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Character switching during casuals (not a counterpicking topic)


Dojo Trainee
This usually happens online but I suppose it could apply to offline casuals as well.

Often times I get a message from my opponent after a set complaining that I only used 1 or 2 characters. Recently I had a guy message me saying "Sorry to bail but I was out of characters". He had been switching after every match.

Do you prefer that your opponent stick to one character or do you get bored and prefer that the opponent offer a variety of matchups?

I personally prefer that my opponent stick to a character and give me a chance to practice/learn the matchup. It can be kind of annoying when they are switching characters every round when I'm trying to learn.

What do you guys think?

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I like when a person stays with the character they win with. I guess I'm stuck in the old arcade rules but I hate when someone beats me with a character and then switches to someone else. For the most part I try to show the same courtesy.


24 Low Hat!
I like when a person stays with the character they win with. I guess I'm stuck in the old arcade rules but I hate when someone beats me with a character and then switches to someone else.
This is how all fights should be held. If you beat me, stick with that character, cause i obviously need to learn that matchup


I prefer playing against Kabal or other high tier characters. I dislike having to waste time playing against weak characters. There's only so much babalities I can perform before it becomes a chore and not fun for me.


A lot of people use online to their advantage and use different characters after they win, especially characters that are god tier online such as raiden, reptile, mileena, cyrax, and such.


Dojo Trainee
Depends on why I am playing, for general practice (keeping my execution and reactions up) or wanting to work on specific characters an matchups.


I use a few characters, some better than others, but I tried to make a point of deliberately playing bad match ups in Ranked to figure the match out (CSZ vs Kitana or Kabal for instance). I don't really play online much now, too much shit makes me salty.

Playing a lot of characters is good for the person using them because it helps him learn that character, but it can be bad if he loses focus or inputs for his/her stronger mains and doesn't progress.


I play about 7 characters, 3 well, 4 decent + I play scrubby with the rest of the roster, if I'm playing casuals, I'll mix it up, I like running my main v.s. my opponent's main, then us testing out or new characters on our respective mains or just playing whoever we like.

It's casuals, for fun. I don't like to hold rules or pointless stuff over anybody's head, I just wanna play, chat a bit, and laugh. Casuals is the time to let loose and experiement and just chill.

The only thing that annoys me is counterpicking in casuals....like seriously, we're playing for NOTHING get outta here lol.