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NFG Rankings

Tom Brady

something i wanted to share in the "what if" nfg ranking discussion.

After PMing of of the ideas to the guy to runs the site a while ago, he just PMd me a list counting all points for the last 12 month. here is what it looks like..

1. REO 4833
2. CD Jr. 4250
3. PL 3050
4. Chris G 2496
5. DetroitBalln 1614
6. Michaelangelo 1571
7. Maxter 1434
8. Tom Brady 1411
9. 16 Bit 1166
10. CD 1091
11. JOP 833
12. Arturo 746
13. DJT 667
14. Pig 643
15. ATL Redd 607
16. Riu48 600
17. Mr Mileena 500
18. Morty Seinfeld 500
19. Erik Warda 500
20. Online Tony 457
21. Curbo 375
22. THTB 368
23. KT Smith 300
24. Justin Wong 267
25. Death 243

if you take this list and enforce other ideas such as if you have not competed at an event in 6 months, THEN you lose your points of the event you were in 6 months ago, the list looks like this..

1. REO 4833
2. CD Jr. 4250
3. Chris G 2496
4. DetroitBalln 1614
5. Maxter 1434
6. Tom Brady 1411
7. 16 Bit 1166
8. CD 1091
9. Arturo 746
10. DJT 667
11. Pig 643
12. ATL Redd 607
13. Riu48 600
14. Mr Mileena 500
15. Morty Seinfeld 500
16. Curbo 375
17. THTB 368
18. KT Smith 300
19. Death 243

obviously ppl will say that players like myself and chris G are ranked too high which was even my first thought but...

if i fail to win power up this year but get top 3-8(depending on number of entrants), yes i still get points, but will still drop because the points i get will be less then the points from last year's power up that I have lost. if i dont place at all then i just lose points and still drop. if i fail to place top 2 at CEO this year but still place top 8/not place at all, i still lose points because i will either receive no points or the points i do receive will be less then last years points that have come off. me not placing at all in these events or "defending my points" so to speak still has me around where I am now in the rankings currently. even if i were to win power up this year, i still wont get as many points due to a lot of the high ranked players going to FV instead so i would STILL drop even if I won which still puts me higher then but closer to where I am ranked in the current system which is a spot most agree with.

take chris G. many believe he is "over rated" even though i feel that is some what of over stating things. either way, if he doesnt win CEO, get top 2 at ECT, and/or place at EVO then he will be at the very bottom of this list making the top 3 still REO, CDjr, and Detroit as it is on the list using the current system. even if he places at CEO and ECT he would still lose points and drop. If he places top 8 at EVO then good luck arguing that he doesnt belong at the top of this list LOL.

this is how it would be for every event.. it still forces one to maintain a high level in order to stay top, but at the same time doesnt reward a "one hit wonder".

anyway, discuss.

maybe there should be a 30 min/45 min KTP with me, pig, and the nfg guy.

this was post 2 of 2 guys, peace..


Gaming4Satan Founder
I don't see any big issues with NFG rankings other than you shouldn't lose points as long as you're still competing.

Although, bonus for top 16 at 500+ point events or something would be nice.


hum funny gift how does sub make that ice thing that puts the opponent in the air or is it just an animation
hum funny gift how does sub make that ice thing that puts the opponent in the air or is it just an animation
that was sub's old x-ray

KT Smith said:
I don't see any big issues with NFG rankings other than you shouldn't lose points as long as you're still competing.
same. i don't think active players should be penalized for not placing or etc. at least not more than the people "defending" their spot.
I don't see how people can discredit ChrisG for his achievement at tourney's. he still went to more tourneys and won and placed high a lot more times than a lot of people on the ''real'' list. The only way I think people should place higher on the rankings than chrisg would be actually to place high more often at tourneys than chrisg himself did. yes his results was months ago but do you really want to discredit those achievements even if the game isnt even one year old?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator

i have questions three....

what are the benifits of being number one on the list?
what tournies use this list for seeding?
and the real question does anyone even care whos were?
the kommunity knows who the best players are.


Dojo Trainee
2 things about this: Tom supporting a list that has him hire brings up the question of bias however, this newer list did penalize Chris g and curbolicious both of whom need to show up to more tourneys. I don't like playing in 1 tourney and being moved up to the top 10. And Chris g, I don't even think ive seen play but I haven't been in the community that long.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I still find it strange I am either at the bottom or JUST outside the top 20.


I really dont care about the rankings or where I stand but the 1 year ranking is dumb. Its more of a hall of fame rather than an accurate ranking list. The every 6 month ranking list keep it current. Why would players who used to place well but dont anymore still ranked high? If they want to be ranked high, prove it and place rather than holding on old points that dont matter anymore. Top 16 should get points though.

Tournaments like Powerup 2011-Devestation shouldnt matter anymore. Those results mean nothing to what the rankings of today means. Which is why every 6 monthes is accurate. Those tournaments at the time mattered but they dont know. If you want points or be ranked high then prove it and place in the tournaments that are happening now. That top 25 list looks more like a hall of fame list rather than accurate list. Why the hell are people like JOP, Michaelangelo and Chris G 10-15 spots ahead of me -__-. Same goes for Curbolicious too. Theres maybe only 3-4 ppl that are better than him and hes like 23rd..

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
One last thing

EVERY tournament should use the rankings as seedings to properly seed tourneys

FR is the only one to do this


The real ranking system once the points at Dev gets dropped.

2) REO
3) Detroit
4) Maxter
5) CD
6) Pig of the Hut
7) RIU48
8) Curbo
9) Morty
10) 16Bit
11) Chris G
12) KT Smith
13) Death
14) Big D
15) Tom Brady
16) M2Dave

Not too sure about 17-20. People with less than 200 points would fill those spots.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Man I'm gonna fall off completely soon. Well, I had a good run. At least I somehow managed to get 4th at my peak(so fraudulent lol).