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Character Placement and Tiers in MK9


What's a Smarrgasm?
Okay so i really just wanna try to explain a lot of what is going on with the placement of characters and how people are ranking them. I think the major thing that is keeping people from understanding matchups and how characters are placed is the fact that everyone wants a ranking system going from 1-31 exactly and if they disagree then the list must be wrong. Bias is also a huge part in this because no one wants to believe their character is either too good or too bad. Another thing is that when people are ranking their character or discussing a matchup they are using their experiences which could be jaded by online play or the level of skill they are facing.

I wanna go into how i see this games character rankings and how i think it should be looked at. Everyone lately has been trying to say who is top 10 or who is bottom 10 and in this game that is just not possible and ill explain why. The first and most important reason is that no character is absolutely ass in this game. Any character can be played at a high level and be good. However, there is a difference between that and competing with what people consider the top 10 in a tournament setting at the highest level.

TOP 10
This term is thrown around wayyyy too much. IMO there are around 15 characters that fit this label of top ten and a subgroup of about 7-8 that are still a level above the other. Characters like Jax, Johnny, Kabal, Kenshi, Sonya, etc. all fit into this realm because they are undoubtedly good.

NOT TOP 10 (dont sue me ESPN)
After the 15 or so characters that scratch the realm of top 10 (or 15 in this case) there is a set of characters left over. People are calling this the mid tier or whatever. In truth this is the bottom tier. However, bottom tier does not mean bad. It just means that these 16 or so characters are all around the same level and should be used as what many pros call "utility" characters. These characters will have strengths that allow them to be good and even cover bad matchups for a main. Also, a team of these characters can be very powerful since each has certain strengths and since they may be less played, the matchup may be a little more ambiguous. In truth, none of these characters are bad. People are always saying jade, baraka, sheeva, stryker, etc. are all terrible. However, this is not necessarily true. These characters are just not as good as the upper echelon of characters.

So thats my thoughts on all of the character placement and tiers going on in MK. There are three tiers in total in this game but all are seperated by very little.
The top 7-8 are the ones that can run through tournaments alone and make it look easy.
The next 7-8 are just below that and are very close to challenging the above ones in every way.
The last 15-16 are characters that just have some major flaws but are still very good when used correctly.

Let me know what you guys think of my assessment on the current state of character placement and discussion.

EDIT-Im gonna go ahead and put down how i see the placement of characters as of now.

Upper tier- Kabal, Kenshi, Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Smoke
Mid Tier(barely below upper)-Kitana, Freddy, Sektor, Cyrax, Reptile, Raiden, Skarlet
Bottom tier-Baraka, Ermac, Jade, Kano, Liu Kang, Mileena, Nightwolf, Noob, Quan Chi, Rain, Scorpion, Shang, Sheeva, Sindel, Stryker, Sub Zero, Cyber Sub Zero

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Bias is also a huge part in this because no one wants to believe their character is either too good or too bad. Another thing is that when people are ranking their character or discussing a matchup they are using their experiences which could be jaded by online play or the level of skill they are facing.

No one wants their character to be god tier b/c that leads into all the "ohhhh you can only win with that OP character" and no one wants their character to be terrible b/c a lot of us play our favorite characters and have a certain amount of love and loyalty to them... but if they're ass, we tend to want to drop them.

Experience skews people's opinions b/c they don't have anything else to go on really. So if they constantly beat noob scorpions they will think their character has the advantage over scorpion. Then they play Slips and find out that its not quite so.

Those 2 reasons are why there will never be a true tier list.

So basically... I agree with why you think they aren't working.

Although, I think there are only a couple characters that you can use solely in a tournament and win the entire thing. The rest, you'll need at least one backup for bad matches.

And I think there are 3 tiers.


and the Middle is where the majority of the characters lie. The game is pretty balanced.


I feel like bad MUs determine where a character lies, similar to the tier list m2dave did awhile back. 0-2 bad MUs are the highest tier, 3-4 are next, then 5-6, etc. Instead of worrying so much about specific MU numbers, we just look at the character's bad MUs and go from there.


What's a Smarrgasm?
I'm taking Jade to my next tourny, and idgaf about tier lists.
Good cause it takes a very high level player to somehow prove to everyone that a character is not terrible. Every character in the game is good it is just that some are ridiculously good.


Dojo Trainee
There will never be an accurate tier list. There is too much variability...human skill factor being the main culprit. In addition you have to factor in human bias, human defense mechanisms, and all around error in human judgement.

Everybody has a different opinion shaped by different experiences. Some are quicker to blame the matchup as a defense mechanism to make themselves feel better. Others guard themselves from making that error and go too far to the other extreme. Something as simple as win loss record can affect one's opinion. For example, I have a losing record so I piss a lot of people off if I win and they blame the characters.

What we end up with is a huge mess. That is why we have 20 characters in the top 10.

It's pretty much like the nfg rankings. Everybody can agree on the obvious top 3 or 4 but after that it is a crapshoot.