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Anti-Projectile Wakeup Strategy


What's a Smarrgasm?
I want to discuss a trick that i like to use that some people may not be aware of or that people seldom use. Everyone knows that wakeup attacks can have invincibility (11 frames) when they are used. This is very useful when you are getting off the ground when an opponent is looking to continue pressuring.

One thing people tend to use as an anti-wakeup technique is to check people with projectiles while they are on the ground. However, there is a trick that can neutralize this option completely. If a person checks you with a projectile (such as reptile acid ball) you can use your wakeup invincibility to go through it just as if it were the character trying to attack you. You must time it but if you delay wakeup you can do your wakeup as the projectile is coming and you will absorb it as if it were not even there.

This can be very good for characters with fast advancing specials or even people that have trouble getting out of zoning traps. It does not matter whether your wakeup is fast advancing either. I use rain and he has some invincibility on his water gun on wakeup. I can use this to basically stand up for free as the projectile is passing over me.

Give this a try and see if you guys think it is useful like i do. Just trying to give more knowledge out to the kommunity.
If anyone can post a video tutorial of this to give it a more visual explanation that would be great. I cant do any videos atm.


I do this with Stryker's roll toss, it's legit though I'm not quite sure of the timing honestly, good info regardless.


Go to hell.
Careful, some players want you to do the extremely punishable wake up because they know they have their spacing tight. They throw the projectile hoping you'll do a wake up. Just watch it.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Careful, some players want you to do the extremely punishable wake up because they know they have their spacing tight. They throw the projectile hoping you'll do a wake up. Just watch it.
Well obviously you have to be careful with this just like waking up with any unsafe move. If you catch them correctly though this will work as a direct punish to their projectile in their recovery. This is also especially good if you can wake up in time against sub if he places a close clone. You will bust right through it with invincibility. It can be a trial by fire thing at first but once you can judge the range and timing then it is very powerful.


Go to hell.
Well obviously you have to be careful with this just like waking up with any unsafe move. If you catch them correctly though this will work as a direct punish to their projectile in their recovery. This is also especially good if you can wake up in time against sub if he places a close clone. You will bust right through it with invincibility. It can be a trial by fire thing at first but once you can judge the range and timing then it is very powerful.
When I use Smoke I try to make people wake up, and I punish them for it, but the strategy definitely has significant value. Just need to make reads and stay smart. Good post Smarr


Show me what you can do
I do this with Noob's "reset". Wake-up Acid Hand with Reptile or Takedown with Scorpion. Nothing with Kang yet, though Low fireball sounds good.


What's a Smarrgasm?
@Smarrgasm The Majority knows it, is really necessary a video?

I know this tech very well, i'm on a roll for editing mk videos by this time, i will see if something can be done.
I was just posting some stuff that i think people kind of overlook. Since everyone seems to be using and understand this already then a video doesnt really seem necessary. Thanks though.