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Thought on my 1st major/i love this community


Slave to burgers
So I went and attended Northwest Majors 4. Won 1, lost the next two getting bumped out of the tournament.

I learned quite a lot in 3 short matches. All about what I need to learn, and do. You can learn so much from loosing, and I really hope I can take this lesson to heart.
More importantly, I learned that I really like the scene. I want to go more. My biggest regret for being eliminated so early? Not being able to play more!!

I really REALLY appreciate how welcoming and friendly the other MK players were there. No hate or animosity. Most of the other games players didn't look like they were having near as much fun as us!!
GG's to all, and best of luck to the players there!

See 'yall next time ^-^


Slave to burgers
lol isn't it?

But I am confused... your name involves mileena, I think ive seen you playing kitana... and your sig shows sindel :confused:


Master of Quanculations
You know, I prepared a lot to fight a particular player in mexico city, and then got blown up by another because I was second-guessing my own strategy due to things non-kenshi players said in the forums. I'll never do that again.

I came in third, which is great still, but I came away from my losses with huge amounts of knowledge. And somehow I came back change. Suddenly I could do D1 cancels on crossup more efficiently than ever. I had a smarter head on my shoulders when it came to pokes and mixups. It really does change you. Sometimes over night.