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New to MK choosing a main

I just started playing last tuesday and was wondering how long it took you guys to pick a main to focus on? Also was curious how long it took for you to be able to win matches and know what you were doing the whole time rather than win it by luck and button mashing


I'm surprised I missed this and it hasn't been discussed:(.

I just started playing last tuesday and was wondering how long it took you guys to pick a main to focus on? Also was curious how long it took for you to be able to win matches and know what you were doing the whole time rather than win it by luck and button mashing

It took me all of my first game to determine my main: Stryker lol. My first match up was with my brother who played Noob Saibot and I won our first match, It was like Mk3/Trilogy all over again and I immediately got attached to my favorite character after I saw his taunt, moves, I won with his X-ray, and saw his legit win pose:).

In terms of focusing on mostly him, that took me a while actually...I knew he'd be a main, but in the early months of this game I played Sonya,Johnny Cage, Sheeva, Rain, Kitana, Smoke,Mileena, Baraka. Sub-Zero, Jade, Shang Tsung, and Noob Saibot.

It was actually two months ago that I finally realized that I need to have a definitive main and secondary to get good with and just play everyone else for fun, so I chose Stryker and Jade, two of my faves, despite what people say about their tier position or viability:). I think it's important to play a main you truly enjoy above all else.

It took me about 2 weeks to start knowing what I was doing, I never button mashed for this game, I went to practice and read up on the combos and experimented, even though some of my combos were very elementary to start with things like back 1,2,2 uppercut and such lol.

Learning is an ungoing process for me and surely for most of us, so I'm still learning to this very day...but like I said I never made it a habit to button mash.

The only thing I can really say is try everyone that appeals to you and whomever you like best, roll with them as a main. When you're new to a game, it's important to experiment, not only because it helps you learn the game, but because it's fun, that's the most important part, having fun.


Basically what Espio872 said. Just ignore the paragraphs about Stryker and Jade. They are garbage and a half :p. But yeah I cannot (as Espio did) emphasise the importance of playing with the character you love. It will motivate you to learn them to a deeper level and when you win it feels significantly more satisfying. Just play with who you like. If that is tough at first, pick an easy character e.g. Cage just to get a feel for gameplay before moving on.

The more practice you get in, the easier it becomes, simple as that. Oh and don't worry if you get bodied online the first few times. Just try to play the right way, and victories will land in your win column soon enough. Just don't develop bad online habits (harder than you think).


Dojo Trainee
Everything Espio said. It actually took me awhile to pick a main in this game. I thought I would pick Reptile because I liked him so much in MK2. But then I picked Smoke for a couple weeks, then Reptile for 2-3 months, then I have played Noob Saibot ever since.

The main idea that I am trying to express is that it is okay to choose a main and then switch once you've gotten into that character. It's all a journey, and your opinion can change as you go on through the game. It's even good to play several characters, but don't spread yourself too thin.

Enjoy the game. It's one of my favorites.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I think it is the most important to pick a character that fits your style of play the best. You will learn to love them ;)
Someone link that video where Tom Brady and some other bastard go over how to play mk9
It's a good place to start. There is a noob section on this site to teach you all the termology
Ounce you picked your character take him into practice mode and learn all his basic combo strings and specials
Then check the internet for combos for your character. It's best to come here
In about two weeks you'll be destroying online


Basically what Espio872 said. Just ignore the paragraphs about Stryker and Jade. They are garbage and a half :p. But yeah I cannot (as Espio did) emphasise the importance of playing with the character you love. It will motivate you to learn them to a deeper level and when you win it feels significantly more satisfying. Just play with who you like. If that is tough at first, pick an easy character e.g. Cage just to get a feel for gameplay before moving on.

The more practice you get in, the easier it becomes, simple as that. Oh and don't worry if you get bodied online the first few times. Just try to play the right way, and victories will land in your win column soon enough. Just don't develop bad online habits (harder than you think).
Boy you trippin':REO
hey iv found it. I saw this video when I started and it really layed out the rules of mk9 and shows you what to look for in a match and what to do about it. you will instantly start developing your fundamentals right away

Q & A:rolleyes:

A: No that is not a character actor. That man you see there is Tom Brady and he is very real. stifling I know

Miss Kanzuki

Well I originally mained Kitana when I got the game, and it seemed everybody and their grandma were maining Kit and I wanted to switch to something more unique. I experimented with other chars then did a random select and it chose Baraka. I went into the lab with his combos and fell in love with how the combos looked when they were executed. I thought they looked badass being excuted out and the rest is history!!
Start with characters that can get free combos like Sub (freeze) and Cyrax (net) then try the other fighters and see who compliments your style. Took me this long to get in to Rain, that EX-Roundhouse is just too juicy to pass up.


I knew the day the first trailer came out I would use reptile. He has been my favorite since mk2.

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I was about to write a shit-ton of a post, but the best way is to do as Sweetpees - random select, if you have no preferences this is best, because trying chars in order is not interesting. Let fate choose your champion!


cr. HP Master
Well as far as to stop the button mashing just play with patience. Turtle in the beginning if you have to, if only to get past button mashing. Picking a main is a little more difficult. You may be drawn to a certain character, but he/she may have a lot of bad match ups and you'll find it difficult to win with him/her. My very first main was Baraka, I went on a experimental run with the rest of the cast and recently returned to the tarkatan brotherhood lol. Baraka has some bad match ups so I've picked up a secondary that has less bad match ups. It works better this way.


I knew the day the first trailer came out I would use reptile. He has been my favorite since mk2.

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I wanted to use Reptile just after I saw his sweep. It was soo cool. Not playing him at all though.