant remade=entirely new game or up scaled = the good old ones with a better look. All in all i just hope that there is something going on right now....I would feel very disappointed if its all just a rumor....Right now I don't really care that much about mk9 and if the hd's dont come out i might not even get to mk9. :)
What company are you guys referring to? Backbone?

Even with a mere graphical remake, attention will have to be paid to ensure parity with the original. Namely the hit boxes and any glitches, or even if they decide "hey, we don't have the memory constraints from 95 so let's add more frames". It's happened before with other games.
I just really hope this UMK3 HD happens. It will bring a lot of new players and will have that "new" feel to it. Actually, on SRK quite a few people said they don't want to even play UMK3 because of the graphics. With newly polished HD graphics + online play + the UMK3 tournaments... hello EVO!
Eh, the graphics angle has been a cop out since the 90's. Next thing you know, we'll go back to hearing about how gay digitized graphics look. Everyone else would be thrilled, and more attention isn't a bad thing naturally.

Think about it, none of Capcom's games from the 90's aged well graphically. If it weren't for HDR, SSFIIT would still be played in its dated glory.


don't wanna offend anyone from srk but UMK3 is the most realistic game from the 90's...what are they comparing it to? SF2 which looks like some kid messed around with a pencil???


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Vanilla SSF2T tournaments still happen at just about every tournament I go to, and depending upon what happens with these games, UMK3 might still be as well.