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The "Bandwagon" Discussion


Blue Blurs for Life!
I've come to consider the term "bandwagon" as somewhat disrespectful, not to mention pointless. Let me explain.

Some simply define "bandwagon" as joining a growing crowd of players catering to a particular character in the game. This is often due to game-breaking discoveries about a character's mechanics that lead so many to believe he or she is top-tier, has a random gimmick that cannot fail, etc. An example of this is when the Smoke community climbed in numbers when his EX Smoke Bomb resets and EX Shake glitch came to light. They call this the "Smoke bandwagon."

Now, some don't mean this as any offense, just a casual remark. But others take this as players losing faith in their own skill and instead migrating over to a bandwagon just to abuse something that they feel will improve their game to the point they are unstoppable.

This is in particular reference to those who feel it is easy to pick up a character and master the "gimmicks" involved, because they see other players using that character and succeeding so well with him/her. For example, some say Johnny Cage is easy to win with because of his f3 frame traps, which are admittedly powerful...but if that was all he needed to win, we'd be seeing only Cage players win every major and/or local.

Well...I know my voice will likely not be heard, but I think you all need to wake up and throw such misconceptions aside.

Jumping on a "bandwagon" only means you are going along with the crowd and learning a character that has gained the spotlight. This does not guarantee you any success with that character. The reasons I say this?

Some characters have some playstyle mechanics that may or may not work for you. Every player is different in their own way. Some characters you just can't click with. When that happens, you move on and find something that does click with you.

It is very remarkable that vVv CD Jr took his Jax and Smoke up to the top and won MLG just a couple of weeks ago. But does this mean you jumping on the Jax and Smoke bandwagons will make you just as successful as CD Jr was? Uh...not if you aren't willing to put your work into the characters you're using, or if you won't take hours of your time learning the match-ups. CD Jr didn't just scrub his way to victory using only the strong points of a character. He had to study much about his options in the game.

We need to do away with the disrespect some players get just for feeling inspired to learn a character, even if the said character doesn't work out for that player. The game is open to all players. Its roster is free-for-all. So let the players explore their options at their leisure. You walk away with something to learn, regardless of the outcome.

In addition, the players need to stop thinking that a strong tactic makes a character broken and thus easy to win with. It doesn't work that way. The roster is so diverse that the capabilities of each character, even the underrated ones, are plentiful, and every factor is vital for their success. Normals, blockstrings, mix-ups, zoning options, meter-building - the list goes on.

As a Sonya player, if I thought her Military Stance mix-ups were all she needed to win, that would be narrow-minded of me. Her negative edge is a pain to contend with. I can't speak for anybody else, but I would like to see you inputting a Kiss by accident when trying to go for a d1 xx Stance string, or doing an Arc Kick when you instead want to cancel either a d4 or 1 1 4 into Military Stance.

Do you know how long I have played with Sonya? Right when the game came out. Even after months, negative edge is always a concern. With practice, you can make it less of an issue, but take it for granted and you will have no hopes of playing Sonya at a maximum level of skill. You will get sloppy with your timing and it will fuck you up in fights where every correct move counts.

So to anyone who is considering jumping on the "Sonya bandwagon," or any other bandwagon for that matter, don't go into that training room thinking it will be easy to master the character. It took me months to get my main character memorized by heart and muscle memory. Don't think you will be any different.

What are your opinions on this bandwagon topic? Do you agree or disagree with it, or are you neutral? Please feel free to add your input.


24 Low Hat!
How do you distinguish between bandwagon'ing, and and playing to win? What i mean is that some people try their darnedest to be as competitive as possible, and if that means keeping with the times and playing the strongest characters, then i agree with that decision. As much as we all like to believe in character loyalty, winning money and respect is much more important, imo.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Im actually somewhat saddened because Noob never had a bandwagon :/

Jokes aside, impressive post.
I admittedly had messed around with bandwagon characters and i question how people even use them.
The only way i can use a character is by seeking them on my own.

Thus my strongest are Noob Saibot, Ermac, etc for a reason.


I started off as a band wagon player. Brady inspired me to pick up sz. Both Brady and REO inspired me to play JC. Got the game in July and watched vids of power up and ceo. Discovered VSM and shit, finally figured out how to play JC. I always liked JC but I didn't know how he was supposed to be played. I'm still a JC player to this day but dropped SZ a while ago.


Blue Blurs for Life!
How do you distinguish between bandwagon'ing, and and playing to win? What i mean is that some people try their darnedest to be as competitive as possible, and if that means keeping with the times and playing the strongest characters, then i agree with that decision. As much as we all like to believe in character loyalty, winning money and respect is much more important, imo.
I agree, but you seem to have missed the point of my thread.

There are players who get fired on for jumping on a "bandwagon," and I don't approve of it. They should try the characters out at their leisure and find what works for them. Even the top-tier characters may not work completely well with you because their styles feel so foreign. For example, I couldn't get into Kung Lao in spite of how there was so much talk about him being this godlike character. Same with Kenshi.

If you can learn these characters, you are good to go. If you can't, you'll just need to keep exploring your options. Who knows, you may take a character and cause such an impact at a tourney, it will scramble everyone's opinions on that character's tier level.

For things like tournaments and such, you definitely play to win, but you also have to go with what works for you. If you feel inspired by others to try out new things, you should go for it in spite of what others believe about some specific tactics being used.


24 Low Hat!
I agree, but you seem to have missed the point of my thread.

There are players who get fired on for jumping on a "bandwagon," and I don't approve of it. They should try the characters out at their leisure and find what works for them. Even the top-tier characters may not work completely well with you because their styles feel so foreign. For example, I couldn't get into Kung Lao in spite of how there was so much talk about him being this godlike character. Same with Kenshi.

If you can learn these characters, you are good to go. If you can't, you'll just need to keep exploring your options. Who knows, you may take a character and cause such an impact at a tourney, it will scramble everyone's opinions on that character's tier level.

For things like tournaments and such, you definitely play to win, but you also have to go with what works for you. If you feel inspired by others to try out new things, you should go for it in spite of what others believe about some specific tactics being used.
Oh ok. It seems i did miss you point as i thought you were arguing against bandwagon'ers, rather than explaining that sometimes these things are necessary, especially in tournament environments. In that case, i agree with you.

Tickle Brisket

XBL: Tickle Brisket
There are two different kinds of players,Ones that with only the desire to win and the ones who play with a character they really love and enjoy.Is wanting to win above all really a bad thing? personally i prefer to play a character i love it makes winning that much sweeter.Bandwagoneers( not a real term) will learn eventually its more about exploring your characters flaws and practicing what works and what doesn't.There is no "pick this character and auto win."


who cares? let people do what they want. they can find out the hard way whether they like the character or not. they dont need a WARNING: YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE THIS CHARACTER - GO AHEAD AND TRY BUT JUST KEEP IN MIND IT MIGHT NOT BE FOR YOU! disclaimer. and people who jump on wagons for gimmick abuse and arent really learning the character in full will be exposed.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
I see where you're coming from and I agree but you cant control people who talk smack. Just let them be. We as serious players should continue using our characters regardless of what these people say.


I could never do the bandwagon thing. I just usually hate mirror matches waaay too much. I actually dropped Sonya completely when she became flavor of the week.


Online Punching Bag
My one annoyance of bandwagoning ect is not the fact that people start playing a character I use or like. It's the fact that they take whatever tactic becomes popular carbon copies it and don't have any unique playstyle at all with them. They are just cookie cutter matches. That's the problem with BnB's help videos and streamed tournaments. Someone does something cool with a character and then almost everyone does the exact same thing. Really makes matches stale and redundant.


I don't care what people do, I've never been about playing a character because they do well at tournaments and it kind of drove me away from some characters honestly.

Bandwagons exist, but people can choose to take it in a negative or positive context, I'm not mad in the least at people running to Kenshi or other top tier characters, this means I get more experience against the character quicker and level up and learn the match up. I'm serious about getting all matches down with my characters, so by all means the more people play a character the more experience for us all. They're doing the community a favor to be honest.

I've played so many Raidens with Jade, that I literally don't even care about fighting him.

When I've seen someone like Vulcan Hades or Easy Fresh do something cool with Stryker or Jade, I try it out and if I like it, I might incorporate it into my game, but I was already playing said character, I'm just exploring them more. I like looking for things by myself, but it's nice that if I hit a wall or want something new in my aresenal I can look to other players because sometimes we don't see everything a character has to offer, regardless of how much we play them. I've always played the characters though.


Bone and Metal
"Man, you only play Cyrax for the resets."

"I don't even use them dude."

"Yeah well....you're still gay."
