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Which fatality would hurt the most?


Exactly what the topic title says - which fatality would be the most horrible to suffer?

Personally, I reckon it would probably be Sheeva's "Stripped Down" fatality. If you're lucky, the shock of having your skin ripped off would mean you'd die in less than a minute. But there's also the chance that you could be alive for hours on end, in absolute, searing agony...


24 Low Hat!
Umm.....Kung Lao's second fatality. Split in half, balls first? No thanks man.

Also Noob's Make a Wish. Pretty sure its not possible but whatever, you also get split in half balls first


Joker waiting room
the balls ones are the most painless actually,the human body can die of heart failure after a strong squeeze,getting ripped in half would kill you pretty fast


24 Low Hat!
the balls ones are the most painless actually,the human body can die of heart failure after a strong squeeze,getting ripped in half would kill you pretty fast
I'd like to remind you that human genitalia is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Along with fingers and lips, they can register physical contact much better than most other parts of your body and therefore would be MORE PAINFUL.


Joker waiting room
I'd like to remind you that human genitalia is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Along with fingers and lips, they can register physical contact much better than most other parts of your body and therefore would be MORE PAINFUL.
for a slight second.

here i'll prove it to you,stay still for a moment.


Sheeva's would be pretty damn painful. Mileena's could be as well. The one where she pins down your feet with the sais and rips your body off. Lao's would be instant death anyways. Noob's seems a bit more painful and sustaining than Lao's but only by a bit. Liu Kang's first? The punch right through your body.


Dojo Trainee
Pretty much any fatality that leaves your brain in tact and your head attached is going to cause the most suffering.